Advice requested? Provider says I short paid

I had an issue with the donation at one of the agencies today. She claimed I left .2 less than the full amount. Now this has happened once before (at the same agency no less!) about a month and a half ago. Granted that time I did not count the cash after withdrawing from ATM so it is possible I only received $40 and not $60 that time, not very likely but still possible. Also I should have said something then to the owner of the agency. I thought, "Meh, these things happen." I didn't think it would happen so soon or at the same agency.

Regarding today's miscount I gave the provider the benefit of the doubt and paid her what I owed after going to the ATM once again. Upon arriving home I checked my bank account and sure enough there are two separate withdrawals totaling the HH at the agency plus a third withdrawal to pay off the "balance".

How should I handle this with the owner of the agency? I don't want to write a negative review yet because I feel there should be a fair resolution before these things get out of hand. I've seen some situations get really ugly on this site. Sadly this is a he-said/she-said dispute and the only evidence I have is my bank activity. They can claim I spent some cash before getting there, etc. Has this happened to anyone else and how did you resolve it?

Also in the future how should I handle donations? I've always done my best to be discrete about the money and leave it on a table or counter. Sometimes they'll leave an envelope. I can't think of a time that I counted the donation right in front of the provider so there is no confusion or doubt what I've left.

Anyway thanks for reading and I'll post any resolution and review once the matter is settled.
Mojojo's Avatar
Charge it to the game as a loss and move on. In the future count it before you go in.

Also moved it here, you might get a better answer.
It's both of your faults for not counting the money before you walk out of the door. Oh yea, and your bank records don't prove squat buddy.
dearhunter's Avatar
You should name the agency and see if this is a pattern with them.
It's both of your faults for not counting the money before you walk out of the door. Oh yea, and your bank records don't prove squat buddy. Originally Posted by coolaid
^^^^^exactly this.

It's your responsibility to count it. You can request she counts it in your presence AFTER THE SESSION.
loveitdou's Avatar
I agree with dearhunter, you should name the agency with a disclaimer that it could have happened but that it is extremely unlikely.
gearslut's Avatar
It's twenty bucks... If you know they scammed you then don't go see them again. If that's their business model then it will come up again. If you only think you got the amount right and can't be sure then be more careful next time or find another place to go. Otherwise have a sit down with them and make sure everything is cool and go about using them. I double check the amount before I go in. I know I don't like getting underpaid at my job.
Russ38's Avatar
I agree with dearhunter, you should name the agency with a disclaimer that it could have happened but that it is extremely unlikely. Originally Posted by loveitdou
Fuckin'A x 2 on that.....
Guest010115-3's Avatar
^^^^^exactly this.

It's your responsibility to count it. You can request she counts it in your presence AFTER THE SESSION. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
That will fix the problem for sure. However, I hate being present for that type of count. Kinda takes away from my experience. Very hard for me to generate passion after a count. I may be in the minority but I never repeat with ladies who count money in front if me like that. I have never miscounted my gift for her time.
That will fix the problem for sure. However, I hate being present for that type of count. Kinda takes away from my experience. Very hard for me to generate passion after a count. I may be in the minority but I never repeat with ladies who count money in front if me like that. I have never miscounted my gift for her time. Originally Posted by chess9718cb
All: Count it before you go in. If you are drunk or cant count, stay home.

Rarely am I required to pay in advance. If i have to pay in advance, I'd prefer not to be there. If she requires it, count it out like a banker as she has already spoiled the passion.

If you pay on the way out, dress to go and last thing count it out nicely and thank her for what she did for you.

For the op, I'd tell the booker and not go back. Who wants to fuck a thief?
I wouldnt be to worried. Any reputable agency that really felt as if you tried to purposely get over / stiiff them, most likely would have alerted you by now.
If they havent, and you truely had not intentionlly "miss counted", I would just move on.
Now if you have issues making appointments because of that incedent I would make it right with them and never recomend or use them in the future.
tbone77494's Avatar
Yep - what agency? I have never had a problem and I frequent several.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Next time make sure you have a twenty for each finger.

It isn't Nuclear Physics.
Grinder's Avatar
If it's truly happened two times already, you know what three would make you right?
jerky's Avatar
  • jerky
  • 02-02-2014, 10:40 AM
It's both of your faults for not counting the money before you walk out of the door. Oh yea, and your bank records don't prove squat buddy. Originally Posted by coolaid
They prove he went to the bank.....