
DRSlut's Avatar
Greetings ECCIE,

I vote to KICK randyrogue off of this island. Can we get a second?
notanewbie's Avatar
dude, drop it.

agitating someone for the sake of agitating is just being an agitator.

I have no allegiance to anyone, I am a Nomad, just hoping to advert some drama.
DRSlut's Avatar
I didn't start this, just trying to help finish it... for once and for all. He was like this at ASPD as well, and it is not something I care to bring over.
DRSlut's Avatar
By the way notanewbie,

I like your tag line... "All information posted by notanewbie is purely for entertainment purposes and is all purely fictional unless otherwise stated."
I see I found another of his goats.
If you can't prevail with logic, go for the threat, uh throat.
Chill out DR. Apparently you can dish it but the question is can you . . .
Already asked and answered.


By the way, our hopes and prayers and tangible help are sent to Haiti.
I hear a lot of DR folks are ferrying resources in private vehicles to do what they can.
God bless 'em -- and God help 'em.

DRSlut's Avatar
rr, (all in lower case)

My goats and I can take whatever you can dish out... No worries here, but do think the Haiti comment was out of line; But hey, that's you.
You certainly have your hackles up.
The Haiti comment was spot on from current news reports, that the DR people in their compassion for the suffering in Haiti are ferrying in supplies to towns yet unreached by UN and other agencies.

You told me to chill out, to take it easy, to not take it so seriously.

Practice what you preach.

A notable DR is Miguel Tejada whose personal investment of time and material and infuence is doing a world of good.

Lighten up a little, please?
We exchanged some trash talk across the playground, no more no less than what I do with my friends at work almost everyday. You gonna stew on it and get bent out of shape every time you see my name or read a blurb I write? Nah! There is no profit in it. But the deal about take and give is real -- you can expect to have to take in kind whatever you give out.

I let a couple of guys get my goat recently. It did them no harm and did me no good. So whenever someone throws trash at me of any kind, I will deflect it with a spot of my own humor. Nothing malicious, but trash-talk just the same.

You don't want it from me? It is an easy thing to avoid.
Keep it to yourself.

But have a good flight to DR.


WHY WHAT HAPPEND he is tring to see me
WHY WHAT HAPPEND he is tring to see me Originally Posted by ashley
Haters come in many disguises.
I have pushed the envelope to the delight of some, and to the chagrin of others, and some are just paranoid and irrational.
Please, checkout the PM I sent you, and you will hear that I am a gentleman.

But I do not mind twisting the nose and getting the goat of my detractors, if they are willing to take my verbal bait. They can dish it out but cannot take it.

That is what makes it so funny.

Monkeypaw started a lame complaint as though he was a victim of some conspiracy: PM Interceptions I think it was. Along the way he got irrate with me and posted some pix of some of his stable (his words not mine) which were super-MAXI-BBW size.

My response was to thank him for posting pictures out of his family album.

This is schoolyard playground trash talk, and harmless if not taken too seriously.

Again, check your PM and what I sent you.
Tell me YES, or tell me NO --OK either way. But it is too late for today.

Wishing you a nice day. Hope to hear from you soon so we can plan our time together at the next mutually convenient time.

I didn't start this, just trying to help finish it... for once and for all. He was like this at ASPD as well, and it is not something I care to bring over. Originally Posted by DRSlut
Just as I explained to Ashley, I do not mind twisting the nose and getting the goat of my detractors, and I guess that includes you by your own choice and actions. We each have our friends and tormentors.

Did you REALLY think you could get sufficient support to get the rogue exiled from this playground?

Obviously the stroke of your influence does not extend so far as you thought or wished, especially given the SILENCE your request has evoked. It must be terrible for you to realize you are not the master of your domaiin; and humbling to realize that your domain is far smaller than you thought.
It is humbling if you accept that reality.
It can become humiliating if you do not. And self-humiliation is an ugly sight. You will do well to accept what you cannot change.

As for whatever has been brought over here re: rr, realize that YOU DID NOT BRING IT.
The rogue brought it. I brought it and take it with me everywhere I go, whatever IT is.

I am bringing it today, and promise to bring it tomorrow; and apparently you cannot handle it. Wusss.
That is another thing you are powerless to change.

Furthermore, you have given me power over you, that I can irritate you at will because you allow it. Relax. I have no lasting interest in pursuing you as a tormentor, but I reserve the right to verbal combat if you pursue me. But give it up, man. Go back to your life or hobby or whatever. Let go of the anxiety.

Grudges are too expensive and the only victim of the grudge is the one who holds it. It eats away at him, and apparently at you.

So give up the desire to control, and the anger and all the hater's stuff, and you will be a better man for it. Just take a deep breath and take a step back and get over yourself, and accept what you cannot change.

