GSO3 Clinical Trial

dearhunter's Avatar
GSO3 Clinical Trial:
To determine the healing rejuvenative properties of GSO3 .
One rodent
Subject Description:
Rodent found wandering through the halls of the Houston Co-Ed Forum.
I will keep a daily journal in the GSO3 Clinical Trial thread. I will monitor the effects of the GSO3 on the rodent.
If you have any questions concerning my data or methods, please keep your questions within the parameters of the clinical trial.
I am accepting applications for mirror blind studies if anyone would like to find your own rodent and participate in the trial.
No rodents will be intentionally harmed in this experiment.
dearhunter's Avatar
Day 1:

I have placed the rodent in the cage.
I am observing his demeanor as he adjusts and acclimates himself to his new surroundings.
He is investigating all of the nooks and crannies of his new environment.

I will now place the bottle of GSO3 on the counter next to his cage to see if there is any response.

I am so excited with this experiment...........I am hoping to publish it nationally at a later date.
dearhunter's Avatar
I have been observing the rodent for some time as he becomes familiar with the bottle of GSO3.

While he showed an initial interest in the bottle, he has now become acclimated to the bottle and has gone about his routine of meandering to every nook and cranny of the test cage.

I will now place a small amount of GSO3 on a quetip and rub it on a bar of the cage.
boardman's Avatar
Interesting experiment.

However, I am more interested in the psychological changes that come from the confinement and meandering.

Are there any particular nooks or crannies that have caused the test subject's personality to change?
simpleton's Avatar
does the rodent get put in any nook or richard gere? Because that could cause harm to the rodent?
dearhunter's Avatar
Boardman, I will take your observation under consideration while evaluating the rodents responses to the test material..........note to self: check for psychological this portion of the evauation "The Boardman Effect".........excellent imput, boardman.

simpleton, for the purposes of this experiment, the rodent will be confined to the test area. Not having raised this rodent from infancy, I cannot vouch for where he has and has not been in the past.

Your question will be noted for analytical purposes. It may be necesary to evaluate the rodents responses at a later time when confronted with an anal orifice.

Thank you to both of you for the inciteful questions.
dearhunter's Avatar
I just came back and checked the rodent-cam that I set after I wiped the bar with the GSO3 (unlike the rodent, I have a life). The rodent acted very strangely. He sniffed the bar in question and started doing a little dance in the middle of the cage..........the tune that came to mind as I watched him dance was "shimmy shimmy cocoa pop, shimmy shimmy pop"..........very interesting.

After a few minutes of euphoria, he went back to meandering around the cage.

I will now take a quetip swab saturated with the GSO3 and rub his feet with the elixir.
TX Bulldog's Avatar
Interesting study dh. Is the rodent male or female? and do you plan to introduce another rodent (of the opposite sex) into the control cage? It might be interesting to see how the rodent interacts with New Rodent(NR) after exposure to will he share? or hoard? or even try to entice the female new rodent (FNR) with the GSO3. Sorry for the many questions.
pyramider's Avatar

Did you put RatboyJam is Way's cage? If you did that's just not . . . oh hell that would be good.
Htowner's Avatar
How is the rodent's grammar and spelling? Can you communicate with IT?
notanewbie's Avatar
what is the nationality of the rodent? Does the rodent even thinck it knows it's own origin?
dearhunter's Avatar
All interesting questions and observations, gentlemen.

Let me assure 3sides that ratman and Wayward are in no way associated with this clinical study............I hope to get published. So, I must have some minimum standards.

Ratman would skew the results with his postal attitude, and Wayward is too connected to a higher authority and can manipulate the desired results to suit his, this study must be on the up and up.

TXB asks a valuable question. I am fairly certain my rodent is a he........although, I could be mistaken. You know how rodents lie. I will verify this assumption as part of the clinical trial.

Ht, you ask a very thought provoking question. It is one of the hazards I face in this clinical trial. I must find a way to communicate with the rodent without subjecting it to undue outside influences...........I must make sure he is not channeling some other rodents view of life in the cage.

But, I am willing to take on the task.

nan, I had not considered the rodents nationality and origin. I can see how that could color his view of the experimental process. We will see if the clinical trial can answer your question.

These are all valuable questions and observations. I can assure you that I will mention each of you as helping me reach the clinical results.

Now, back to the experiment............

I have reviewed the rodent cam and assessed the rodent's response to the GSO3 on its feet.

Quite interesting........he immediately started rubbing the elixir all over his face and around his ears..........I am going to reach a preliminary conclussion and state that he likes this stuff.

After rubbing the elixir to accessable areas of his body, the rodent retreated to the corner of the cage with his back to the is almost as if he knows the camera is there.

I am unable to determine his action in this hunched position.......but, he seems quite aggitated.

I will now add extra cameras to make sure the rodent is unable to hide his activities in the future.

I fear I must perform the previous test again to gain the data required to move forward.

So, I will now take a quetip and apply GSO3 to the rodents feet once again.
dearhunter's Avatar
An immediate observation..........

As was I was applying the GSO3, the rodent proved he was a "he". On the up side, that question is answered. On the down side, the rodent tried to hump the quetip.
TX Bulldog's Avatar
Thancks for prompt update, dh!! I kind of figured he was a male rodent, humping the q-tip is all the verification you really need. Thancks again. Be sure and lock his cage tonight, he might go wander over to the other cages and annoy the occupants...of course that may be an interesting observation,.... seeing how long it takes the other subjects to shun and perhaps ridicule him. Probably better suited for phase II of your clinical trials though.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Will there be "control" rodents added to this experiment, DH? If would seem to me that, at a minimum one would need:

- a male rodent sans exposure to GSO3
- a female rodent exposed to GSO3
- a female rodent sans exposure to GSO3

The latter two would seem to be most important as the effects of GSO3 may vary rather significantly between the sexes, no???