Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction of justice, Washington Post reports

Munchmasterman's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Don't sleep too long.
You'll miss the ending.

Looks like trump will beat Garfield but it looks like Taylor's 4th place is safe.
Yawn Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's never the crime ... it's the cover up.

Twitler still hasn't figured out how to act.

He's fuckee fuckeed.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2017, 04:50 AM
Congress will not impeach.

Of course Trump was trying to stop the investigation. He fired the top guy investigating! But let's be real...they are not going to impeach Trump. Imho
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't sleep too long.
You'll miss the ending.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You already have.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2017, 05:24 AM
You already have. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Are you so old , you are now reverting back to child like ?
LexusLover's Avatar
It appears that some ignorant posters on here believe that an "investigation" is tantamount to a conviction of guilt.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It all comes down to the evidence. And if Congress is controlled by Republicans or Americans
Don't forget that if they give up trump, conservatives still have both chambers and the presidency. Imagine it. They could actually pass some legislation.
Trump is a major turd. If people see that the repubs know when to do a courtesy flush, it might keep them from being flushed in 2018.
The trump experiment is a bust. He was a douche-bag before and he is still a douche-bag. He got elected being a douche-bag and he'll go out as a douche-bag.
Pence will get high approval numbers from both parties. He has been a Governor. Let's give the guy who has some idea what he's doing a shot.
Congress will not impeach.

Of course Trump was trying to stop the investigation. He fired the top guy investigating! But let's be real...they are not going to impeach Trump. Imho Originally Posted by WTF
Watching CRONYISM play out by the SEDITIONIST Party(uni)...

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Brass Says Comey Struck Insider Immunity Deal With Mueller To Avoid Criminal Charges

Posted on June 13, 2017 by Investigative Bureau

A high-ranking Justice Department official believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller has granted a complete get-out-of-jail-free-card deal for disgraced FBI Director James Comey: A coveted immunity deal in exchange for cooperating as a key witness.

“The immunity is a done deal,” a Justice Department source said. “Mueller can do whatever he wants. We (Justice) have no say but after many years working criminal cases I know Comey has been given immunity. You can tell by the way he is acting now and the fact that Mueller has kept us in the dark about his investigation.”

Special Counsel spokesman Peter Carr at Justice would not comment when asked to detail the immunity arrangement between Comey and Mueller.

“As this is an ongoing investigation, we will decline to comment,” Carr told True Pundit.

As Special Counsel, by law Mueller is permitted to strike immunity agreements without having to get approval for the Attorney General of anyone at Justice. Also he is not obligated as Special Counsel to inform Justice about who is under immunity.

It’s no secret Comey and Mueller are close friends, having worked together at Justice for years alongside Eric Holder. Comey has described Mueller, who also served as FBI director, as his one-time mentor. If someone in Congress cared enough to do something about it, there are no shortages of conflicts of interests at play here in what is supposed to be an impartial investigation. In fact, it’s somewhat staggering.

But what are friends for? Folks outside of D.C. are getting another unwelcome crash course into corruption.

Thomas Paine @Thomas1774Paine
#Comey's leak got Mueller appointed special counsel. Comey will work behind scenes w/ him to steer investigation. Be warned. I know both.
12:15 AM - 9 Jun 2017
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A complete review of this case illustrates that by striking an immunity deal Comey has essentially used the Washington D.C. system and his connections to insulate himself from any felony criminal charges, including whether he participated in the illegal unmasking of Trump or any other Americans during the election based on FISA court-ordered wiretaps or whether he played a role covering up crimes committed by Hillary Clinton.

A refresher. First, Comey himself leaked at least one memo that actually sparked the Justice Department to appoint a Special Counsel. Then, from a pool of countless candidates to serve as Special Counsel, Mueller — a close friend and long-time mentor of Comey — just happened to get picked.Then, an immunity deal is agreed on which allowed Comey to speak carefree at his Senate hearings last week and beyond.

Comey’s likely deal insulates him against prosecution for his role in:

Leaking other government documents to third parties including the media
Inconsistencies in testimony that rise to the level or perjury
Any role he played in the illegal surveillance or wiretapping of Trump during the election
Any other crimes Comey may have committed during his tenure as FBI director, including his role in quashing the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
His role in unmasking Trump, Trump insiders and other Americans from FISA warrant intelligence
Any violations of FBI employment ethics that would nullify pension benefits.

Thomas Paine @Thomas1774Paine
If you think you've seen the last of #Comey, think again.
Hamlet is a five-act play.
We're only in Act Two.
12:27 AM - 9 Jun 2017
825 825 Retweets 927 927 likes
Munchmasterman's Avatar
100s of billions, right?
Your stupidity aside, no one said he was guilty of anything.
I don't go claiming I know he is guilty of anything either. That's your way you fucking hypocrite. Anything you don't agree with is fake news to you.
You accuse others of jumping to the conclusion of guilt while you jump to the conclusion of fake news.
100s of billions of years? That's you making shit up instead of looking it up.


It appears that some ignorant posters on here believe that an "investigation" is tantamount to a conviction of guilt. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Watching CRONYISM play out by the SEDITIONIST Party(uni)...
Who was that source?
That's right. An un-named source.
Fake news? We'll see.
But look at it this way. If there is anything to this, at least he was smart enough to do it legally.
In the meantime, start your own thread for your bullshit.

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Brass Says Comey Struck Insider Immunity Deal With Mueller To Avoid Criminal Charges Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What's your off-topic point? Wait a minute.
I don't give a shit. Cry us a river somewhere else.
LexusLover's Avatar

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Brass Says Comey Struck Insider Immunity Deal With Mueller To Avoid Criminal Charges Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The "DOJ Brass" know better, and, if they don't, they should be fired...summarily. The AG approves prosecutions and nonprosecutions....not "Special Counsel"! ... which must then be signed off by a Judge with jurisdiction over the potential prosecution.