We each have our friends and tormenters. Obviously your stroke does not extend so far as you thought regards influence and who belongs etc.

The rogue is here to stay, and he holds nothing against you despite your spiteful spirit.

Now, go get laid or whatever you do for fun.


MODS, Is there any chance that you might exercise discretion and close this thread, and allow the rogue to have the last word on this, as an appeal to peace and sanity (funny to hear me asking for peace and sanity?)?
The rogue is not threatened.
It just seems that this thread has failed in its purpose.

Or is it a hard and fast rule (a nautical term) that only the originator can request a thread be closed?



MODS, Is there any chance that you might exercise discretion and close this thread, and allow the rogue to have the last word on this, as an appeal to peace and sanity (funny to hear me asking for peace and sanity?)?
The rogue is not threatened.
It just seems that this thread has failed in its purpose. Originally Posted by randyrogue
actually by my count you've had the last three. (oops m'bad)

oh and speaking of sanity, since when has "the rogue" started referring to himself in the 3rd person?
actually by my count you've had the last three. (oops m'bad)

oh and speaking of sanity, since when has "the rogue" started referring to himself in the 3rd person? Originally Posted by Scalawag

Scalawag, Forgive me as I ramble a bit. I am trying to give a clear answer not only of when, but why. I am not the 'Bob' of Ted Danzen's sitcom, Becker. Unlike Bob who does it all the time, I chose when to use 3rd person, and do so with reason (IMHO).

The 'third person' is a literary device, where the writer is taking a step back, detaching himself a bit from the present issue or topic. It is employed as a literary device to try to refocus attention on the issue rather than the person. By doing so an growing conflict can be stemmed, managed, and hopefully resolved with a win-win.

If you care to examine them, I have sought to refocus attention onto the subject of the debates, to redirect the light of inquiry towards the topic at hand. I have reiterated the rogue's point that the argument is not about what the rogue wants regards a person or issue. Rather I have been seeking to find out if the owners and mods and community at large have a consensus opinion about one issue or another. Some things need not be defined for all. Some need to be to maintain order in the community.

Most of this stuff is not about the rogue, nor about any person linked to the issue or behavior. Because the questions and issues remain unanswered (such as "hobbyist or AGENT") is not about the rogue, but about the community. Some are upset that I have raised the question, and have persisted in the inquiry. That is OK.

Truth seekers are known to irritate those who are made uncomfortable by a change a 'new truth' might bring. With new knowledge may come new understanding, and a change in attitude, which someday will bring a change in behavior.

Focus on the issue, the problem, and not the person.

Some refuse to acknowledge the difference, or cannot discern the difference between the person and the problem. I pity them for their willful blindness. By their willful ignorance, they render themselves irrelevant in the changing world.

To manage change one need's perspective. The ability to step outside one's self and ego and to see the issue, the big picture, can help one gain perspective. It can be a moment of AHA!

In recent weeks I have let anger from stuff outside the community to spill over. I became reactionary rather than responsive. I let others get my goat and thus gave up control. I did not lose control, I gave it up.

A certain MOD (remaining nameless for discretion) appealed to me in a PM as a friend, a brother in the hobby so to speak. Not because of his authority but because of his tone I took what he said to heart, took a step back, caught a deep breath, and re-entered the fray with a renewed perspective.


If someone wants to have fun at my expense, let me laugh with him.
Let him expect me to return the volley (like a game of ping pong).
If he can take it, so can I.
If he can't take it, too bad. He should learn to take it or refrain from taking the shot.
If he cannot take it, he will back off, and I will hope to mend fences by giving props to his coming good reviews or comments in other threads.

If he holds a grudge, too bad for him. It hurts me not a whit.

Some do not have the mental wherewithal or character strength to engage in such banter in a healthy way.

I will ignore them for the most part.

Some are choosing to ignore me now and have told me so. No big deal. This is a community playground. We not expect will find some here with whom we will have fun with friends and avoid others. Certainly we do expect that everyone will like us. We gave up that hope in elementary school, or should have.

But let's not be like N. and S. Korea, who are exchanging cannon fire even as we speak.

Nor like DRSlut in this thread who would raise the conflict to the point of war against randyrogue with his terms of peace being the rogue's banishment. That is like saying death to the rogue. (I feel better saying 'the rogue's exile' than saying 'my exile.')

The difference is the rogue is ignoring the DRSlut's threats, because they pose no threat except in HIS (DRS's) mind. Poor fellow is deluding himself . . .


Aren't you glad you asked? LOL!

Aren't you glad you asked? LOL!

rr Originally Posted by randyrogue
not nearly as much as you it seems.

geez & you're concerned about sexual addiction? [rhetorical question]

if i were you i'd have that nasty case of male answer syndrome looked at.
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