tia travels's Avatar
RandB fan's Avatar
It says right there in the San Francisco Paper in the review section I quote "Little Joe couldn't even get to my g-spot no less get a confirmation from me that he was even in there"
You told me that she would use digression when speaking of me and not out me to everyone on the boards. Next thing they will be telling Little Joe jokes
Look Pa!! Family discounts at the brothel in Virginia City!!!
HarleyRider96's Avatar
And that's how you find the g-spot!
bojulay's Avatar
Originally Posted by tia travels
I'm going up north to find a woman paw. Every time I meet one
around here she gets killed, crippled, or run over by buffalo.
See Pa, I told you Hoss was a tranny
DallasRain's Avatar
Paw I think I want this girl!!
normalguy21's Avatar
Hopsing drew you this picture pa. Now you know why he won't wash Big Hass,s briches. It looks just like the letter I are the lower case l. Yep paw a skid mark !!
Originally Posted by tia travels
Sure looks like you and that hooker in town.
Damn misprint! It was supposed to say Chinese hooker, not Chinese cooker!!
normalguy21's Avatar
He says he auditioned for the part of kato for inspector clouseau .Not Hopsing . He doesnt hop he doesnt sing But he put Big Hass in a body cast !!
dtymh55's Avatar
I think it an ancient Chinese secret or something.Hope Hop Sing can read it for us.
Look Pa, Hass was arrested at the AMP in Vagina City!!!! Damn LE!!!