Newbies thought on reviews....

Logan135's Avatar
Let me preface my comments by saying that I’m glad I found this site. It’s definitely a beacon of light in regards to navigating these murky waters sometimes. Knowledge being power and all that, this site has a ton of good information for someone new or thinking about participating, plus it’s fairly entertaining. You’ll find all of your basic dos and don’ts here if you look hard enough (I have still made my share of mistakes though, and I’m still learning).

These are just my thought on reviews since it’s been a pretty hot topic recently. I’m still a newbie I guess so you can either exercise patience if all this has been said before or rip me a new one for being a jackwagon lol.

What I’ve learned my short time here in regards to reviews:
- I won’t see someone that hasn’t been reviewed (and a part of 411 it seems). I’m not a TOFTT kindave guy. I’d rather deal with the known than the unknown (but those guys are appreciated!!)
- Reviews help legitimize both the reviewer and reviewee. This point is fairly obvious. I’m sure the comfort level is better for both parties if the lady has reviews and if the gentleman has written some.
- Guys welcome reviews of nonestablished (bp) girls to see what type of provider she is. To find out if those smoking hot pictures are really her, is she safe, does she screen, what does she do?? (plus see previous point).
- 99.9% of reviews for “established” ladies are “YES” recommendations. That doesn’t mean your experience will be the same as everyone else, not everyone is even remotely compatible. I love the term YMMV lol, she MIGHT be having a bad day or it could just be you, or it could be amazing…
- Reviews are the “wheels” that keep this site moving in a never ending cycle. Providers want to stay on the first page and guys want to see providers with recent reviews (although not enough to suggest a revolving door at your incall).
- If you are brand new a negative review (of an established provider) will not endear you to the locals. The foot you JUST got in the door (on your way to possibly establishing yourself) you just slammed it ON yourself!
- I’m not a review type person (mostly). I’ll let my references speak for me not reviews (I know it seems hypocritical even to me for some reason).
- I won’t be writing any “NO” recommendation reviews. I'd rather avoid the drama.

I haven’t seen too many providers but of those I’ve seen there is only one I wouldn’t see again. Her ads said she was GFE but alas no MSOG (she started getting dressed about halfway into the visit, oops) She did say that might be available after a couple visits though. She had great reviews but we didn’t connect very well (even before the end). It didn’t mean my less than positive experience negated all the positive reviews she had. Live and learn, lifes too short, it's not you it's me, (insert personalized axiom to live by here)

I guess the point of all this was (to me) reviews play an important part in the screening/research area for guys (hopefully) but even based on my limited experience they are in some ways inherently flawed. Reviews and the information in them might lead you to see a provider, however your own experience will determine if you want to see her again (of course based on her experience she might say "hell NO").

....damn forgot to use the emoticons for effect
shorty's Avatar
Very good points Logan. Reviews are also self alerts to the providers also.
- 99.9% of reviews for “established” ladies are “YES” recommendations. That doesn’t mean your experience will be the same as everyone else, not everyone is even remotely compatible. I love the term YMMV lol, she MIGHT be having a bad day or it could just be you, or it could be amazing…
- Reviews are the “wheels” that keep this site moving in a never ending cycle. Providers want to stay on the first page and guys want to see providers with recent reviews (although not enough to suggest a revolving door at your incall).
Originally Posted by Logan135
appreciate your input.. but gotta disagree with one huge statement..

if providers are entitled to "bad days" then they EARNED a NO from the reviewer.. bottom line.. you can't have "bad days" and the guy over look it.. he spent money. he shouldn't have to chalk a bad experience up to you having a bad day..

It can't "just be him".. its not the guys fault the date sucks.. he shows up, horny, excited and tries his best(in most cases).. the girl is in the business of earning a guys money by providing a certain expected level of service.. if she doesn't.. then she fucked up and EARNED a no recommendation

its the girls responsibility as the provider to try and ensure they are compatible.. if she finds to often that excuse is leaned upon..she is in the wrong business

every guy expects an amazing experience..if he is not given that..she EARNED a no recommendation.. its a service.. service oriented business even on a personal nature.. if u can't provide it..get the hell out

yes the ever leaned upon escape goat of YMMV.. no..ymmv ON THE GENERAL simply can not happen.. ymmv on greek with some ladies.. perhaps with extra time being offered.. perhaps with the girl going to dinner off the clock.. but YMMV simply can not apply to the general overall experience the guy expects and feels he didn't recieve..

GIRLS EARN NO'S its as simple as that.. its the guys opinion.. u can't argue his recommendation of a NO.. it can't happen.. he is entitled to that..

reviews do make this board work.. its suppose to work for the guys.. reviews time and time again are written to cast the guys favorite girl in the best light.. to me.. reviews lose credibility when written constantly in this manner.. guys need to man up.. be honest..and quit sugar coating it for the thin skinned girls that lest we forget..CHOOSE TO BE HERE AND BE REVIEWED..

being reviewed does unintentionally or atleast should be..helps the girls.. a goal should not be to remain on front page.. if the focus was more on providing good service and less on what review i will con the next sucker into writing in my favor.. no worries would exist..

