A Question About The Provider Alert Section

When we get reviews, good or bad, or there is a thread posted in any of the other sections about us (the providers), the clients are allowed to post ALL of our info. Phone numbers, e-mail addresses and such. But in the provider alert section, WE have to remove some of the information about the person we are posting the alert about. This makes absolutely no sense. I don't see why we aren't allowed the same posting privileges as the gentlemen.
As I understand it, they are not allowed to post any private info. So our hobby email which we've posted in plain view in advertisements is fair game. Our private cell phone number is not. For the same reason, the guy's private info cannot be posted.

Private info, regardless if it's a lady or a hobbyist, regardless of what they're accused of doing, cannot be posted in full, unredacted form. We're not being treated any different on that score, I feel.
I don't post my hobby e-mail
Omahan's Avatar
Emily is exactly right. Allie, about your reply "I don't post my hobby e-mail" ECCIE can't be expected to know what email addresses and phone numbers each lady uses in her ads. If you want your email address private you need to help. First, when you give out your email address you should probably tell the receiver not to share it. Then if he does share it anyway you might ask him to remove it. Or you could send a RTM asking that ECCIE remove it.

I hope this helps.
Allie, yes, there is a bit of a double standard, and I can see it from both your side (as a provider) and ECCIE's point of view (as an entity respecting privacy), and, both Emily and Omahan bring up valid and relevant points . . . if you have a concern so deeply rooted about a person or an event and you feel strongly enough about it to post it in "Infoshare/Problem Client Reports-Kansas City Metro and Kansas" and you feel that the complete information needs to be disseminated for the safety of the community (verified providers) that can access said forum and the information needs to appear without redaction, simply post the information "off site" and require a password or single use URL to access it. I can detail in an email to you how this can be accomplished with very little effort, absolutely no cost and by your requiring a provider to PM you for a password or special one time use URL to a text file that contains the complete information (in it's entirety, without being "censored" by the instructions/limitations at "Infoshare"), therefore the distribution may be controlled and the specifics cannot be viewed by the general public. If you are interested, PM me with your email address for my alternate, secondary email address I maintain and I will contact you via that private email address and walk you through the process.

Is this a perfect solution? No - and it shouldn't be a way to broadcast information in an abusive manner or to communicate things that would be better suited in "Infoshare" as it exists - but I can see your point that some things need to be easily and readily distributed off ECCIE in certain circumstances, and that ALL details are relevant to the safety of the provider's private "community" in some instances.


- Jackie