Global Warming - It's Complicated

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I know I'm supposed to believe in global warming. I know failure to believe is the sign of a closed minded, bigoted, Fox news watching ignoramus, a person so devoid of intelligence that even WTF laughs at his stupidity and makes jokes about his lack of intelligence. I know that if you don't believe in global warming you are a shithead who is not welcome in sophisticated society, an embarrassment to mankind.
So, I want to believe. I hate the social ostracism and approbation. So I have watched news report for years about the melting artic ice and thought to myself that if the arctic ice is melting, it must mean heat is accumulating where the computer models said it would be, heating up the poles, and melting the ice. They show the sad details every year, along with adding that the only people who don't believe it are assholes with emotional problems to go along with their abject stupidity. So I believe.

Here is the clencher. A new study shows that Antarctic ice expanding is also proof of global warming! How much fucking clearer can it be? The ice cap declining in the North Pole, and expanding in the South Pole proves global warming once and for all!!! It is so logical I'm going to quit my job and start trading carbon credits!!!
bojulay's Avatar
I heard one scientist that claimed the ocean was heating from
the bottom up due to a vast amount of volcanic activity occurring
on the ocean floor. He said it would be impossible to heat up the
ocean from the top down through the atmosphere above, his claim
was that the amount of heat needed to do that would kill all life
on the planet.

The simple example he used was trying to heat a pan of water on
a stove by applying the heat from above or from the burner underneath.

Sounds like about as good an explanation as anything else I've heard.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Even if you do mistakenly believe in global warming or climate change, if that is what trips your trigger, then I suggest you do some reading on Bjorn Lomborg. He is a world class economist that says it is less expensive (he is a believer) to prepare to survive MMGW than it is to try to stop MMGW. In fact he says it is impossible to stop it. The amount of wealth needed to make a difference doesn't exist if you can get compliance from every man, woman, and child in the world.
Global warming is not complicated, it is a hoax.
Is it really Global Warming or a new Ice Age
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Global warming is not complicated, it is a hoax. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN

It's not a's a scam.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think we should confiscate Al Gore's money and use it to build a dike (not that kind of dyke Whatzup) around the Gulf coast states to protect from the rising ocean that Gore predicted.
BigLouie's Avatar
It's not a's a scam. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Try telling that to the polar bears. The climate is changing and almost all scientist in the world agree to that.
BigLouie's Avatar
Even if you do mistakenly believe in global warming or climate change Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The climate is changing, almost all scientist in the world agree to that fact. The oceans are also changing which is linked to the change. This scientist agree to also. Find me one person who says the oceans and the climate are the same as it was 50-60 years ago.
bojulay's Avatar
Robert W Felix author of Not By Fire But By Ice.

Interesting stuff.
Try telling that to the polar bears. The climate is changing and almost all scientist in the world agree to that. Originally Posted by BigLouie
No they don't.
BigLouie's Avatar
No they don't. Originally Posted by acp5762
Ok let me ask you one question. Do you think the climate and status of the oceans is the same as it was 60 years ago. Yes or No.
Ok let me ask you one question. Do you think the climate and status of the oceans is the same as it was 60 years ago. Yes or No. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Thats a ridiculous question. I haven't done any tests on the ocean to make any comparisons over a six decade period. Secondly all of the earths ocean environments posses different characteristics in terms of their geographic locations. Climate Change is a natural global event that occurs about every hundred years or so it's not a catastrophic event. The only catastrophic consequences to the environment is man's intervention.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now the sky ISN'T falling?

You jerkoffs make up your confused little minds.
JCM800's Avatar