a question for the guys

Hey guys I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and wanted some input...I know men like selection....but if you had the opportunity to an arrangement with one female and only one female would you do or ask her to be exclusive with you and only you in an agreeable preset arrangement?? I am curious. Have a wicked day..i am going to post this is a few different areas to see what the general opinion is....
I think this is what most guys are running from (LOL). On the other hand, there is something to be said for the security and ease of having someone who is your regular, a woman whom you know and trust without some of the drama that is involved with being with a stranger and not knowing if it is safe (in every sense of the word). OTOH, some guys are into the danger...
awl4knot's Avatar
My guess is that exclusive relationships are rare. Most hobbyists crave variety even if they have a fairly steady arrangement with an ATF.

But more importantly, being a sugar daddy can be very expensive. One of my past favorites was kept in high style until his wife caught on and the sh*t hit the fan. He kept giving her money (lots) for several months even though he couldn't see her. She was lonely, miserable and frightened by the prospects of returning to the hobby. She has been in and out of the business over the last year; I don't she is happy.

Others have more uplifting stories. My prederence is to have options.
Still Looking's Avatar
Ah... marriage I remember it well! NO GO!