Israel's Justification for Invading Gaza (Noam Chomsky)

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Please watch and share when you have time:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How rude Deb. Nope, I'm not watching it. Chomsky is an idiot. Rockets raining in from Gaza into populated Israel is why Israel is invading.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How rude Deb. Nope, I'm not watching it. Chomsky is an idiot. Rockets raining in from Gaza into populated Israel is why Israel is invading. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Chomsky is not an idiot, but he is a dangerous liar because he preys on the ignorance of those who erroneously choose to worship him as a fount of knowledge and wisdom. BTW, Kerry would surely be "surprised" to hear that Israel and its ally -- the U.S. -- jointly "invaded" Gaza.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Both sides provoke the other over there. Neither side is innocent or justified. Both sides need to grow up. The Palestinians need to realize that Israel is not going away, and deal with it. Israel needs to realize the Palestinians got royally screwed, and they deserve to be treated as people.

It shouldn't be that way, but it is. Accept it, accept each other, and stop killing, for both God's sake!
cowboy8055's Avatar
Both sides provoke the other over there. Neither side is innocent or justified. Both sides need to grow up. The Palestinians need to realize that Israel is not going away, and deal with it. Israel needs to realize the Palestinians got royally screwed, and they deserve to be treated as people.

It shouldn't be that way, but it is. Accept it, accept each other, and stop killing, for both God's sake! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LexusLover's Avatar
The Palestinians need to realize that Israel is not going away, and deal with it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The Palestinians probably realize it and probably would "deal with it," if left alone to do so. For years Palestinians have been allowed to work in Israel and "enjoy" the benefits of Israel, such as medical care.

Canada and Mexico enjoy "benefits" of the U.S. When elements within either one or through either one wreck havoc on the U.S. and tolerate the presence of those elements then we have to respond in a manner that protects our interests.

Crimea and now Ukraine are going through the same thing.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
LL, do you mean like the invasion of the Central Americans through the sieve that is our border?
I suppose we must wait till they start attacking and killing our citizens before we act. Oh wai, I believe that is already happening; the attacking and killing part that is.
Chomsky conveniently ignores the fact that in the few years of "peace", Hamas built tunnels, stockpiled weapons, and trained an entire new generation of "martyrs" with one goal, to attack Israel.
I think Israel would be very happy to live in peace and stop the killing; but Hamas has said no to that.

What option does Israel have ?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Both sides provoke the other over there. Neither side is innocent or justified. Both sides need to grow up. The Palestinians need to realize that Israel is not going away, and deal with it. Israel needs to realize the Palestinians got royally screwed, and they deserve to be treated as people.

It shouldn't be that way, but it is. Accept it, accept each other, and stop killing, for both God's sake! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'll admit that both sides do some things to provoke the other side but answer this question. Who has a better chance of survival, a Palestinian "soldier" who is wounded in the hands of Israelis or an Israel soldier who is wounded in the hands of Hamas? One will get first aid, a hospital bed, and chance to return to the fight. The other if not killed immediately, will be imprisoned and ransomed if not killed on camera for the cause. There is a huge difference in the two sides.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, do you mean like the invasion of the Central Americans through the sieve that is our border?
I suppose we must wait till they start attacking and killing our citizens before we act. Oh wai, I believe that is already happening; the attacking and killing part that is. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Why are you ignoring those "closer" to "Home," and the FACT that the 911 assholes, most, if not all, came through Canada .. at least twice before they "attacked" this country and slaughtered 1,000's of people in less than an hour!

Did you see the news cast about the mass grave being excavated in a cemetary outside of McAllen, Texas. Baylor University students digging up the remains to ship them to Baylor for attempted identification. Layers of them buried one on top of the other. Purportedly illegal immigrants, who "didn't make it to the land of plenty."

This memorable exchange has so many useful purposes, and it's relevant:

Larry King Live: 09/11/2001 Interview on CNN:

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

"SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely. But let me join John and I know all my colleagues in just expressing -- I think all of us here in Washington are feeling in very personal ways the loss of what's happened here. I know that I had one friend I know of already on that plane from Boston, and I dread the learning of perhaps others. But for thousands of families tonight, there is just a huge loss, and I think in every American there's a sense -- there's a fury, an intense, burning fury about this and a determination to do what is right about it.

"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

"....we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

But we do make sure we look good!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So here we go again. Just as the 72 cease fire begins Hamas attacks an Israeli position, kills two soldiers, and kidnaps one. The cease fire was supposed to be in effect! So much for Hamas and telling the truth.
LexusLover's Avatar
So much for Hamas and telling the truth. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Israelis are going to have to track them down ...

....... and rid the Palestinians with the contamination and infestation.

Orkin doesn't train roaches.
normhouston's Avatar
The Palestinians deserve statehood and Israel deserves peace on their borders and security.

Can it be achieved? Probably not with the current folks in power.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
LL, I am with you man. Do we have to wait till they cross in uniforms carrying arms before we act? An invasion is an invasion regardless of if they are armed or not. Look at the history of those poor souls that just came here to do the jobs Americans wont do, you will find they are murderers, criminals and worse. Recall the man that found the illegal alien raping his young daughter and the man killed him. Look at the news or check the police reports of how many have been killed by illegals drunk out of their mind leaving the popular with illegals after hours bars.

We have a government that is operating outside of the Constitution and in violation of it and nobody does jack shit. The stupid ass Repukes jack each other off and make moans like they are coming to the rescue and they do not do dick. They are so afraid of losing what little perceived power they have they shit themselves if fear. The Dems are little more than government sanctioned criminals operating with impunity and the DOJ is complicit and a part of it.

We sit here wringing or hands of a bunch of Jews that are handling their situation the way any rational country would, thinking we need to do something to keep them in check like we are some shining example for the rest of the world. Let them kill them all and be done with it and maybe just maybe at least a part of the learned hate will be gone.

Meanwhile we have a President that is working as hard as he can to turn this nation into a shit hole of a country like the ones these people are fleeing. And, he is making it easier and easier for it to happen by passing imperial fiats that are in violation of the Constitution.

So the Rupukes are shitting themselves and wasting our tax dollars filing a lawsuit to get him to stop. Like that will happen. Recall we have a
n AG that is already in contempt of congress and it doesn't mean squat.

The Dems lead the Rupukes around by the nose, fuck them in the ass, and they ask for more.
I think it is called a travesty. What a bunch of dumbasses.