The shit that comes out of Obama's mouth: Ebola

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The great and powerful Obama made a journey to Atlanta today and had a press conference (with all the appropriate background items) about, gasp!, Ebola.

In listening to the one, I noticed that other than "I", "MINE", and "MY", his favorite word was "fast". He said we have to move FAST on this outbreak..... little late big guy. The world has been talking about this for over two months. I guess Obama is catching up on his DVR saves. Maybe his political people told him that George W. Bush is highly regarded in Africa for attempts to save the people. OR.....

Maybe we're supposed to be distracted by something else that is about to begin or is in the early stages of. That is the Chicago method.

How long....
The long list of "emergencies" that have come and gone under Obama's feckless and cowardly leadership is an embarrassment to American leadership. Obama, without administrative leadership experience, has demonstrated no meaningful initiative on anything except the health care degradation fiasco. Even that was partially started by Hillary Clinton and Ira Magaziner. Obama just finished the job. Foreign policy is hopelessly beyond his comprehension. No policy. Procrastination. Hesitation. Delay. Retreat from any principled position. Ask the Poles what happened to their missile defense system. Now comes a crisis he can get behind. Deploy the U.S. military to fight Ebola. What does he want them to do, charge with fixed bayonets? Madness. We have an all volunteer professional fighting force that has been hamstrung for almost a decade, fearful of offending peace loving muslm terrorists, choosing the progressive ideal of nation building. How long before the military goes into total revolt? Nobody signed on to our military to wear contamination suits and enforce quarantines. Maybe we're getting ready to nuke the outbreak sites like they did in the movie Outbreak. It would make more sense. Christians persecuted and dying in Sudan and Iraq, Iraq building a bomb, Libya dissolving, Russia advancing, and U.S. borders being overrun, and this is our priority. Well, it might be better than global warming, John Kerry's number one challenge to our security. Governed by imbeciles.
he is so fuking scared to do anything,, and this lolly gagging has caused more problems..Obama is such a pussy!!! he needs to realize his own Party hates him now. due to all his lies, lies and more lies..
LexusLover's Avatar
Double posting.
LexusLover's Avatar
... he needs to realize his own Party hates him now. due to all his lies, lies and more lies.. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Actually, I think they're scared to criticize him ....

.. they've been calling those who have "racists" for way too long!

Karma is a Bitch. They got to wear it now.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... Ebola...... How long.... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Obaminable's Germ War in the African Theater until after the elections.

See we can fight wars on more than one front ...

At the tee box and germs in Africa.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yes, very soon we will be fighting wars on two fronts.

One will have thousands of boots on the ground...

(He who lives by the polls shall die by the polls.)
The great and powerful Obama made a journey to Atlanta today and had a press conference (with all the appropriate background items) about, gasp!, Ebola.

In listening to the one, I noticed that other than "I", "MINE", and "MY", his favorite word was "fast". He said we have to move FAST on this outbreak..... little late big guy. The world has been talking about this for over two months. I guess Obama is catching up on his DVR saves. Maybe his political people told him that George W. Bush is highly regarded in Africa for attempts to save the people. OR.....

Maybe we're supposed to be distracted by something else that is about to begin or is in the early stages of. That is the Chicago method.

How long.... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Weren't you and the others here scared shittless if Ebola, and predicting doom for the US if something wasn't done soon?
Weren't you and the others here scared shittless if Ebola, and predicting doom for the US if something wasn't done soon? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Shut The FUCK UP, you stupid BITCH...
And now we are sending American Soldiers over to that African Shithole, where they will be endangered of being exposed.

Fukin idiots.
Shut The FUCK UP, you stupid BITCH... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What is the matter Hamas whore? Hit close to home?
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I've finally had it. Obama wants to send our military on a suicide mission into the middle of an epidemic. We should be quarantining Africa. The soldiers will bring the disease back to the U.S. of A.

It is time to impeach.
I hope our troops have more luck against ebola than they have had against Boko Harem. From what I've seen, the "advisors" Obama sent haven't found any of those girls and BH keeps abducting and killing more people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Weren't you and the others here scared shittless if Ebola, and predicting doom for the US if something wasn't done soon? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What we did, if you don't remember, was to question the wisdom of bringing Ebola to the United States. We never questioned the need. However, that was two months ago. Where was Obama then? Vacationing?

Someday, Obama will get prostrate cancer and I expect him to wait until he loses 50 lbs, he has grapefruit looking things hanging out of his ass, and he can't sit down for shit BEFORE he goes and sees the doctor.

Somethings are too important to wait for Barry to watch it on Tivo.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So here is the question; we've had three (or is it four now) healthcare professionals using care and protection who've come down with Ebola. Out of how many there, hundreds? So new we send 3,000 men and women without training to expose them to the same disease. How many this time? Twenty? Fifty? A hundred? Then I read that they've run out of the vaccine that they used on the first three. So what do our soldiers do then? I guess die is the answer.

The idea that the president go to the Congress for a declaration of war is the recognition that citizens will die. The sons, daughters, husbands, wives, and parents of Americans will die in combat and they thought it was important that Congress be involved in the process. So Congress declares war. In the same spirit, Obama is proposing using American soldiers and there is a strong mathematical probability that some of them will die. Obama must go to Congress for approval and explain his plan A and plan B.