Mccarthy ousted . Newt says gaetz must be expelled

winn dixie's Avatar

Sad day. In my opinion magas are holding congress hostage. Gaetz proves he is a domestic terrorist
winn dixie's Avatar
Today. Iam ashamed my party has let this happen. Moving forward we must purge the cancer ( magas ) that are in our ranks. Gaetz is an inept fool that literally has done nothing but disrupt. Fucking terrorist
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Funny that I do not see an autographed picture of Newt Ginrich on the wall behind your avatar that says: Love you tons Winn-Baby ~ Newt.

P.S. Real MAGAs don't give a crap about ya'lls feewins...
GOP used to be the party of Big ideas

GOP is now the party of Big Dummies

Love it. Keep MAGAing shit up. The gang that can’t shoot straight.
winn dixie's Avatar
This stunt by gaetz is making the dems more powerful. Gaetz is an idiot. Oh yeah and a terrorist.
texassapper's Avatar
Sad day. In my opinion magas are holding congress hostage. Gaetz proves he is a domestic terrorist Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah it's crazy that the Speaker should get ousted for not keeping his agreements that got him the position after 15 votes in the first place.

God forbid we expect Republicans to do things that ACTAUL Republicans want...
  • Tiny
  • 10-03-2023, 06:03 PM
This stunt by gaetz is making the dems more powerful. Gaetz is an idiot. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Absolutely. McCarthy masterfully extracted $1.5 trillion in cuts from Democrats in May. He did as good a job as anyone could as Speaker.
Great job McCarthy. He's the what 5th republican house speaker that was sabotaged by his own party.
This stunt by gaetz is making the dems more powerful. Gaetz is an idiot. Oh yeah and a terrorist. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Both Party's are Terrorist as far as I am concerned. I've given up on Government all together.
Funny that I do not see an autographed picture of Newt Ginrich on the wall behind your avatar that says: Love you tons Winn-Baby ~ Newt.

P.S. Real MAGAs don't give a crap about ya'lls feewins... Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
... Crikey! ... I just spilled-over me beer...

... Too right, Fess... NOW - - Winn seems to care for
what ol' Newt has to say...

Maybe someone can explain how calling for a vote
(under the rules that were established in-advance)
makes Gatz a "terrorist".

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
good riddance mccarthy!
FesteredUncle's Avatar
In the pursuit of collecting More Ons, some seem to have forgotten basic civics. Some 236 years ago, this dude understood it. (From

"James Madison explained that the Constitution's framers considered the Senate to be the great "anchor" of the government. To the framers themselves, Madison explained that the Senate would be a "necessary fence" against the "fickleness and passion" that tended to influence the attitudes of the general public and members of the House of Representatives."

Therefore; fickle is as fickle does. It was built to be that way. Did ya'lls parents teach ya'll that politics at all levels is meant to be pretty? The creators of the US Constitution knew the truth at the time and it holds to this day. That is why we do not see the word Kumbaya in it.
winn dixie's Avatar
In the pursuit of collecting More Ons, some seem to have forgotten basic civics. Some 236 years ago, this dude understood it. (From

"James Madison explained that the Constitution's framers considered the Senate to be the great "anchor" of the government. To the framers themselves, Madison explained that the Senate would be a "necessary fence" against the "fickleness and passion" that tended to influence the attitudes of the general public and members of the House of Representatives."

Therefore; fickle is as fickle does. It was built to be that way. Did ya'lls parents teach ya'll that politics at all levels is meant to be pretty? The creators of the US Constitution knew the truth at the time and it holds to this day. That is why we do not see the word Kumbaya in it. Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
Great post
TinMan's Avatar
McCarthy was doomed from the beginning of his speakership. He wanted it too bad. I have no idea how this thing ends up, but it’s apparent both from the republicans that voted against him and the democratic caucus that they all felt like he broke his word with them. He had to know this was coming when he backed off the debt deal he negotiated with Biden in order to get the CR passed. Neither Dems nor Gaetz were going to throw him a lifeline.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
McCarthy was doomed from the beginning of his speakership. He wanted it too bad. I have no idea how this thing ends up, but it’s apparent both from the republicans that voted against him and the democratic caucus that they all felt like he broke his word with them. He had to know this was coming when he backed off the debt deal he negotiated with Biden in order to get the CR passed. Neither Dems nor Gaetz were going to throw him a lifeline. Originally Posted by TinMan
8 republicans including gaetz voted against mccarthy.

yeah, i had a problem with him wanting the speakership too bad after it was obvious after 15 rounds of voting. he should have bowed out earlier which would have been the right thing to do but nooooo he had to go the extra mile.