
mckee4u's Avatar
hummmm what to do when you have insulted someone by being honest?
has honesty got anyone else on here in trouble?
Slow&Easy's Avatar
I know it is cliche, but most people truly cannot handle the truth, especially when it hurts. It seems discretion is always the better part of valor.

But if you refer to hurting a client's feelings, perhaps it is best to apologize if you want to see them again. Men in particular have fragile egos... best of luck to you!
Whenever I hear someone say, "I tell it like it is" or "I am just being honest" it usually means they are just being an ass.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I know someone who got in all sorts of trouble for being blatantly honest about things in the past....
Guest100610-3's Avatar
Is it an insult if she asks you "Do these pants make ass look fat" and you tell her the truth.
geezerdude2's Avatar
Is it an insult if she asks you "Do these pants make ass look fat" and you tell her the truth. Originally Posted by imcbci
You say, "No, honey. But that IS one fat pair of pants!"
It only took me 40 years but I have figured out when to just shut my mouth and smile. The truth is not always so important it needs to be shared.
mckee4u's Avatar
thanks for all your response. you would think at my age I would have got it by now. and really I wasn't trying to be an ass. I was trying to open myself up for a new experience but wanted to be truthful about that up front. next time I think I will follow my gut and not respond to those kinds of emails.
Bob Soldios's Avatar
Is it an insult if she asks you "Do these pants make ass look fat" and you tell her the truth. Originally Posted by imcbci
You say, "No, honey. But that IS one fat pair of pants!" Originally Posted by geezerdude2
"No honey, your thighs take care of making you look fat LONG before the pants get a shot at the job..."

I usually just try to see if the person is soliciting my actual opinion, or if they're fishing for a compliment or validation of their own opinion. Once you know what they're looking for you can play things a lot safer.
Bestman200600's Avatar

Negative comments usually work against you. Its best to follow what Monk said, if they are a friend, smile and keep your mouth shut.
aRandyOne's Avatar
Since we are all among friends here and since I have the hide of a rhino, please consider this post as blanket permission to be brutally honest with me. Remember, you read it here first. Tell me I'm an ass (I already know), tell me my ass looks fat (take a number - you're not the first one to tell me), etc.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 11-08-2009, 02:09 PM
As a provider, you are ostensibly selling physical intimacy, but in reality what you are really selling to most customers is a fantasy; that elusive illusion of passion. Sure, from time to time a provider and a customer will engage in a session where there is genuine chemistry and the lines between illusion and reality can get slightly blurred—but generally the passion is manufactured by the provider.

So in the escort business scenario, where does honesty really fit in?
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 11-08-2009, 04:15 PM
So Fox.....are you telling me that all of the ladies that have told me how great I was were lying to me??? Man.......there goes my day!!!
As a provider, you are ostensibly selling physical intimacy, but in reality what you are really selling to most customers is a fantasy; that elusive illusion of passion. Sure, from time to time a provider and a customer will engage in a session where there is genuine chemistry and the lines between illusion and reality can get slightly blurred—but generally the passion is manufactured by the provider.

So in the escort business scenario, where does honesty really fit in? Originally Posted by foX

Well said. Dare I say too well say said?
LovingKayla's Avatar
HOLY COW someone's been doing some serious reading! 2009?! Sometimes It's best to copy and paste to a new thread. Welcome to the board volatility