Multiple reviews of a provider

g89753's Avatar
Today I just saw my favorite provider again. I have reviewed her in the past on, but I was wondering if I can review her again. The last review was something like 6 months ago.

What are the rules on that?
wow is your favorite
g89753's Avatar
I keep coming back to Tina.

I was struggling with ED, and she couldn't possibly be better for that. I got a fresh batch of medicine and realized that maybe my problem was the fact that my old batch was 3 years old (I read someplace online that viagra goes completely inert after 5 years with a gradual decline between manufacture and then).

Also she has great tits, and just such a great attitude. It really works for me. I like to see other people, but I keep coming back to her.

Now that I look my review of her was from October.
Mrhazyman's Avatar
She's indigo cupcake now, I saw her a few months ago.... it was.... weird. Creepy freind, empty apartment. I just got a sketchy vibe like something was "off". I let her do the thing and got the hell out.
g89753's Avatar
As always, your mileage will vary. Personally, I have had more than a few good times with her, but I do generally go elsewhere in between.