Sperm facial could be the key to fighting wrinkles and getting a youthful glow


Celebrity facialist Chelsee Lewis has been in the business for 22 years and has revealed some of her secrets

10:00, 6 MAY 2019Updated14:22, 6 MAY 2019

Celebrity facialist Chelsee Lewis has been in the business for 22 years and has revealed some of her secrets

The quest for eternal youth often throws up some weird so-called hacks, rituals and products.

Hemorrhoid cream is thought to combat wrinkles (as well as hemorrhoids), nightingale poo is a highly-prized facial ingredient and now, so is sperm.

Yes, if you're forever chasing a healthy glow, celebrity facialist Chelsee Lewis has revealed some closely-guarded secrets on how to achieve this.

Spilling the beans to Femail , Chelsee revealed the benefits of splashing your face 15 to 20 times with ice cold water before applying make-up.

According to Chelsee, this makes your skin tighter and brighter and will also help your make-up to sit better.

Sperm is full of an antioxidant compound called spermine, which can help in the fight against wrinkles.

How far would you go for a healthy glow? (Image: Getty Images)
By using your partner's sperm as a face mask, you'd also help prevent acne or break-outs , you'd smooth your skin and improve its overall condition.

Whether you'd want to go down this route is a completely different matter.

If you're after a less "icky" skincare step, you could also try swishing coconut oil around your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes each morning before you brush your teeth and on an empty stomach.

By doing this regularly, over time you'll feel your face starting to tighten.

In addition to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, it can boost your energy, give you whiter, stronger teeth and helps clear the skin of impurities, acne and rashes.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Yeah, good luck selling that to anyone not in the San Fernando Valley or Miami.
Mr. Silk's Avatar
I guess using topical Retin-A (tretinoin) cream was just too ordinary.

And using sunscreen and/or wearing a broad-brimmed hat.

And not frying your ass in the sun or tanning bed.
berkleigh's Avatar

Gosh, I'd save so much money on Botox if I let you guys SPOOGE on my face!!!
About 4 years ago there was video diary/blog or what ever the hell of this. A guy and women both did it for a week. It started out great then they had all sorts of break outs and stuff. Tried to convince my gf at the time to try it. Got hard no on that one.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Maybe that's how Jennifer aniston and Sandra Bullock do it!!!
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
OP, go ahead and take one for the team and let us all know how it works.
One look at my face is proof that pussy juice doesn’t help at all.

But I’ll stick with it.