Candie Cotton

  • zebra
  • 12-25-2012, 04:03 PM
aka Sexy Tara

I didnt want to post this thread, I have never posted an alert about a Provider since I joined ASPD in 2000' but I don't want to see other Providers or Hobbyist get entangled with this lady and or possiably put into a situation that could jepordise their freedom, if you know what I mean, read between the lines......

I need to Apologise to all who put up alerts or made comments on various threads about Sexy Tara in the past 12 months. I was a veteran member on ASPD since 2000' and quit the hobby before the collaspe and came back and found ECCIE in 2010. In all my years I've seen some good thieves but not one like this or one that stayed around as long as she has without getting caught....

My recommendation to all is STAY THE HELL AWAY from her, and if you visit her and value anything, and I mean anything, from a gift card laying on your counter top in the kitchen or anywhere else in the house, to your expensive electronic gadgets that you like to take with you when you when your running the town, to clothes and other miscellanious items, to keep them in a locked secure place. The moment you turn your back they wont be there when you return. If you read the various alerts written here and abroad you'll know what I mean.

I've known Sexy Tara, aka Candie Cotton, aka Crystal, for almost a year. She was advertising her services in Tyler and in January of this year and I e-mailed her and asked her if she ever visited Dallas I would like to see her. While in Dallas I introduced her to 3 friends. Over the course of about the next 10 - 11 months I read various alerts & threads from Hobbyist saying how she ripped off this and that, this came up missing after I had session with her, and I dont know if I misplaced it or she took it threads.

Every one of those threads must be true because with me, she was always dead up straight honest and truthful with me until last month. I loaned her a Gateway laptop, it was my spare backup laptop and when I go mobile. She was in a jam and had pawned every device she owned and needed a way to answer her e-mail and post a ad to generate business. She could have done it from her phone but it would be much eaiser if she had a laptop and she knew I had a spare. I agreed to let her use it for one month and or, we would trade it for services at a later date. Well it is way beyond one month now and I have e-mailed her, text messaged her, and tried to contact her by phone on several occassions with out any luck meaning she has not responded to my attempts to contact her. She even changed phone numbers in a attempt to throw me off track.

One of my close female friends Monica told me Sexy Tara went thru her suitcase and took/stole dresses and other clothes from her when Tara, Monica, and Brian went to Windstar for the weekend to gamble.... Needless to say Brian has loaned her several hundred dollars since that weekend and she never paid him back or contacted him. Like myself, he has written it off as a loss and does not want anything to do with Sexy Tara, Candie Cotton, Crystal ever again.

This ECCIE thread is the one that got me thinking ? It is a thread about a gentleman who had a session with Sexy Tara and when she left the outcall she stole a IPad from him. He called police and made a report about the alleged theft. There were pictures and a description written about it in the thread. (I'm sorry I cant find it or I would post the link)Monica told me straight up Sexy Tara stole the IPad, Monica she saw it in her possession afterwards later in the week. I was at Sexy Tara's incall one evening a few months back and I saw a IPad with my own eyes sitting beside her laptop at a desk and in our conversation I asked her how she liked her IPad and she told me she preferred a laptop compared to the IPad because the touchscreen wasnt like a keyboard and how she preferred a keyboard. I didn’t put 2 & 2 together until after I had already left her in call and headed home.

Yet there is another thread about a gentleman who prepaid for a session with Sexy Tara and went to her room and she didnt answer the door. Well she changed rooms where she was starying and while it's own fault or her's for not communicating prior to their scheduled appointment to my knowledge she hasent returned his donation or made arrangements with the gentleman to make it right and schedule a session with him.

Candie Cotton likes Dr Pepper fountain drinks, at most corner stores you get a choice of the size cup you want, you get the choice of a crushed or cubed ice, and various selection of your favorite beverage. Candie Cotton has a issue with crushed or cubed ice and that reflects her disposition with you during your appointment. My advise is don’t get crushed or cubed ice with your Dr Pepper. Read between the lines or PM me and I'll explain....

Candie Cotton, Sexy Tara, or whatever you call yourself this week, you have crossed the bridge of no return with me, probably the only real friend you ever had in Dallas.

Do me a favor, Dont contact me ever again, you've burned the bridge!

You say your leaving Dallas ?

Go back to Tyler where your loved, Dallas dosen't love you!

In an attempt to help ya'll avoid this Bad Apple here is Candie Cotton's showcase;
just4funindfw's Avatar
Thanks for the heads-up and sorry about your loss.
Thanks for the heads up. But not my cup of tea!
Hate thieves and kleptomaniacs..
Reader's Digest version: chick with a laundry list of prior alerts stole the dude's laptop. He's heartsick about it, 'cause he trusted her. Forbidden topic may have played a role both in this theft and the previously reported episodes.
nookiebandit's Avatar
Since search doesn't work, is the ipad thread where people came to her defense and blamed the poster?

