An add on to closed thread

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Here you go ... THIS is WHY sending information is just a little bit more important than answering your phone do what you want with that just throwing it out there because this is exactly the reason I was throwing a fit or YOU can call in a meltdown or whatever you want everybody PLEASE.. be safe.
This is really happening and this just happened RECENTLY .. that's why is is also important for ladies to report things or alerts for situations like rape per se even though that doesn't always happen because some people like to save face or not cause waves and water for themselves
LongRodder's Avatar
Wow! People like that make me sick. It blows my mind the things people will do for some quick easy money. Those two guys are the scum of the earth and should be treated as the lowest form of life. Put a plastic bag over their heads and let 'em die. Life in jail would be letting them off easy and they would just be another burden to society.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Here you go... this is why sending information is just a little bit more important than answering your phone do what you want with that just throwing it out there because this is exactly the reason I was throwing a fit or YOU can call in a meltdown or whatever you want everybody PLEASE.. be safe.
This is really happening and this just happened a month ago if you want to get really technical a month and a half if you're looking for loopholes to criticize me Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
"Epshod Jeune, 24, of Burlington, and Derrell Fisher, 21, of Roxbury, were arraigned on murder charges Monday. The men carried out a “joint venture to rob escorts at gunpoint,’’ Middlesex prosecutor Adrienne Lynch said in court, where Jeune and Fisher were ordered held without bail."
So, anyone: does this have anything to do with why some of the ladies refuse to see AA men?

Really now, I am not asking for a response that is politically correct. I am asking about real life. All of you ladies be safe.

Savannah, you too. Be safe.

Savannah Moon's Avatar
There are bottom of the barrel people in every race on this planet. Sometimes the no AA is because the provider has management to put it nicely.x I have talked to a few of my clients about that other words some of those no AA providers you should avoid for safety reasons on the client's part. Alpha male type undesirable situations.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
BUT... who am I to say anything.
ESPECIALLY when providers are lacking when it comes to protecting each other. Some providers won't post alerts because they are afraid to.. make waves per se bad for business . Sometimes I forget our money is priority.. and some clients as well.
Emmie's Avatar
  • Emmie
  • 07-24-2015, 03:54 PM
OMG Savannah thank you so much for posting this! We as ladies need to be diligent about helping each other so that none of us end up just another statistic.
JCM800's Avatar
Threads merged.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 07-24-2015, 06:53 PM
... So, anyone: does this have anything to do with why some of the ladies refuse to see AA men?

Really now, I am not asking for a response that is politically correct. I am asking about real life. All of you ladies be safe. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
You've got to be kidding right? A small segment of black men commit a violent act & it's a reflexion that all do? So stay away from black guys to be safe? Using your logic sir, a small segment of white people are racist so they're all out to get black people. Thinking like this has just validated the playing of the "race card" that we all seem to take exception with.

Oh wait, a small segment of white hookers steal everything from their clients & the girls they do doubles with, so now we must avoid all white hookers to be safe? You sir have just won the award for the most unintelligent thing I've ever been privileged to hear.

People who think the way you eluded to are a detriment to our society as a whole & we're better off without them.
For the past 30 years, nearly half of all murders and murderers in America have been black males . African Americans make up approximately 13% of America, yet commit as many murders as Whites do, who make up about 50% of the country. Therefore, yeah, that means black males, especially the group under 30, are the most violent in America.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Some of my best, and most fun clients are AA. I don't like to segregate or generalize, rather be and independent thinker. It could be that these ladies did not screen, or take steps to protect themselves. Maybe they did. While there is no sure way to be safe, there are certainly things that we can do to mitigate our risks on both sides of the fence while still having fun.

Thanks for the post, and the your independent thinking Savannah.
There are bottom of the barrel people in every race on this planet. Sometimes the no AA is because the provider has management to put it nicely.x I have talked to a few of my clients about that other words some of those no AA providers you should avoid for safety reasons on the client's part. Alpha male type undesirable situations. Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
So you are saying black boyfriends and/or management, don't want their girlfriend to fuck other black guys?
Savannah Moon's Avatar
So you are saying black boyfriends and/or management, don't want their girlfriend to fuck other black guys? Originally Posted by Mizzou82
WOW ... really is that the focal .. no, an Escort was robbed & shot & killed. This has absolutely nothing to do with race!!

How did you miss that??? Interesting..
You sir have just won the award for the most unintelligent thing I've ever been privileged to hear.
Originally Posted by Cleo
Cleo no worries...its not the first time he has won this award
WOW ... really is that the focal .. no, an Escort was robbed & shot & killed. This has absolutely nothing to do with race!!

How did you miss that??? Interesting.. Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Savannah for the first time I believe I agree with can you take off the titty clamps now, Im getting a little chaffing

Opinion's on him?
Will escort get charged?