Ms sexy hollywood

  • Logic
  • 03-26-2010, 07:58 PM
Does not look the same at all. I wonder if she got on that weight gainer medicine? I thought she was alot hotter before she put on the thickness. I had read a review a while back where some one was sayin she had gotton bigger. I couldnt believe she was the same girl! Not that she isnt still pretty But WOW!!
  • Logic
  • 03-26-2010, 08:09 PM
Ha i didnt see the part in her ad where she says she is 7 months preg...I feel silly..
CharmingChameleon's Avatar
Got to give her points for showing (presumably) accurate photos.
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
This is just a mean thread *shaking head*
Is this the direction this board is headed to?
Miss Sexy Hollywood Keep your head up girl i think you look dam good for being 7 months!!
~Kisses Jen
Dude that was not nice at all. Did the entire community need to know how you thought the girl was bigger in your eyes. (Sigh). Some would say she looks even hotter now that she has gained the weight.
Venom, Might I say that your post lives up to your handle.

Maybe we should start pointing out in posts to the hobbyists when THEY start gaining weight, losing hair, etc.

I'm so disappointed in a good majority of the posts I've seen from hobbyists on this board.
Is the idea around this place to run off ALL the ladies? Put us "whoretarts" in our place? I think a sausage fest is near! Then the few misogynist men who write things like this can just tear each other down! This coed section makes me sick lately. It makes a lot of the men who participate sick too. By all means, no hobbyist should agree with me or he will be called a WK. Whatever happend to mutual respect? Anyone who knows me, knows I am very passive and laidback. Everyone has a boiling point, and I just hit mine. Do you know how many women all this meaness over the last month or so has left depressed? I am sure you don't care. If you did, threads like this wouldn't exist. For a lot of you guys, this is a source of entertainment.You get to come and go in fantasy land. For providers much of this fantasy land is real, and it affects us in ways you could not fathom. A lot of my provider friends have considered retirement, had to take a vacation, and quit participating period. I know I am just wasting my breathe, because people who demean others do not have the emotional intelligence to comprehend what I am trying to convey. I have said my peace and have no desire to feed the negativity any further. This reaction has nothing to do with taking up for the girl, it's out of disgust of the mentality a few men here have.
Guest062010's Avatar
Does not look the same at all. I wonder if she got on that weight gainer medicine? I thought she was alot hotter before she put on the thickness. I had read a review a while back where some one was sayin she had gotton bigger. I couldnt believe she was the same girl! Not that she isnt still pretty But WOW!! Originally Posted by Venom
Aaahh Venom... you almost gave yourself a fresh start with a new handle, but couldn't quite evolve past a knuckle dragging phase I see. BUT!! Wait! I have great news for you! For once, your behaviour gets you a reward! ..

For your latest act .. you're now on my approved list! See, when I told you we weren't a good match, what I really meant is that I'd never catch for ya.. but I'll pitch ya some homeruns!!

*** Was it really coed postworthy?***

And lastly, why are the Mods allowing so much rampant uncalled for posts to stay alive anyway? For that matter, why can't you just let me punish a few them?? Set a REAL example of what happens when you're bad to women.
gfejunkie's Avatar
And lastly, why are the Mods allowing so much rampant uncalled for posts to stay alive anyway? Originally Posted by karmaofaustin
*** Sigh ***.... How many times must I explain self-posted alerts?

I actually think a pregnant woman has a "glow" about her and is sexy as hell........not to mention the sweet milk on tap!!
levibob56's Avatar
I agree with all the lady above me.If you do not like a provider for any reason don't see her but don't degrade her.Vemon you are a &^$*&^% hobbies.
sixxbach's Avatar
I think the complaint for some men is that there is not always truth in advertising. Ms. Hollywood is not hiding anything with her pics. She is too be applauded.

I am no one's WK but I agree with the ladies on this one. The comments made by Venom were out of line. Should be something mentioned in men's lounge if anything.

Congrats Ms. Hollywood. There is no sexier glow on a woman than when she is pregnant. I work with an intern who is too and I think she she is so sexy!
*** Sigh ***.... How many times must I explain self-posted alerts?

gfe Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-28-2010, 07:35 AM
A "self-posted alert" is basically when you give someone enough word-rope and they hang themselves with their own post.

The concept is a complementary companion to the saying that "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
Totally off topic, love you Carl you always come in with the info!

Also, I agree she is not hiding from her weight or condition and if that works for her it should work for all. She has made it clear that someone else is on board and she is HOT!