Who Is Your Celebrity Doppelganger?

I get told I look like Alli McGraw from 'Love Story' alot by the older gentlemen. That's actually why I picked this handle.
From others I get Angie Harmon and Sandra Bullock. LOL.
So who do you look like?
When I'm out in public, people say I look exactly like Jackie Devlin, the Escort. I just look at them and smile . . .


- Jackie
CuriousMe's Avatar
I would say 50% Alli and a 50% Angie mix. I'm leaning more towards Alli.
Since the early 80s, it's always been the same when people, young and old, stop me in shock:

"My God, you know who you look like?"

"No, who?"

"Clint Eastwood!"

Makes my day.
I've been told I look like 50 miles of torn up interstate. I've also been told I look like a pile of cowpies. I actually feel sorry for the cowpies.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
George Clooney. LOL
Omahan's Avatar
Gabby Hayes.
howudoin's Avatar
Garth Brooks with hair
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
Well, if you must ask, I've been told that I'm a sexy cross between Dennis Leary, Flava Flav, Chuck Norris, & Pat Buchanan. On occasion you may find me standing outside of my Ford F150 drunk on Irish whiskey, screaming "Boyeeeeeeeee" while swingin' Nunchaku & rambling about 'those damn liberals'. I've had a complicated life, OK?
Longermonger's Avatar
Lulz. I had a drunken stripper at Bada Bing in Las Vegas tell me that I look like Spiderman last summer. Is that good?
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
They never let me in the club when I wear my super hero costumes. Unless Im the one on stage of course. Hmmm.
6ULDV8's Avatar
Old roommate of mine was asked to describe me once. He said "Well, he's kinda a cross between Jack Nicholson and Bob Hope!"
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Lulz. I had a drunken stripper at Bada Bing in Las Vegas tell me that I look like Spiderman last summer. Is that good? Originally Posted by Longermonger
Depends, with or without the mask?
Fred Garvin's Avatar
have been told a couple of times i look like sting
jeff one086's Avatar
Winnie the Pooh

something to do with balding, a beer gut, and not wearing pants