
So tiered of clients making appointments early in the day setting a time then showing up whenever they feel like it. I'm mean would y'all like it if you set up an appointment with me and I left you outside until I felt like doi6the appointment from know on if a client is more than 15 minutes late we will reschedule if this bothers you then don't bother booking with me
  • kman
  • 10-08-2015, 02:16 PM
Tell us how ya feel Selena dont hold back now
Lol Im not it just doesn't make sense to set an appointment that morning for the afternoon and still be late
You have every right to be upset. At least a courtesy call should be made.
I don't blame you hun, a simple phone call or text goes a long way.
Thank y'all at least some understand the value of others time and are considerate of others
hogmanjones's Avatar
People who waste others' time are the ultimate ass hats. Time is the one thing we can never get more of, and once they've wasted it, it's gone for ever.
  • kman
  • 10-08-2015, 03:33 PM
I understand what you meant Selena time is everything in my line of work as well
BabyDallass's Avatar
I dont blame you, I would do the same thing. That is why I never let a client know where my hotel is at until I`m ready.
Not honoring the appointment is equal to if the provider double booked. As the hobbyist you would be really pissed if you showed up and realized some other dude was in there during the time you'd set. That's really not any different to the provider promising you that time and then you don't bother to honor it...they could have turned down other people for that time. Now they have no one.

There are a lot of people in this world that just don't think about how things they do impact others.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Double booking is different and not a good look if that is the case. I do not think that a client should know your location until the second your ready. So he cant just randomly pop up if you are busy doing something or someone else ....Its all about being on time with both parties, respecting each others time at all times is something you have to do to be taken seriously in this business.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I hate when clients take our time for granted. But there are good guys out there.
What about when a provider is not ready or doesn't show up you don't see all the concern. Where is why $$$ that's most of the providers only income. One more thing most men just don't say anything about a provider being late or not showing up. Its a hobby for us a job for providers the bottom line is when you have money and women together trouble is going to happen. Take care
It works both ways. But from personal experience and what others say, I know that Selena is 100% reliable. I don't blame her for being pissed. This is not about unreliable ladies, this is her thread and she does not fall into that category.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
What about when a provider is not ready or doesn't show up you don't see all the concern. Where is why $$$ that's most of the providers only income. One more thing most men just don't say anything about a provider being late or not showing up. Its a hobby for us a job for providers the bottom line is when you have money and women together trouble is going to happen. Take care Originally Posted by lil nicky
You sound bitter. Don't let bad experiences cloud your judgement. There are good and bad on both sides. It may be a hobby for men but like you said it is our JOB. Some girls suck at their jobs, some excel in it. But the ones that suck turn clients into assholes that fuck over the girls that are great. It's fucked up. We are humans too you know. We can't be forced to sit around waiting on a guy all day to show up when he feels like it. If you don't enjoy waiting around on us, why would you think we'd be ok with it?