ive always wanted to know why....

thatsme67003's Avatar
I've always wanted to know why providers are not permitted to post on reviews.... Just always have wondered that
As one hooker in Dallas will tell you... " just because I said you can't "

( I think she might have 37 kids or something)
I used to ask the same question but since then I realize the rule about them posting in review causes so much less drama, besides the reviews are not meant for the ladies.
iso_women's Avatar
Just imagine for a moment a provider did something that might make her look bad. She would most likely try to refute or somehow spin it to be less negative. Then the reviewer would get involved and it would go back and forth, helping nobody and making each review less helpful. If providers know they get reviewed and can't say anything they have to make each session be positive lest they get a black mark on here.
thatsme67003's Avatar
Well that make sense I didn't know if it was a legality issue or just a rule to keep providers from posting about your review of her question answered
Cpalmson's Avatar
Yeah , if anyone can recall the days that Escorts.com was still around. Their review section became a "he said, she said" drama fest if a guy put anything slightly negative into a review. I do wish there was a way the ladies could read the rest of the story-- just not comment. I do think if there is some constructive criticism, the gal should have access to read that. Just my 2 cents, but I don't make the rules-- Just enforce them.
If a provider wanted to refute a review they can post in the co-ed section but those that do are usually the ones that are associated with drama. Most just chalk up a negative review as YMVV which most hobbyist understand.
thatsme67003's Avatar
Well is a provider allowed to ask the client if she's can request/read a copy of it... I'm sure if they really wanted to get a hold of it they could anyway
...I don't make the rules-- Just enforce them. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Please leave me your avatar in your will. And please,please tell me that's not your daughter...
I do wish there was a way the ladies could read the rest of the story-- just not comment. . Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Some do read the ROS, thru male handles or there WK inform them what was said. Then start a thread about it in coed so she can get her .02 cents in.

Too the OP write a bad review and see how long it takes tell she knows everything you wrote.
FoulRon's Avatar
Well, if a guy posts a "No" review, he's unlikely to see her, so no foul if she reads it. But sometimes, things are said in "Yes" reviews that a provider may take exception to, or even just misunderstand and refuse to see the guy again, or retaliate in some other way. That's how I see the "view but no comment" version.
ALMOST ALL PROVIDERS do read the ROS, thru male handles or there WK inform them what was said. Then start a thread about it in coed so she can get her .02 cents in.

Too the OP write a bad review and see how long it takes tell she knows everything you wrote. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
I fixed that for you.

Listen, if you were running a business with a net income of 100 to 300 thou a year, wouldn't YOU invest the 75 bucks to find out what customers are saying about your business and your competitors?

I mean, seriously, guys. If you think that most providers don't know every little detail of every little post in the review section and the men's forums, then you are hopelessly deluded.

Access to the men's stuff is very cheap and extremely easy to get. The only true privacy on this site belongs to the providers and their powder rooms. We roosters may crow a lot, but the hens deliver the goods.....and they rule the roost here.
I fixed that for you.

Listen, if you were running a business with a net income of 100 to 300 thou a year, wouldn't YOU invest the 75 bucks to find out what customers are saying about your business and your competitors?

I mean, seriously, guys. If you think that most providers don't know every little detail of every little post in the review section and the men's forums, then you are hopelessly deluded.

Access to the men's stuff is very cheap and extremely easy to get. The only true privacy on this site belongs to the providers and their powder rooms. We roosters may crow a lot, but the hens deliver the goods.....and they rule the roost here. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Every hobbyist should read and reread this. It is gospel truth. Nothing written ROS or in Men's 'Private Rooms' is private. Anywhere. Anytime. From anyone.
I fixed that for you.

Listen, if you were running a business with a net income of 100 to 300 thou a year, wouldn't YOU invest the 75 bucks to find out what customers are saying about your business and your competitors?

I mean, seriously, guys. If you think that most providers don't know every little detail of every little post in the review section and the men's forums, then you are hopelessly deluded.

Access to the men's stuff is very cheap and extremely easy to get. The only true privacy on this site belongs to the providers and their powder rooms. We roosters may crow a lot, but the hens deliver the goods.....and they rule the roost here. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
hmmmmmmm. well I have never read behind the sceens on myself unless the gent sent it first to me.... Opinions are like ass holes everyone got one...... Even the guy that wrote me a bad review and said i was 5'4 mixed fat girl i did not read it.... What he was on was more than bubble gum that day...lol I need to go to the powderroom more but to be honest i have been maybe 4 times got valuable info each time however.. I try to stay busy working on people instead figuring out what they say. When im a few pounds over weight I know it when I am working hard to keep in shape I know that too...
Now when I have a trainee that is new i do try to find out all I can and getting the ros is the best way to do that however that is not a easy thing to do unless you want to risk your membership and this board is to valuable to put it on the line . I normally just ask my regulars to see them.
Each site has different reasons why providers can or can't post on reviews. Some sites wish to avoid drama, some see it as a legal thing...if the provider doesn't acknowledge the review, it can be taken more of a fantasy. If she does acknowledge the review, she's admitting that what he said actually happened and could be used in a court of law against both of them.