Obama Got the You Did Not Build It Yourself comment from Romney.

BigLouie's Avatar
Ducbutter's Avatar
Cause Mitt didn't say it in order to justify a tax hike on anyone?
It's more likely Obama took his cue from Elizabeth Warren.
Can't defend Obama's record, eh, BigHack? You're the most intellectually disingenuous poster on ECCIE today.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Pretty pathetic.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
So, you TPunk turdburgers are now saying Mitt the Twit didn't say what was quoted?


IGNOR(e)-ance is bliss and you guys are some real happy fellers.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-01-2012, 04:10 AM
Cause Mitt didn't say it in order to justify a tax hike on anyone? Originally Posted by Ducbutter
So? Either it's a valid concept or it's not.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Some people just have to bitch about something when it comes from someone in particular.

. . . However, if the same thing comes from someone else, well, it's alright because you see, it's different!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-01-2012, 06:11 AM
Cause Mitt didn't say it in order to justify a tax hike on anyone?
It's more likely Obama took his cue from Elizabeth Warren. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Are you fucking kidding doc....whose money do you think it was that built all the venues and security for Salt Lake City Winter Games? The Olympic Fairy? If you had any balls, you'd watch this clip and report back wtf you think.


So, you TPunk turdburgers are now saying Mitt the Twit didn't say what was quoted?


IGNOR(e)-ance is bliss and you guys are some real happy fellers. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
So? Either it's a valid concept or it's not. Originally Posted by Doove
Some people just have to bitch about something when it comes from someone in particular.

. . . However, if the same thing comes from someone else, well, it's alright because you see, it's different!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Are you fucking kidding doc....whose money do you think it was that built all the venues and security for Salt Lake City Winter Games? The Olympic Fairy? If you had any balls, you'd watch this clip and report back wtf you think.


Originally Posted by WTF
Couldn't have said these things better myself. I think it is funny how Mitt is pissing everyone off on his little "foreign affairs" trip. First the Brits, then the Palestinians, and on and on..

It's amazing how much the Repubs just keep trying to defend this guy. He lives up to his name "Mitt the Twitt".
Ducbutter's Avatar
Randy- I never said Romney didn't say that.

Doove- Yes it's a valid concept. That doesn't mean it's justification for raising someone's taxes.

WTF- You don't need to worry about my balls. But I watched the video and that's pretty damning stuff. It's a completely different issue than the original post though.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-01-2012, 09:59 AM

WTF- You don't need to worry about my balls. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I'm not worried about something that isn't there!

. But I watched the video and that's pretty damning stuff. It's a completely different issue than the original post though. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
What spending tax dollars is different than actually taxing people to pay for the stuff they wanted?

You might have a point, the GOP seems to have no problem spending our money, it is asking you to pay for it is where they fall short. They like to blame the Dems for asking you to actually pay for what you are buying.

I have never understood the stupidity of people wanting government assistance , yet crying for lower taxes. They always want the government to cut the part of government they get no benifit from. Old people go batshit if you try and bend the curve on their out of control Medicare spending... Those old Tea Bastards crack me the fuc up with that logic!
Ducbutter's Avatar
I'm not worried about something that isn't there!
Kinda walked into that one. Oops!

What spending tax dollars is different than actually taxing people to pay for the stuff they wanted?

Uh, yeah they are different.

You might have a point, the GOP seems to have no problem spending our money, it is asking you to pay for it is where they fall short. They like to blame the Dems for asking you to actually pay for what you are buying.

I have never understood the stupidity of people wanting government assistance , yet crying for lower taxes. They always want the government to cut the part of government they get no benifit from. Old people go batshit if you try and bend the curve on their out of control Medicare spending... Those old Tea Bastards crack me the fuc up with that logic! Originally Posted by WTF
I think we agree mostly. The american electorate for decades has been demanding, or at least accepting, all these increases in gov't services and entitlements that they essentially refuse to pay for. Our elected officials tell us we can have it and we believe them. I'd prefer they be honest about it. I'm in favor of a national health care safety net program that would be available to all who choose to participate for instance. Let's just be clear about the financing. Let's say, add a $.75 tax on fossil fuels and couple that with some efforts to bring down those fuel's pre-tax costs to minimize the pain.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Kinda proves we shouldn't be electing the "electable" candidates. Why is it that the candidates that are "electable" are the ones that continue to screw us so they can line the pockets of their friends and donors?

It's time for a wholesale rejection of Democrat and Republican politicians.
Ducbutter's Avatar
And just to provide a little perspective, the video referenced by WTF said the costs of the Salt Lake games was something on the order of 2.7 billion. The cost of the London games is estimated to be between 17-19 bil.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Olympics should be self-funding.