Is sex better when your drunk?

So the other nite I went out, and maybe had a few more beers than I should have, I know shame, shame. But ended home going home with an ex,an man the sex was so wild and crazy. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. I mean in the shower, sex, on the kitchen counter sex, on the floor, sex. It was crazy. So is everybody a little more wild and kinky and willing to try new sex things when they have had a few drinks in them, or is your sex drive the same way drunk or sober?
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I'm glad it was as good for you as it was for me. Hehe
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Tara, we agreed to keep our fun private. Shame on you.
Anyway, I used to have an ex that we always shared a bottle of wine before playtime. One Valentine's day we shared two, she gladly let me break the backdoor seal and enjoyed it.
Nowdays it's an extreme pleasure of mine to have a couple of shots of Don Julio Anejo when I visit my ATF. It seems to heighten the experience quite a bit.
Drunk sex can be good, only with the right person though....

Sometimes with the wrong person it can be truly disappointing, after one round, they tap out, but with the right person, its the fourth of july, sweating, panting, no tapping out, good ole fashion fun......
Drunk? Not any more...maybe when I was very young.

It's nice to perhaps have A drink to relax though. I'm just not much of a drinker anymore.
  • Rebel
  • 02-07-2010, 06:39 PM
I always enjoy having a bit of a buzz working to take the edge off and get down to some good times. Don't recommend getting to drunk, may end up rolling over to something you wish you hadn't drug home...
now that i am on the downhill side of 40,it is definitely better sober.
i want all my nerve cells firing on all cylinders!!....and ready and able for more than 1 round!!!
drunk sex is better when you are 25 and it doesn't affect your performance or dull the sensations too much!!!!!

god knows i don't need alcohol to lose any inhibitions or get in the mood!!!!
berkleigh's Avatar
Well I'm drinking now and about to have sex so I will let y'all
rakuguy's Avatar
Well I'm drinking now and about to have sex so I will let y'all Originally Posted by berkleigh
i like her
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Maybe not better, but definitely more frequent.
Well, at least in college. Gosh knows I have way, way, WAY more sex now.
I wonder why?

I like a nice relax, and love loosening tongue...with my beloved Jameson Whiskey, and heck, there's not many people more fun than a drunken Irish wench. TOO inebriated, however, is not good and causes amnesia and worship of the porcelain god. I prefer to actually remember my orgasms, silly me, and wake up smelling nice in a bed and not BLEEEEEEEECH on a tile floor.
OldGrump's Avatar
Drinking can reduce some inhibitions or reservations you may have about what you are going to do. If you are sober and enthusiastic about it, you sure don't want to deaden any senses with alcohol.

Of course, there is the element of "Wow, I feel like shit. I sure must have had fun".
texastee's Avatar
a couple of drinks to lighten things up are a great thing
but for one of the partners to get drunk is a turn off
boo-boo bear's Avatar
My preference now is maybe a couple drinks, if that. I am a light social drinker now. It can help to relax and take the edge off of you. Too much and either party may not be able to function! And drinking to excess can lead you down a path you may wish not to travel. From my Navy days, I drank pretty heavy in every port I ever hit, but one. (And that's only because when you swilled the beer bottle there was so much crap in it that it looked like a holiday snow globe!) And I can tell you that those women that looked hot, in that great nightspot, when exposed to the light of a sober visit never matched my memories, nor would I have done many things sober that I did drunk.

TheWanderer's Avatar
There is a very fine line.

I've found that when I am playing golf or playing the drums that 2 beers or 2 drinks tends to relax me and I play better just due to being more fluid. But after 4 beers, I tend to lose my timing a little and it goes downhill from there.

6 beers or more.....a reduction in overall performance.

However, I've been hideously drunk and had some of the wildest and most passionate sex that a human can have, so I can personally vouch for the fact that sometimes drunken and uninhibited sex can be one of the wildest and most inflaming experiences in the realm of the senses.
  • Aflac
  • 02-07-2010, 10:08 PM
I've found that having a drink or two - say a few shots - right at the beginning of an encounter can be very liberating without impacting performance.

For those ladies who are okay with this approach, sharing a few shots or splitting a bottle of wine right up front has led to some very spirited and rewarding encounters.

Too many adult beverages though and someone's bound to peter out too early to suit the others taste. That's just waste of good time for me.

So, buzzed can be great but drunk is a ymmv in my experience.