Ladies what birth control do you use and why do you prefer it

tinypenis's Avatar
Let's hear it
SweetDulce's Avatar
Tubes tied and burned.

Easy, convenient, worry free,
Smpslt7's Avatar
No need to worry about birth control if the ladies see me. I've been a gelding shooting only blanks for more than thirty years. ��
  • anita
  • 09-27-2017, 05:55 PM
Depo shot, because no period all year if I take it every three months.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
Implanon bc its convenient and worry free
Amber Does's Avatar
Non hormone IUD, it's like a 6 or 12 year plan
Just be prepared to bleed for the first few months lol
Take a vacay lol
Amber Does's Avatar
Depo shot, because no period all year if I take it every three months. Originally Posted by anita
I gained so much weight on that when I tried it years ago and moody too.
But glad it works for you.

You just never know with all these choices
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I guess i'm rare to be someone that never had any side effects to the birth control I used.
I've gone from progestin only pills to Depo and now Mirena IUD.
Loved them all and and currently enjoying my Mirena and that I don't need to get it replaced for about 4.5 more years (got it around late Feb. 2017).
How things are going now I do plan to get another in a few years or the Liletta (another IUD).
KueenKat4's Avatar
I can’t do any forms of bc without going through the wire.
I’m just too small.