Lance Armstrong confession...

kindafun's Avatar
Oprah said Lance's confession, "took a lot of ball."
Oprah said Lance's confession, "took a lot of ball." Originally Posted by kindafun

ilovedatass's Avatar
He only has one
holmes50's Avatar
Everything Lance Armstrong does is self serving.
pyramider's Avatar
Most top athletes are self serving. When I live in Austin in mid 90s I would see Armstrong on bike a lot. He was putting in the time and work. I would leave home around 7 am and see him riding. When I would be coming home I would see him riding still at 6 pm. This was during the summer. He put the work in.
Arverni's Avatar
Most top athletes are self serving. When I live in Austin in mid 90s I would see Armstrong on bike a lot. He was putting in the time and work. I would leave home around 7 am and see him riding. When I would be coming home I would see him riding still at 6 pm. This was during the summer. He put the work in. Originally Posted by pyramider
Agreed - guy is DRIVEN and has a work ethic - unlike a lot of other people in the world today.

I really don't care that he doped - hell everyone dopes. Breast enhancement is doping - Viagra is doping - buying a corvette to attract chicks is doping.

Doping is a part of human nature.
Most top athletes are self serving. When I live in Austin in mid 90s I would see Armstrong on bike a lot. He was putting in the time and work. I would leave home around 7 am and see him riding. When I would be coming home I would see him riding still at 6 pm. This was during the summer. He put the work in. Originally Posted by pyramider
Maybe he was riding to and from his attorneys office to figure out how to dodge perjury charges? Or maybe he was riding to and from his henchmens office to figure out how to trash other peoples lives that stood in his way? Sure Lance put the work in, but a lot of his work was pure evil.

All I know is Lance is a massive piece of shit. Everything he has coming to him is well deserved.
yankmydoodle55's Avatar
Some would argue that all of us involved in this hobby are a piece of shit too. We all have faults.
Arverni's Avatar
What everyone in the media here are missing is this ...

We will now be getting another bureaucratic government parasite in the form of the US Anti-Doping Agency - who will, no doubt, do their part to further restrict OUR liberties.

Note - that Armstrong wasn't busted off any piss or blood tests - the USADA launched an UNPRECIDENTED FBI-LIKE Investigation and interrogated Lance's teammates - and bullied them into making confessions.

This is bullshit.
pyramider's Avatar
Not only he was the top cyclist in the world. Ironic the someone that was tested over 500 times and was never caught. Not only did he beat the opponents, he beat the testing better than anyone else. One would thinck that the needle track marks would show up on these riders from the transfusions and blood doping.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
What everyone in the media here are missing is this ...

We will now be getting another bureaucratic government parasite in the form of the US Anti-Doping Agency - who will, no doubt, do their part to further restrict OUR liberties.

Note - that Armstrong wasn't busted off any piss or blood tests - the USADA launched an UNPRECIDENTED FBI-LIKE Investigation and interrogated Lance's teammates - and bullied them into making confessions.

This is bullshit. Originally Posted by Arverni
You are correct in all the above and that lots of us "dope" or do other "unsavory" things and should be worried about Lance's confession as the article states. The only thing you aren't spot on about is USADA (though it does get some government money).

The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) is a non-profit, non-governmental[1] organization and the national anti-doping organization (NADO) for the United States. The organization has control of the anti-doping programs for U.S. Olympic, Paralympic, Pan-American and ParaPan American sport. Its work includes in-competition and out-of-competition testing, the results management and adjudication process, the provision of drug reference resources, the therapeutic-use exemption process, various scientific research initiatives, and athlete and outreach education. USADA is headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Almost everyone in cycling was complicit in doping if they weren't doping themselves. the French and the doping authorities have wanted Lance for years and they got his teammates to rat him out, yet none of the authorities or teams or managers or others who made huge money and were into this doping regime years before Lance turned pedal one were brought down or even implicated. This is a wholly political take down (not done in a court of law or with any rules), partly done because Lance is American.

Cycling was this way for decades and this new regime is disturbing for many reasons -
Arverni's Avatar
What I'm saying is ... that the USADA is well on it's way to becoming firmly established as an agency of the U.S. government. It's already getting taxpayer funding. It's already cooperating with federal law enforcement. This is how it starts with these guys.

Note that - the "counterparts" of the USADA in many nations in Europe have been inducted as official and full-fledged members of government. I am an amateur body-builder, and ... early last year some of those nations started stripping certain supplements off the shelves in Europe on orders from their national anti-doping agencies. I won't get into the products - except to say that they were pretty benign and most of them had to do with removing products containing geranium (a plant) in them.
pyramider's Avatar
You are correct in all the above and that lots of us "dope" or do other "unsavory" things and should be worried about Lance's confession as the article states. The only thing you aren't spot on about is USADA (though it does get some government money).

The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) is a non-profit, non-governmental[1] organization and the national anti-doping organization (NADO) for the United States. The organization has control of the anti-doping programs for U.S. Olympic, Paralympic, Pan-American and ParaPan American sport. Its work includes in-competition and out-of-competition testing, the results management and adjudication process, the provision of drug reference resources, the therapeutic-use exemption process, various scientific research initiatives, and athlete and outreach education. USADA is headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Almost everyone in cycling was complicit in doping if they weren't doping themselves. the French and the doping authorities have wanted Lance for years and they got his teammates to rat him out, yet none of the authorities or teams or managers or others who made huge money and were into this doping regime years before Lance turned pedal one were brought down or even implicated. This is a wholly political take down (not done in a court of law or with any rules), partly done because Lance is American.

Cycling was this way for decades and this new regime is disturbing for many reasons - Originally Posted by austxjr

The funny thing is USADA wants Armstrong to testify under oath. They know he is the hub, or center point, of a lot of loose threads. If he were to speak and let it all out ... don't you know a lot of powerful people would be implicated and then investigated.