Either way, sorry that happened and thank you for letting us know.
This is prolly what y'all are looking for

Offered without comment.
Thanks for the info
I in no way took his lap top and I am really tired of being accused of such things. I AM NOT A THEIF , the truth of the matter is I am the one that is usually getting things stolen from her.
I will always stand up for what is right. And i did no such thing. I have not spoke with him in a while. But he is always wanting something for nothing. And that is all I will say about that.
He is aboslutely a total liar. He gave me the laptop in the parking lot of the Taco bell and Schlotzkys Near 35 & Empire.
The night I brought the computer home i noticed some weird stuff going on with it, well he had something going on to were his pc was hooked up to it and I freaked out. He has became weird since I first met him. so I took the computer and reset it to Factory Settings, that did not help.
So i let it set for a month or so and I have talked to him cordially since there is evidence in my Pm's of us communicating very positive.
I repeat he is a major drama queen and not a good person himself, he is probably mad because I do not do everything he asks of me , some of it very weird and not at all normal. He is always trying to low ball girls and waste there time. I really did not even know this was up.
This is coming out of no were. Never in a million years did i want to or would i think about stealing from him.
However about 1 month ago I traded it to a pawn shop in dallas for another one because I needed a computer. I did not steal it , It was about 10 years old andnot in very good shape anyway. But reqaurdless I did appreciate it and I thought it was mine he gave it to me and guys , really stop thinking so bad of me! I am actually one of the nicest people on eccie and I am honest, a good person really just trying to make it. I am so not stressing on this matter because obviously he has had something bad occur in which he needed to create a diversion and lay low. For those of you that think you know him. You probably do not know him, and how decieving and kiniving he can be.
I really love the site and love what I am doing even when it is not going well. But please give me a break, I am not a drug addicted childish girl who steals petty objects so this kind of thing can occur.
I am a grown woman who has worries and stress of her own on a level that is far more crucial than his 30 dollar laptop that was so nasty and dirty at the time he gave it to me I was weird about using anyway. I have big girl stuff in my life to fix and stealing a shabby old laptop that really was not working properly at all would not fix anything in my world. and most definately would not make me finacially gain what so ever.
lOOK I really just read again the rest of this ridiculous post.This is absolutely crazy. The people he is reffering to are very bad people , people who i have helped and yet what he is accusing me of is what they actually did to me. I helped these ladies and they took from me , they are drug addicts and drug deallers and lowlifes. Which is why I really stopped taking the calls from Zebra. I really am very taken back by how random and low people will go for a cheap thrill when they are high! Lay off the shit dude you do not at all phase me with this pointless waist of my word and breath and thought i had to put into this. Grow up your what 65, go to sleep everyonce in a while and maybe you will be able to tell the truth, I can look at my self in the mirror and I love the person I am, CAN YOU! Didnt think soo!!
it was not an i pad that he saw it was a galaxy tablet btw, i hate i products and he is really reaching now. I will never look at this man the same nor the company he keeps. I did feel sorry for him , now I really just feel dumb for thinking he was worth my kindness and that he was just a little slow. get a life people, i have real problems !!! and none of them are the ones in the stupid post by a ignorent no life haveing liar poor excuse for a human being like him. I am so angry about defending myself on shit that is false. this is fun and exciting to some.
I am really sad that adults slander and lie on one another for things that really dont really make a bit of difference at the end of the day. Like I said I can look at myself in the mirror ! I LIKE WHO I SEE EVERYDAY!! I forgive you Do not give real world information-Torito. But I will never forget you!

Candie Cotton likes Dr Pepper fountain drinks, at most corner stores you get a choice of the size cup you want, you get the choice of a crushed or cubed ice, and various selection of your favorite beverage. Candie Cotton has a issue with crushed or cubed ice and that reflects her disposition with you during your appointment. My advise is don’t get crushed or cubed ice with your Dr Pepper. Read between the lines or PM me and I'll explain....
Originally Posted by zebra
I can figure this out...
I can figure this out...
I figured it out. I like crushed ice for my Dr. Pepper. this is great! Name dropping forbidden topics drama gotta love this HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
yaddayadda's Avatar
Thanks Zebra, too much drama for me.
YOLO's Avatar
  • YOLO
  • 12-27-2012, 11:10 AM
You deleted his work stuff from his laptop, then pawned it.

Way to go girl, YOLO!