Racist Republican South Carolina Lawmaker Accused of Beating His Wife Resigns

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
what else is new with these clowns.Welcome to Trump's America

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A South Carolina state lawmaker accused of beating his wife bloody resigned rather than be expelled from the Statehouse.

But Rep. Chris Corley still faces a felony aggravated domestic violence charge that could put him in prison for up to 20 years.

Corley, a Republican best known for his defense of the Confederate flag, was easily re-elected with no opposition to a second term in November. But his troubles at home became public record through a desperate 911 call the day after Christmas.

"Please stop" can be heard repeatedly in the recording released by the Aiken County Sheriff's Office. "Just stop daddy. Just stop. ... Daddy, why are you doing this?" their children say.

He was initially charged with first-degree domestic violence, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, and pointing a firearm. The grand jury returned a more serious charge of "domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature," punishable by up to 20 years. The gun charge is punishable by five years.

Prosecutors said in court that Corley threw his wife on their bed and began hitting her in the head, once even biting her nose. Corley took away his wife's cellphone so she couldn't call for help, but she managed to make the 911 call on her Apple Watch, assistant attorney general Kinli Abee said. The attack ended with Corley pointing a gun at his wife and then going to a bathroom.

In his Christmas card to House Republicans months later, he told his colleagues they lacked morals for voting to take down the flag, and suggested they "ask for forgiveness of all your sins such as betrayal."

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
and to those that don't like this thread...let me say in advance:

I see your logic now, it's all Trumps fault. But if this were a black guy then what?
I see your logic now, it's all Trumps fault. But if this were a black guy then what? Originally Posted by canuckeight
If it were a black guy, then " He DINDU NUFFIN !!! "
and to those that don't like this thread...let me say in advance: Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You are trying to distract us, shitistan mosque... but it's NOT working!


California Officials Instruct State DMV Programmers To Remove Undocumented Alien Flags on Drivers Licenses…

Posted on January 25, 2017 by sundance

A senior level IT source within the California Department of Motor Vehicles has informed CTH within the past 48 hours California officials have instructed DMV data programmers to remove the internal coding flags for the drivers licenses of illegal aliens in California.

As you might be aware, California passed a law known as AB60 authorizing illegal aliens to receive drivers licenses throughout the state. Within the administrative functions of the state DMV database a designation code known as “AB60 code” was created to flag those specific licenses as containing “Federal Limits Apply”.

We have confirmation from a top level IT source state officials have instructed programmers to immediately remove AB60 administrative coding. The removed code in question is an administrative function for identifying the registered DL holder as an “undocumented person” or illegal alien holder within the DMV database.

The established computer flag allows an administrator or DMV or State official to filter the massive database of California Drivers License holders and identify just those who are ‘undocumented’.

The removal of the “flag” via deletion of the program code, means the database cannot be easily filtered to show only illegals who received those Drivers licenses, and/or generate a list of those license recipients.

According to the IT source the motive for the code/flag removal appears to be an effort hide data and curtail any tool useful in any voter fraud investigation. Several additional aspects lead to this conclusion including California hiring former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to lead the fight against the Trump administration.

Additionally, the State Drivers License process via the State DMV has an on-line link to the Secretary of State office in order for California residents to register to vote. As a specific function of the programming code within the SoS system, and as a direct outcome of previous instructions, all voter registrations proceed through the registration process, even if the user “forgets” to check the box that says they are a citizen.

The internal database coding established by the Secretary of State IT department which synergizes with the State Department of Motor Vehicles, allows and approves voter registration when the designation box “U.S. Citizen” is left blank.

It is the combination of this specific programming structure, the events and instructions of the past 48 hours, in combination with the outcome of the U.S. election and new Trump administration saying they will launch a voter fraud investigation, which leads the IT source to the conclusion there is an effort underway within California to hide the evidence of “Illegal Voting” via the use of “State Issued Drivers Licenses” and the willful blindness from the Secretary of State.

No alternate explanation from within the California DMV Headquarters has been offered for why they are instructing IT data programmers to remove the AB60 coding from the Drivers License system.

what else is new with these clowns.Welcome to Trump's America

http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2017...bexchange&_r=0 Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I don't think this means he's racist. I think it means he hates his wife. I don't think this guy should to be in a position of authority, nor does he deserve a wife. He deserves to be doing what you're doing. Work in a Boiler Room fucking people out of their money so he can buy a two bit whore.

Man, ya gotta give the guy some credit though...mixing the defense of the Confederate Flag with a Christmas Card takes some kinda moxie. Way to dig up a really entertaining story, SC.

Can we count on you to step up & post the next story when a coddled / pampered black athlete smacks his girlfriend/wife/mistress around? And still expects the league to draft him / give him another multi-million dollar contract?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Man, ya gotta give the guy some credit though...mixing the defense of the Confederate Flag with a Christmas Card takes some kinda moxie. Way to dig up a really entertaining story, SC.

