CBC Approved Ho's

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-27-2014, 05:45 AM
Alas it is hallowed end of the month...the mystical "Running of the Salmon" time in the ATX.
With that said, I would like to take a moment to list some of the wonderful girls who have earned their CBC "Tramp Stamp of Approval". This is an organic document, and is subject to omission & addition as needed.

I would encourage other CBC members (or their Ho's) to add your name to the ledger if you want to be considered being visited by one of our respectful Cheap Bastards at your CBC rate.

Please Add your name if you can discount your published rate during this sacred time by -25% or more...

Charilee....Had a CBC rate of $130 per HHR & is CHEAP BASTARD CERTIFIED
KBF....Rate is not available, but was the first member of the CBC Women
Daddys Girl...Went public with rate reduction & should be showered with CBC Dicks
AddisonGFE...Comes in at a borderline but lotsa "bang for the buck" at $150 HHR
Jessica Luv...Although still awaiting her CBC approval from a CBC member, brings it home for $120HHR
MiaPinkk...Is a FBMS however delivers it to your door for $120 per HR so makes the cut on value alone

CBC Favorites Just outside cheap bastard ranges

Sweet Mimi...$170 HHR-but in call & experience is splurge worthy

Gents & Ladies please add name, rates & CBC specials you want to offer to this list over the weekend. REMEMBER to receive a Cheap Bastard Tramp Stamp of Approval, you MUST have a reviewed written by a Cheap Bastard & a rate that is less than your normal rate (((if normal rate is above CBC approved maximums))).

"Ladies & Gentlemen, start your engines"!!!

Gentlemen...if you want a CBC Lady to be considered for a custom CBC TShirt made by yours truly (each will be individually designed with that girl in mind) please forward details of WH'Y she has earned it along with pictorial evidence to me. I will design her shirt, post it here, and arrange to meet with you to deliver for the mere cost of a beer...this offer is temporary & I will be the sole judge of worthiness or until I get bored with making them...

{{{Ladies please let us know if a Cheap Bastard ever treats you with anything less than respect and dignity-membership in the exclusive CBC requires that all members treat our ladyfolk well}}}
AtxTexMex's Avatar
Not sure Id consider 150hh a CBC rate, at least not for this cheap b@stard.
To me thats more of the normal rate.
All of these ladies plus many more offer 150hh sessions:
*Shannon Shane*

Anything in the 100-120 for the HH seems more a deal and a rate Id be more inclined to setup with, and 130/140 being borderline cheap
ItalinMarie 100hh
Leather~N~Lace 100hh
Nina Venus 120hh (SOON TO BE GONE)
Laylaland 120hh
Vivian Ward 120hh
lindsaypage 120hh
veronica88 120hh
SashaXoXo 130hh
Parisplz 140hh
Sasha512 140hh
Passion2015's Avatar
I agree with Tex and 120 is on the border line for hhr.
AtxTexMex's Avatar
I agree with Tex and 120 is on the border line for hhr. Originally Posted by Passion2015

Now if we only the 150HH providers would consider this...
discount your published rate during this sacred time by -25% or more...

That would be oh so lovely lol
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-27-2014, 08:55 AM
Then put it to a vote...all in favor of 120 being max 1/2 hr say so..

I still think at 130 Charilee is a bargain...

Let your voices be heard.

And one of my favorite lasses reached out and thought I was saying she was a cheap ho by being on this list...that's not it at all . (And now she understands). It means you offer EXCEPTIONAL value for the price.
AtxTexMex's Avatar
Then put it to a vote...all in favor of 120 being max 1/2 hr say so..

I still think at 130 Charilee is a bargain...

Let your voices be heard.

And one of my favorite lasses reached out and thought I was saying she was a cheap ho by being on this list...that's not it at all . (And now she understands). It means you offer EXCEPTIONAL value for the price. Originally Posted by Toyz

120 should be the max

now watch an incline in providers no longer offering HH sessions lol
Passion2015's Avatar
120 max and needs to be better than 100 session
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-27-2014, 09:13 AM
That's great guys...if you think thats realistic then that's the expectation.

But please don't post reviews at over this rate if you are drawing a line in the sand...back up your convictions with your wallet.
Passion2015's Avatar
Agreed, and that means any rate that anyone post. They all need to be true rate that actually leaves your wallet.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-27-2014, 09:32 AM
Agreed, and that means any rate that anyone post. They all need to be true rate that actually leaves your wallet. Originally Posted by Passion2015
P2015...I understand your point, but would ask to reconsider. I have had ladies offer me below market rates with the understanding I would not review at that rate. Once a girl gets a review at a certain rate that is what everyone expects... and sometimes its just a special, or tough week, or a once in a month deal...so in would ask some flexibility to this. The object is not to run girls out of business...its to let them see they might actually get MORE business at a reduced rate
Passion2015's Avatar
Agreed as I have done the same.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
The object is not to run girls out of business...its to let them see they might actually get MORE business at a reduced rate Originally Posted by Toyz
hmm well sense what presumably started out as a teasing joke seem to be turning into a serious standing i'd like to put up a few things for consideration
I will try and what was that word...oh yea summarize for the sake of those who get dismayed everytime I post :P

*some ladies have higher prices as a filter
-some potential dates harass/haggle (but really harass) ladies for a lower rate for them and they have ill intentions misbehave/play no pay/ etc. Yes it is well known that this happen in this hobby and no wanting a lower rate does not mean you have ill intent BUT ladies have noticed there is an eerily High correlation.