NO'S are earned.. no guy should ever hesitate or be reluctant to share an honest opinion of an actual experience
TechOne's Avatar
DeAnna Luv, how does this apply to a guy that wants to stay UTR because of past troubles, chooses not to review, ever again? Should he tell his intended provider of choice or not? Is this acceptable among the providers? Will some choose not to see a "non-reviewer"?
giteneny..obviously i don't know u.. im unsure even if u are at the root of some of the drama..

first.. one should not be utr as a way to decieve someone.. if its truly to simply NOT review..thats the hobbyiest business..plenty of guys p4p each day that never review.. if u want to avoid something by not standing behind your board persona..thats asking for trouble

my opinion on what you describe..its none of the providers damn business whether you review or not and whether you will review her or not.. for the provider..the review is a bonus and should never be asked for or assumed to be recieving.. its something a guy choses to do or not if he feels his experience warrants a review.. there are people on this board that 99% of their reviews are of the same lady.. they lose their luster and knock both the hobbyiest and providers credibility in my mind.. if something doesn't happen in a repeat experience that is news worthy either good or bad.. then quit the chest thumpign and enjoy the damn date..(not talking about u).. saying in general

if u don't wanna review.. don't.. its no ones business whether you will or won't and girls shouldn't #1 be seen by guys if they are known to turn down business due to lack of reviewing and #2 shouldn't even ask if a review will be done

see who you want but understand the statement "is is acceptable among providers" i can't answer.. it amazes me what some providers will and won't accept and therefore its out of my realm to try and speculate who will accept what.. i will tell u.. my years in the biz tell me the true professionals never discuss reviews whether good or bad.. never ask a hobbyiest to review.. and will even ask a regular to tone back the frequency of the reviews in order to keep credibility..

but in the end.. my opinion don't matter much.. ain't see to many people in arkansas.. the ones that do don't review for a reason and if a hobbyiest doesn't review.. its NO ONES business especially the providers..
Let me preface my comments by saying that I’m glad I found this site. It’s definitely a beacon of light in regards to navigating these murky waters sometimes. Knowledge being power and all that, this site has a ton of good information for someone new or thinking about participating, plus it’s fairly entertaining. You’ll find all of your basic dos and don’ts here if you look hard enough (I have still made my share of mistakes though, and I’m still learning). . . . .
. . . .I guess the point of all this was (to me) reviews play an important part in the screening/research area for guys (hopefully) but even based on my limited experience they are in some ways inherently flawed. Reviews and the information in them might lead you to see a provider, however your own experience will determine if you want to see her again (of course based on her experience she might say "hell NO"). Originally Posted by Logan135
Logan, thanks for a well thought out post. And you're on point. reviews play an important part in research. You should, on the other hand, never be afraid to relate you're experience and recommendation. There are some very fine providers I've seen and reviewed with positive recommendations that I choose not to see on a regular basis simply because it's my choice -- most of them break my "age rule". Simply a personal preference and certainly no reflection on the provider.

Anyone, DeAnna included, can argue the fine points but, IMHO, the important thing is the sharing of information and being a part of the community.

Just my 2 cents.
TechOne's Avatar
What are you trying to say DeAnna, that I am causing some of the drama? I really hope not, because I think I have done everything I thought was the best, to avoid the drama. I am attempting to stay utr, not to deceive anyone, so please don't try to imply or infer that about me, but to remain utr from aunt ellie. (I stated this clearly in my question.) IMHO, the best way to do this is to not review and post my cumings and goings for ellie to keep and grill me about when detained for questioning after "being in the wrong place at the wrong time". This is the "troubles" I was referring to. It has happened, and I did not like it! They knew my every move, because as a newbie in 2009, I was urged to post my reviews and "shout it from the mountain top" <thumping my chest> I now know that action can be dangerous.

Thanks for the confirmation that some providers do not and should not care if I review or not review. I don't see any providers in Arkansas right now, only when I travel, but I would like that to change, and soon. but have not been brave enough to face all the drama and dangers of this arena.
dude..calm down a little. chill lmao.. my point in saying "i don't know if your at the root of any drama" was simple.. I DON'T READ REVIEWS.. therefore i have no clue if any, some, all, part, half or anything else of the recent REVIEW bullshit drama crap in coed had anything to do with you lol..

i was merely saying that to not look like some dumbass by helping you if you were potentially involved in review drama childish bitching.. you obviously are no biggie

and realize..if LE wants you..they got you.. reviews or not.. they can know your every move no matter how UTR you are because you never know who potentially has flipped..

i get what your saying tho.. in the end.. if i felt safe enough to hobby then i would feel safe enough to post reviews..

Lookin-- not trying to argue the finer points.. exchange of information is imperative to the site and the members.. both good and bad.. but the drama that is allowed to be brought by even experienced providers when a bad.. NOT FALSE review is posted is growing tiresome.. the "control" being allowed to providers in the way of black listings, and basically controling what info potentially goes out is sickening.. and the guys that are wiping girls asses, following them around like lap dogs and promoting them every chance they get is simply laughable at best..

these days.. its becoming more like high school then a place of adults.. it should be simple

guys look in the provider ads
guys look in the review section to research
book date with advertised girl
girl show up and proceed as expected no bullshit excuse
girl get paid

rinse and repeat..
Logan135's Avatar
You should, on the other hand, never be afraid to relate you're experience and recommendation.

...the important thing is the sharing of information and being a part of the community. Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn
I agree for the most part that sharing information is a good thing. If I had seen someone that wasn't established, yes it would be helpful to get infomation out there, either positive or negative, to help others make a more informed decision.

It gets sticky for a new guy to criticize someone that IS established IMO. He may get away with it if it is legitimate and he is tackful and doesn't come off like a asshat. However even if said the tackful way, if the guy isn't an established part of the community it will be taken with a grain/boulder of salt (which is only natural if it's a NO in a sea of YES). The new guy isn't going to win in a he-said she-said scenario, only make life more difficult for himself.

I do think that if you are always respectful of the ladies and HELP them screen you that eventually you will break through, even with a bad start. (I think 2 quality references is the magic number though....)

To me so far, reviews just let me know that the lady is reputable.....I'll put in the effort, research, and individual interviews to find the ones that eventually rub me the right way (so to speak).