Can we count on you to step up & post the next story when a coddled / pampered black athlete smacks his girlfriend/wife/mistress around? And still expects the league to draft him / give him another multi-million dollar contract? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
like .. this fine apple of black youth?


Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Man, ya gotta give the guy some credit though...mixing the defense of the Confederate Flag with a Christmas Card takes some kinda moxie. Way to dig up a really entertaining story, SC.

Can we count on you to step up & post the next story when a coddled / pampered black athlete smacks his girlfriend/wife/mistress around? And still expects the league to draft him / give him another multi-million dollar contract? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

3 things.

1.) This is politics its the political forum the Subject is a politician

2.) The subject is a racist politician at that

3.) If the black subject fits the same critieria then we can have that discussion.

Think before you challenge me. OK my friend
This mother fucking SJW BLM Media Matters jammie boy who worships at the shitistan mosque is wasting our time. We are trying to drain the DC Swamp and we are fucking around with this TROLL...


Now this on the other hand...

Charles Ortel-Cascading Mountain of New Evidence Coming for Clinton Charity Fraud

Published on Jan 24, 2017
Why is the Clinton charity shutting down now? Financial analyst Charles Ortel, who has analyzed the Clinton Global Initiative charity for more than two years, says, “I think, in part, because nobody wants to contribute to it. That’s one reason. Unfortunately, they are going to learn the hard way the way charity laws actually work. You can’t simply shut something down and not answer any questions. . . . The laws are such that before you liquidate, and that is what they have to do here, you must make full disclosure, and they have never made proper disclosures here. . . . Going back to the Clinton Global Initiative, narrowly, what the (Clintons) tried to keep from public view are all the crooked side deals. . . . There are multiple private deals concocted out of the CGI, and every single one of them is what’s called ‘illegal private gain.’ . . . What they don’t seem to understand is, with charity fraud, the burden falls on the targeted charity to prove that it was lawful. . . If you destroy these records, which is what I fear they are doing, you are only compounding your problems. . . . Many countries are looking into this, and I think what you are going to find is a cascading mountain of new evidence. . . .This is a text book case of charity run amuck. . . . I think the case is overwhelming.”


Now I'm going to watch 5 more videos of "Where is Eric Braverman" and actually learn something!

You must start at day 53, "you got pay your dues if you want to sing the blues" https://www.youtube.com/user/georgwebb/videos

3 things.

1.) This is politics its the political forum the Subject is a politician

2.) The subject is a racist politician at that

3.) If the black subject fits the same critieria then we can have that discussion.

Think before you challenge me. OK my friend Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Hey Bro, this may help out.

  • DSK
  • 01-25-2017, 06:35 PM
If it were a black guy, then " He DINDU NUFFIN !!! " Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He exploded because of his rage from oppression by white folks.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Man, ya gotta give the guy some credit though...mixing the defense of the Confederate Flag with a Christmas Card takes some kinda moxie. Way to dig up a really entertaining story, SC.

Can we count on you to step up & post the next story when a coddled / pampered black athlete smacks his girlfriend/wife/mistress around? And still expects the league to draft him / give him another multi-million dollar contract?

3 things.

1.) This is politics its the political forum the Subject is a politician

so what? who said it wasn't? you could just as easily posted a video of you pooping on youturd.com .. who cares?

2.) The subject is a racist politician at that

is it?? or do u just wanna think it is ..

3.) If the black subject fits the same critieria then we can have that discussion.

what discussion?? stop murdering your own and being low life thugs .. then we'll talk .. BRO

Think before you challenge me. OK my friend Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
bahaaaa sorry ass tigger

shitistan mosque, the uni-party 0zombie baby killer... I'll show you a REAL Democrat! ain't many around these days...

Ohhh, it's good. Read the whole story. You got to click---> https://theconservativetreehouse.com...rist-enablers/

EPIC: Tulsi Gabbard Calls Adam Kinzinger, John McCain and Evan McMullin Terrorist Enablers…

Posted on January 25, 2017 by sundance

This is beyond epic. Representative Tulsi Gabbard visited Syria and delivers big and bold truth to CNN upon her return interview.

Gabbard deconstructs the false narrative sold by the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama administration, John McCain, Adam Kinzinger and Evan McMullin -all of whom supported the various terrorist factions within Syria- and sets the record straight:

The “Rebels” in Syria are extremist terrorists.

CNN host Jake Tapper just didn’t know what to do with himself as Gabbard deconstructed his ideological, and brutally wrong, talking points. Tapper left staring at the camera with that doofy expression, puzzled and wrinkled brow: “huh”? Watch:

3 things.

1.) This is politics its the political forum the Subject is a politician

2.) The subject is a racist politician at that

3.) If the black subject fits the same critieria then we can have that discussion.

Think before you challenge me. OK my friend Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Awwwww, c'mon, Weezy....surely you can do better. Little girls hit back harder than that...