Finally got appointment with the beautiful Carmelita De Leon!

scarab22's Avatar
Scheduled for 9:00 this morning she pm'd me her phone number, tried texting her this morning, no response at all. I am heart broken..... she was my fantasy girl and I had to go through ALOT of screening only to be completely blown off!
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Wrong forum
TryWeakly's Avatar
That sucks.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-21-2017, 11:46 AM
Your title and post constitute a bait-n-switch imo. ha ha.

Anyway, NCNS belong in Co-ed.
scarab22's Avatar
My apology for posting in wrong forum. I wasn't sure where to post, until pxmcc told me. Can a moderator please move?
She's a really cool lady. I'm guessing there is a legitimate reason.
08cris's Avatar
Might be because you're 1/64th black, who knows, on to the next one
Mate.... I don't even know where to start. Sit down, step away from the hooker.....

Hang on to your money right now. Sit down, have a Guiness and look at getting you a dog right now.

You are going to get run over and loose your cash.

Tell me your real handle and you were just making this up? Come on now.

Don't ever be 'SORRY", you're on a hooker board for god's sakes.

For your sake, I hope there's enough liquor.
TryWeakly's Avatar
OP, you should look for BonemakerBarbie ...
jojodancer15's Avatar
That sucks!! Sorry that happened to ya...
scarab22's Avatar
Well I did speak to her and she was very apologetic. Apparently we both had the wrong numbers. She is a very nice lady and offered to make it up to me. Don't worry about this lady guys. I was premature on my posting. My fault...... Sorry Carmelita you are a nice lady.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Carmelita? Donde?
Don't feel bad, I got blown off twice -- once because she wanted a copy by email of my work badge. F$&@! That! My work ID

Move to da next one, brother. That worried shit out of me.
she wanted a copy by email of my work badge. F$&@! That! My work ID Originally Posted by Iluvthegals

  • pxmcc
  • 02-23-2017, 12:34 AM
Well I did speak to her and she was very apologetic. Apparently we both had the wrong numbers. She is a very nice lady and offered to make it up to me. Don't worry about this lady guys. I was premature on my posting. My fault...... Sorry Carmelita you are a nice lady. Originally Posted by scarab22
Carmelita is more than a nice lady. lol. She's probably one of the top 5 providers in the entire Houston hobby scene. Yes, top 5, all races included. Yes, her screening is a bit funky, but you have to get to the point where you can laugh with her at just funky her screening is, and then you're a made man. ha ha.

A newb posting a NC/NS about Carmelita is epic comedy of the highest order. Thank you my friend, I can't stop smiling. lol. Actually I just spit my highball out... you bastard!