-some guys I have experienced this too will ask a lady for a lower rate but has a handful of reviews where his seen ladies at their asked rate which may be equal or sometimes Higher then the lady he is currently trying to haggle down. which if I'm to be honest makes one think the the guy must think the experience with her will not be as great or he doesn't suspect she'll be worth spending what he usually spends. which quite frankly is insulting and why approach her at all?

*Some ladies do not Want to be High volume or realize the a high market rate allows the not only the freedom NOT to be HV and have a comfortable lifestyle. (please note I said comfortable not luxury living.)

-lower rate means the lady depending on her financial need would NEED to be High Volume just to be have a comfortable living. that's a Lot of sex. let me ask you at what ever YOU do in RL to earn your money how hard do YOU work four 120 compared to how hard you want the lady you see to work for 120 (which wouldn't even cover a car insurance bill. I was only in the hospital for a couple of hrs and the baseline for the was 150.) just sayin.

say a lady is CBC friendly and see guys at CBC rate. her financial need require XXX amount how many of you does she have to see to meet that? and how frequently will you CBC guys willing to see her YEAR ROUND so that every month she can afford to take care of herself? nice incalls aren't cheap. are you willing to start vising providers at no tell motels or HV hotel or cheap seedy motels...?

-some of you CBC guys preferably don't wanna be with a lady who's too "High Volume" and yet you want the prices of a High volume lady....lol catch 22 much? how do you plan to remedy this?

AND are you even willing to raise your CBC rates to match the rising inflation so the ladies you want to see can even afford to see you? or as things get progressively more costly will you stay stead fast and only see them at those rates and leaving them to suffer the financial blow?

I know you've all dubbed yourselves the CBC but I also know that your argument has be you want what you precieve to be "reasonable" rates but have y'all actually stopped to consider how reasonable your asking rate even are? statistically? logistically?

*BP rate vs CBC rate
-basically what you are seeking are BP prices but I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) Not the type of girls BP is notoriously known for producing. again how "reasonable" are your reasonable asking prices? o.O

-did you know there is a stigma against ladies at both "high" prices and "Low" prices? ladies with lower BP prices are considers to be more "risky" are you willing to fight this stigma for the sake of your CBC providers. so they are respected not put down for it. after all it IS hard to be constantly looked down upon and some may wish to raise rate to avoid that.
are you willing to see your CBC providers frequently WITHOUT judgment so they remain financially secure and can continue seeing you at those rates?

you all talk about Lower rates! lower rates! but you never say anything about the personal or economic consequences. the pros and cons or hell you never even mention any benefits to the ladies for that matter. if you truly want a successful change it can't just be about you. especially since what you want affects your provider.

feel free to discuss amoungst yourselves. HC AND PM will consider your request only After we can be assured you have actually considered all of that. then maybe an open dialog can begin and end in some sort of accord.

your voices have been heard.
Passion2015's Avatar
Secret you are so noted and I appreciate your input. We all know prices for everything has gone up and we all have to pay for them however, rates here have gone through the roof and most of the service has remained the same. As a mamber here I don't believe too many people rely soley on income from here and if they do, good luck. As a hobbiest we have to have a job to pay and luke wise the providers should have a job usiny this as extra entertainment money.
For me I can take this hobby or leave it however, wheb the price is justified I will spend and bave a good time. Maybe providers should concentrate on givung a good price to the hobbiest that have many reviews and charge a higher price for the ones that don't and use that as your weed out process. Just giving a couple thoughts and again thank you for your in put.
illuminati's Avatar
Is it safe to say that the $150 ceiling for HHR CBC rate is to include more ladies, and to exclude those that are ridiculously priced at $$/HHR?
Interesting? I have heard many and I mean many providers mention they post and sometimes the phone does not ring at all. However there are those ladies that do filter just to control the volume of hobbyist down intentionally. I would be interested to know how many providers actually read these post and not get offended. There are valid points that the CBC makes and I am sure some ladies feel that the time with them is well worth every penny but I have limits except for the ones I truly want to see and then the limit is out. This movement seems to be picking up speed.

My ranges and they are not concrete.
hh $100-$160
hr (rare) $150- $250
1.5hr (Super Rare) $250-$350
2hr (Whats that) $300-$400

I tend to hobby from specials, wants, needs, and my wish list.
My 2cents