How long will you wait?

Just saw a post about a guy who drove from Tarrant Co. to see a girl in Dallas ( its closed). Said he waited 10 minutes and left. She fell asleep but contacted him while he was heading home. Anger ensued.

Just wondering what the general consensus on the time when guys get to the incall? I've waited half an hour (doesn't mean I will ALWAYS do this, ladies) before she got back to me.

Was thinking the guy was a little quick on the trigger...he came all the way from Tarrant Co...what's another 10 minutes or so?

Anyway, I know stuff happens to girls: dead phone, different room, bathroom break, asleep (lol, not good, but).
What about this, ladies and gents?
I suppose it depends on how horny you are.
Epimetheus's Avatar
I waited a hour before for a lady. My answer would be as long as it takes me to set up my second girl. After about 30 min I'll start looking to see if I can find a suitable replacement. Sometimes I just turn around and go home.
  • hd
  • 05-09-2013, 08:39 AM
Since I am much more experienced now and mature enough to use my brain instead of other body parts to do my reasoning, I would all depends! Mostly on her reputation. Most ladies here are reputable (especially with an eastablished client) and if a problem accurs, I'm sure she will fix it either then or rechedule. As far as length of time, I'd probably wait 15min max if I haven't gotten a reply back, and then do a walk in at the AMP.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
If we've agreed upon a time in advance, I'll wait 10 minutes, or two un-returned calls/texts. Whichever comes first.
daty/o's Avatar
I agree with the op; shit happens, especially with providers. It kinda goes with the territory. I'm good for at least a hhr, longer if I really want to see the girl. That said, if she makes me wait that long, I'm less inclined to watch the clock during our session.
What Roger.Smith said, maybe make that 10 minutes 15, but that's it.

The Tarrant County drive story is why I won't drive too far for fun on the fabulously fucked up Metroplex traffic infrastructure. Shoulda texted around the airport to see if she was still on and awake. Because, as stated, shit does happen. If the communication stops the visit is off as far as I'm concerned.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I don't have a rule. When I get to that point I let LittleLuke make the decisions.
So many factors go into it, but I'd guess 30 minutes or so would be the absolute longest. Although if I had nowhere to be and I was dying to meet someone, I'd probably even stretch that.
hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 05-09-2013, 09:40 AM
10 minutes max.
We all have schedules to meet. Especially during the work day. I think its rude to make people wait. In my business I do not make my clients wait.
If there is a bar or something near by and we have met before, I might hang around in the area for up to 30 minutes. Beyond that Im out!
Bestman200600's Avatar
With the traffic problems today in North Dallas you have to be flexible with everyone and do the best you can.
smokeater's Avatar
I had an appointment with a provider I hadn't seen before that had a high level of anticipation to it. I found her attractive and she had great reviews. I arrived at the location where I was supposed to be about 5 minutes before. I waited to teh agreed upon time and texted with no answer. I gave her 10 minutes and tried again still with no answer. I waited another 5 (15 minutes after agreed upon time) and still no answer. I tried to call and no answer. Waited 5 more minutes and hit the road. Don't you know as I was a few blocks away she called and was appologetic and wanted to know if I was still available. I turned around and I'm glad Idid... we had a great visit.
Ladies, I wanted to put this in Co-Ed so you could see how patient (or impatient) some of us guys are. So everyone knows this not a place of Perfect.
Chung Tran's Avatar
it depends, I far I drove already, who I am seeing....

how many of you have a "backup" in place, just in case priority #1 doesn't go through as planned?