Same girl???

Theatrical person's Avatar
Hey, there is a new girl posting under the name Bella. I'm curious if any of y'all see her, let us know if it's this girl posting with a fake pic.

This is the current post:


This is who I think she is:
there have been several girls use the name Bella. There was a Bella that was a room mate of a girl name Nicki,that lived in the 1200 block of W. kinda looks like the 38462646 gal...
CatMan4u's Avatar
Yes that is the same girl
Theatrical person's Avatar
My Spidey senses were correct, LOL
Thanks CatMan!
Theatrical person's Avatar
She's a legit provider, and a damn good one at that. I think the fake pic is because she doesn't want to be seen by her baby daddy.
TimToolMan's Avatar
Would lose money for that.
Rooter's Avatar
Would love to sample her milk!