Is this an extortion case ?

bulon69's Avatar
Does anybody have more information about this case ?
If this is a true extortion case then this should be a lesson to the prospective extortionist.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Extortion very dangerous game = crash somebody's life, and they may go postal. My dad used to say play with fire and you will get burned!
bulon69's Avatar
I truly believe in mutual respect, either party should not extort the other in this or similar hobby or services.
Wonder how many psycho guys here are capable of this.

I had someone tell me the other day they would go on a killing spree if someone outted them or started threats like that. Kinda scary on both sides.
Wonder how many psycho guys here are capable of this.

I had someone tell me the other day they would go on a killing spree if someone outted them or started threats like that. Kinda scary on both sides. Originally Posted by Analeese
I wonder how many psycho girls on here are capable of this.

Guido the Killer Pimp once told a young Tom Cruise (ironically in a film about a client and a call girl), "In a sluggish economy, never, ever fuck with another man's livelihood".

Lots of irony in the movie now that I think about it. Involved outing the client to his family. The death penalty for extortion isn't proper. I would never advocate violence, but one can't be surprised if that's the choice someone makes when faced with threatened complete destruction of everything they know.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Simple hobby pay & play end next
Brandofan's Avatar
That's an old article. Newer stories reveal that he found these ladies on BP offering massage services. Claiming they had recorded him soliciting them for sex they were not satisfied with the $8,000 he had already paid them and were trying to get more.
Brandofan's Avatar
Wonder how many psycho ladies here are capable of this. Originally Posted by Analeese

I'm definitely not saying what this guy did was right but these ladies were hardly innocent victims and were flirting with disaster from the beginning.
rexdutchman's Avatar
These Ladies (?) lowlife took advantage of a situation pushed it way to far and well news at 5
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Not the best way to deal with extortion.

Consider how David Letterman handled a similar problem.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ that's true however we don't know his or there situation , anyone pushed hard enough can go postal , My da always said "all dogs can bite."
motrctyman's Avatar
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
txexetoo's Avatar
If i was on his jury I would vote to not convict
Bestman200600's Avatar
Blackmail happens. Threats about outing happen. Some out even after they are paid. Know who you are in bed with. Discretion is very important in the hobby.