Why would the blower not swallow? Well, spooge does contain all the contamination of the blood, including STIs, and anything hanging out in the urethra, including urine, lube, potentially feces or latex, and probably their own smegma as well. It’s as intimate as it gets, potentially risky, and it does coat the throat in a slightly bitter-tasting film.
At the end of the day, it’s their body. Jenna Jameson never did an anal scene, because she said she wanted to keep that one piece of intimacy for her romantic partners, not to be shared with the world. Maybe before expecting a swallow, we should earn that intimacy.
Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
From what I recently learned more about, apparently there IS a slightly higher risk of std transmission by swallowing due to the sperm traveling down the long pathway before it actually is exposed to all the stomach acid. I.e: potentially higher risk for std permeation in the throat before the fluid is destroyed by stomach acid. I think it's all relative and each person should feel comfortable exercising their individual preferences on spitting, swallowing, cbj etc, i don't think it's empirical evidence, I personally do both these days but usually spit more now
Most of what I've heard from men is the aesthetic of it, the kink of just watching the act of swallowing, the fantasy of the memory, and even from a dominance standpoint.