Trump is such a lunatic and narcissist

He staff prepares a folder for him twice a day with articles,love letters, tweets from his admirers. Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus competed over who was going to give it to him. They called the packet the propaganda document.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He staff prepares a folder for him twice a day with articles,love letters, tweets from his admirers. Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus competed over who was going to give it to him. They called the packet the propaganda document.
Originally Posted by Greenflag
You're a loser, greenfag. hildebeest is such a narcissistic bitch that she surrounded herself with sycophants like Sidney Blumenthal that kept their noses so far up her ass that every time she farted their ears clapped against their heads in applause to appease her lunatic ego.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Trump is not Hillary.

Hillary was such a flawed candidate that the left could not beat a huckster like Trump.
Maybe you leftists should rethinck how you rig your primaries.
Typical Republican, the only thing they can do is talk about Hillary or keep blaming Al Gore for Climate Change. The only thing dumbasses like IB AHOMO
is rave like a lunatic about the Clintons or fake scandals that they get from their fake news sources. They are too fucking too stupid to understand whats going on so they rely on shit like Breitbart, Alex Jones, Newsmax that makes up fake stories.Their small brains can't comprehend or process information. When someone presents a news piece from a reputable vetted news source they say it is the liberal media. IB AHOMO why don't you address the article. Did they make this shit up? Please tell me IB AHOMO.

Back to the article , obviously we have a nut in the oval office that he makes his aides tell him how wonderful he is twice a day.
bambino's Avatar
Typical Republican, the only thing they can do is talk about Hillary or keep blaming Al Gore for Climate Change. The only thing dumbasses like IB AHOMO
is rave like a lunatic about the Clintons or fake scandals that they get from their fake news sources. They are too fucking too stupid to understand whats going on so they rely on shit like Breitbart, Alex Jones, Newsmax that makes up fake stories.Their small brains can't comprehend or process information. When someone presents a news piece from a reputable vetted news source they say it is the liberal media. IB AHOMO why don't you address the article. Did they make this shit up? Please tell me IB AHOMO.

Back to the article , obviously we have a nut in the oval office that he makes his aides tell him how wonderful he is twice a day. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Unnamed sources, Spicer denied it. Fake news. Yawn.
Bambino, you are such a Republican tool. Trump even brought in a new Chief of Staff to plug the leaks because White House personnel are freaking out on what is going on inside that dome of dumbness. Jeff Sessions even came out and said they are going after the leakers hard but instead you just say it is bullshit. Can you think independently or do you need the Republican party and Breitbart to tell you what to think. You're a fucking fool.
lustylad's Avatar
Bambino, you are such a Republican tool. Trump even brought in a new Chief of Staff to plug the leaks because White House personnel are freaking out on what is going on inside that dome of dumbness. Jeff Sessions even came out and said they are going after the leakers hard but instead you just say it is bullshit. Can you think independently or do you need the Republican party and Breitbart to tell you what to think. You're a fucking fool. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Did it ever occur to your lib-retarded pea brain that "leaks" might be false? Or do you automatically regard them as true as long as they portray Trump negatively?
Did it ever occur to your lib-retarded pea brain that "leaks" might be false? Or do you automatically regard them as true as long as they portray Trump negatively? Originally Posted by lustylad
Kelly was brought into plug the leaks. Jeff Session The AG said he is going after the leakers. So you are saying there are no leakers? Even the White House says there are leakers and the attorney general. The press is getting the information from these stories from inside the White House.

What don't you understand? The White House, Treasury both agree that there are leakers. I can tell you need to read a little bit.
bambino's Avatar
Kelly was brought into plug the leaks. Jeff Session The AG said he is going after the leakers. So you are saying there are no leakers? Even the White House says there are leakers and the attorney general. The press is getting the information from these stories from inside the White House.

What don't you understand? The White House, Treasury both agree that there are leakers. I can tell you need to read a little bit. Originally Posted by Greenflag
You do have a problem with reading comprehension. LustyLad didn't say there wasn't leaks, he said some were false. CNN and the NYTimes had to retract stories because they reported fake news you dumbass. How much longer before you realize you're getting your ass handed to you every time you post.
This story is so ridiculous the main stream media is not even running it.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
So Trump has a high opinion of himself. It's not a crime.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And Twitler, who hates leaks worse than he hates Tiffani, retweeted a leaked story just yesterday.

He's a fucking lunatic, clown and an imbecile.

And a pathological,liar.

Worth four years in the WH, right?

You do have a problem with reading comprehension. LustyLad didn't say there wasn't leaks, he said some were false. CNN and the NYTimes had to retract stories because they reported fake news you dumbass. How much longer before you realize you're getting your ass handed to you every time you post. Originally Posted by bambino
No fuckhead. He said leaks might be false. Are they all false, some false , none false. Of course when a legitimate news site which has vetted their news story you blame the liberal media. You're an idiotic tool.

You and your right wing internet trolls might think you are handing me my ass but you live in a world of fake news and Breitbart , Infowars have to tell you what to think. You are a total fucking idiot and a troll. You have not said anything to disprove my allegations against Trump and the White House sucking Putin's cock. The only thing you and your nutwing friends do is talk about Hillary and cite fake news reports.
So Trump has a high opinion of himself. It's not a crime. Originally Posted by RyanFromTER
Maybe he should be worried about what is going on in this country being updated on world and international matter instead of spending all of his time on vacation at Trump towers, playing golf, tweeting and meeting with the Russians. Trump could murder someone on TV and you guys would still support him. His words.
Typical Republican, the only thing they can do is talk about Hillary or keep blaming Al Gore for Climate Change. The only thing dumbasses like IB AHOMO
is rave like a lunatic about the Clintons or fake scandals that they get from their fake news sources. They are too fucking too stupid to understand whats going on so they rely on shit like Breitbart, Alex Jones, Newsmax that makes up fake stories.Their small brains can't comprehend or process information. When someone presents a news piece from a reputable vetted news source they say it is the liberal media. IB AHOMO why don't you address the article. Did they make this shit up? Please tell me IB AHOMO.

Back to the article , obviously we have a nut in the oval office that he makes his aides tell him how wonderful he is twice a day. Originally Posted by Greenflag
Oh, nobody within the public really knows what these people do. I wouldn't single Trump out. They are all ego maniacs as far as I am concerned. Even JFK was, but he made up for it by being one of the best Presidents over the past fifty plus years.
