Perception of Beauty

Is it just me, or have we become a bit skewed in what is perceived to be female beauty? An earlier thread here discussed shaved or bare "down there."
I'm on record as liking a small, well groomed patch, because it denotes womanhood to me. But it seems many are conditioned by what's viewed in the media as beautiful, in this case the bare look.

A recent insert into my Playboy subscription entitled Nude Housewives Uncensored (that sure is original...) really drove home how breast implants seem to be the norm when considering the beauty of the female form these days. The sad part, is most of the implants are so grossly "fake" looking, they're simply a turn off for me. (Take a look at the attached shot's of Demi Moore's (purported) sister and tell me she looks natural? A beautiful girl who obviously works hard to take care of her body, ruined by poorly selected implant size.) Now, don't misunderstand. I've seen enhancements done so well, and in the proper proportion that they truly are just that...enhancements. But what criteria are people judging beauty by these days? It simply escapes me...

I'm not promoting natural versus enhanced, shave versus grown out or anything along those lines. I'm just curious. Am I wacky in how I perceive external beauty? Just some fodder for conversation on a lazy Sunday AM.
hardracer's Avatar
I agree with you Tony. I have seen many beautiful girls ruined by unrealistic implants. Like you said, I am not against implants as long as they are "nicely done".

I hope girls realized that we are attracted to huge implants more as a curiosity than anything else -at least I am-. I love breast, but I thing they should match the rest of the body.
In college I wrote a 20 page paper on how Beauty is determined by media. It was unbelievable the statistics of eating disorders, plastic surgeries, and diets that I found while researching.
It's very sad.

Good Post Tony
gregory_m2003's Avatar
MMs are a big turn-off for me. I would prefer a natural 32B any day over a fake 36D.
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
I have never understood the desire for implants (unless something like reconstructive surgery is involved, of course -- but not for purely cosmetic reasons). Too phony-looking (sometimes down-right ugly), too hard, too unresponsive . . . and almost always unnecessary because the woman is sexy to begin with. Small titties can be very sensitive and very sexy.
PODarkness's Avatar
To me, a bare snatch isn't about beauty. It's about not liking hair in my mouth.
pyramider's Avatar
MMs are a big turn-off for me. I would prefer a natural 32B any day over a fake 36D. Originally Posted by gregory_m2003

That's why I allowed my Playboy subscription of over 20 years to lapse eight years ago.
Finally men who appreciates natural beauty!

although slight enhancements of some sort i feel is OK... a little shave there, pluck this, slight natural looking make-up , black to brown hair color... and not black to blonde... lol

why is blonde hair so appealing to AA woman? or even beautiful brunettes?

I say appreciate the naturalness with a little enhancement!
berkleigh's Avatar
Barf! hair here!
Well, this thread wasn't supposed to be a debate about shaved versus natural, implants versus natural or right and wrong.

Rather, it was intended to prompt an exchange of thoughts about how society and the media condition us to change our perceptions (in this case, our "definition" of beauty..) and how we then strive to achieve the perceived end result.

Some good comments here...thanks.

Bigger tits mean bigger money.
I love almost all natural breasts. I have, however, seen some nasty naturals. And I sued to prefer bigguns ( natural ) but that has tempered with time. I just love women. And I like to objectify them sexually. Done.
When it comes to beauty, the media has conditioned us to prefer a 20 something, long legged, slim woman with big eyes and long hair. They tell men that's what they want and tell women that's what we should look like. There is no aging gracefully, no open appreciation for women with curves and no emphasis on intelligence. We just won't see a car commercial with smart women in it.

The truth is, for every type of woman, there are men who think she's a goddess. Short, tall, young, old, fat, thin, Eskimo to Ebony. I think any woman can be beautiful and doesn't need to find her self esteem in a makeup bottle. I believe that character counts for something. I hope I haven't taken this discussion off topic.
Well said Dharma!