Testifying before Congress, a panel of insurance executives are asked to raise their hands..................

What happened to Obama's promise to lower our premiums ????????????

It was a scam by the liar in chief !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 04:23 PM
why would anyone think a policy that covers more would cost less ?

oh yeah, a subisdy
Obviously, that is the promise (lie) that Obama made.....

"better coverage and lower premiums"

why would anyone think a policy that covers more would cost less ?

oh yeah, a subisdy Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 04:37 PM
Obviously, that is the promise (lie) that Obama made.....

"better coverage and lower premiums" Originally Posted by Whirlaway

obviously you don't know the subsidy lowers the cost of the premium for individuals

next contestant
For some; but that isn't what Obama promised...................... .............
Next question: Is the web site fixed?

When have insurance premiums in Texas ever gone down?

Mandatory seatbelt law was supposed to bring auto insurance down. Nope.
Same with mandatory liability insurance.
cowboy8055's Avatar
obviously you don't know the subsidy lowers the cost of the premium for individuals Originally Posted by CJ7
Ya, for those that qualify for a subsidy.
Not everyone will qualify.
Ya, for those that qualify for a subsidy.
Not everyone will qualify. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

You won't qualify, but you will damned sure be paying for that "subsidy" for those that do.
why would anyone think a policy that covers more would cost less ?

oh yeah, a subisdy Originally Posted by CJ7
Could it be because Obama mentioned it, more than once.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 09:27 PM
$11,490 to $45,960 for individuals
$15,510 to $62,040 for a family of 2
$19,530 to $78,120 for a family of 3
$23,550 to $94,200 for a family of 4
$27,570 to $110,280 for a family of 5
$31,590 to $126,360 for a family of 6
$35,610 to $142,440 for a family of 7
$39,630 to $158,520 for a family of 8

and you qualify for a subsidy
I B Hankering's Avatar
why would anyone think a policy that covers more would cost less ?

oh yeah, a subisdy Originally Posted by CJ7
Why is it that you ignorant lib-retarded morons cannot see that taxes paid for subsidies IS an INCREASE in health insurance costs for every tax paying citizen, CBJ7?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Why is it that you ignorant lib-retarded morons cannot see that taxes paid for subsidies IS an INCREASE in health insurance costs for every tax paying citizen, CBJ7?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Because it isn't necessarily. "What does it matter?" if individual rates rise if we don't address the existential threat of overall healthcare spending to our country? Basically, the theory is that if a whole lot more people are covered and hospitals, doctors, counties and cities don't have to cover nearly as many uninsured, then overall costs will go down (or at least not increase as fast as GDP and inflation) and we will have better health and not spend as much. This is true for almost every other industrialized nation and the ones that pay the most only spend about half what we spend overall for healthcare.

How come you con-tards cannot seem to get that through your thick skulls and into your tiny brains?

Oh, yeah, the main promise was that passing PPACA would lower the increase of healthcare costs overall and it (not it alone, but in conjunction with other factors including simple focus on healthcare costs) seems to have worked since healthcare costs have increased at a far lower rate the last couple of years than they have in 40 years. I've been in the benefits committees of several companies and we routinely saw 10% to 15% increases every year. Overall healthcare costs have increased between 1% and 2% the last couple of years. The most recent news is that mortality is down in Massachusetts which implemented in Romney Care in 2006 and has a coverage rate somewhere in the high 90%. Lower mortality also means savings.

There has been a recent rise again in the last quarter so rather than trying to "fix" the PPACA which is working we need Republican lawmakers to join with others and "improve" our healthcare laws so that we can address the existential threat of out of control healthcare costs overall.


At least Obama tried something. The first President in 100 years to actually get a law through. Now it is time for "continuous improvement' to take over so that we can address the overall problem and threat first.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The promise was that the average family would realize a reduction in premium cost of $2,500 per year. A lie. The plan he was touting in the campaign did not include an individual mandate. A double lie. He did not, at any time in the campaign state that any reduction in costs to a family would be due to a government subsidy. A triple lie.

Why do so many here defend these lies? They are obvious and deliberate. It's astonishing.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 11:32 PM
The promise was that the average family would realize a reduction in premium cost of $2,500 per year. A lie. The plan he was touting in the campaign did not include an individual mandate. A double lie. He did not, at any time in the campaign state that any reduction in costs to a family would be due to a government subsidy. A triple lie.

Why do so many here defend these lies? They are obvious and deliberate. It's astonishing. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

define average