How about goint to zona

bueller22's Avatar
Hi guys, I thought I'd rise from lurkerdom for while to ask about a trip that ive been thinking about before. The trip is to nuevo laredo "la zona" it's about a 4-5 hour drive... It seems like it would be an adventure and, given the proper planing and precautions, could be a lot of fun for all involved. We would definately stay in nice hotels.

So. If i set it up with mexican drivers, and otherwise take care of the logistics of it and keep everyone safe it could be a great trip.

So, anyone that has an interest in going should send me a pm and, depending on interest, Ill organize and pull things together for a fun, fun, fun. time for all. Let me know All who are interested.
DRorchia's Avatar
Last time I was there was in 1991....An adventure I recall to this day...
Be safe down there!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Sounds like a blast, but I think most people are going to be concerned about safety issues.
Sounds like a lot of fun! Glad you came out of "lurker mode" nice to have you back!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The only place in Mexico that I would really feel safe traveling to right now is the Cancun area. Nuevo Laredo??? No way in hell, even if they were giving it away for free.
Michael_Loomis's Avatar
Americans with money traveling together looking for a nice hotel in Nuevo Laredo and looking for girls to party with? You might as well paint a giant target on your back that says Rip me off, rob me, kidnap and kill me.

in other words..... HELL NAH!
Your out of your mind...

I've got lots of buddies who have hobbied in Mexico etc and NL has been on the no-go list for more then a year now. It's VERY dangerous and whats available is total crap. As a general rule Mexico is not the place to travel.

Lima Peru is probably the best place for a road trip right now with Columbia second. NL is about the worst. If the Mayor and the Chief of Police aren't safe that tells you something...
Ivetalked about it with friends, but from what I've heard there are no girls left in BT. Someone told me Acuna was still operating but at a fraction of it's old days.

Let us know if you go down. That's a true adventure.
I read some reviews about people going down there and the cops will throw you in jail and demand $500 to let you out. I last went to Mexico in 1987 and would not set foot in that country today.
  • Booth
  • 02-08-2011, 10:09 AM
This sounds about as enticing as a good game of Russian Roulette.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 02-08-2011, 11:14 AM
I went back in 2005 and had fun; wouldn't go now.
The Mexican border towns from Matamoros to Juarez are off limits to anyone with a lick of sense right now. You'd be out of your mind. You might as well go chase tail in Iraq.

There's an all out 3 way bloody war going on between the Mexican government and 2 different vying drug cartels - one of which is composed of ex-mexican military special forces that they foolishly laid off (like Spetsnatz after Afghanistan in Russia). Things even spill over into the US from time to time.

What they are vying for is access to US markets, so it is a border specific thing (though not limited to). It is NOT like the 90s. Even the old popular restaurants in NL like the Cadillac are closed and long gone.
Elgato69's Avatar
Two Americans were shot yesterday as innocent bystanders in Nuevo Laredo at a car lot looking to buy a car. Very serious situation in Mexico. I used to frequent La Zona and had lots of fun. Would not go there now. Too much to risk with drug gangs and policia. Of course there are exceptions and know of some guys braver than me that have gone recently with no issues. If you go be very careful and mindful of your surroundings. Let us know how it goes. Be safe.

derek303's Avatar
Ah...what found memories.....they will stay memories. No new ones.
The only boarder town area I would feel remotely safe in at this time is Nuevo Progresso. I BS'd with a client in Mission TX just last week and he indicated that it’s about the only safe boarder town down south. It’s a good 8 hour drive though.
The wife and I drove by the boys town area but couldn’t muster the courage to pull in last time we were there. It’s down a gravel road a couple miles outside of town right next to a security checkpoint.

With all the beautiful Hispanic ladies in Texas though it’s hard for us to justify the risk of going to Mexico.