Jan 66th: What Ever Happened To . . .?

ICU 812's Avatar
What ever happened to that guy who told people to go into the Capitol Building on Jan 5th and again on Jan 6th? He was recorded on video several times. His face and his ID are known.

If that is not inciting a riot, I don't know what is.
Precious_b's Avatar
Ima sure there must be a court date for that. We'll see then.
What ever happened to that guy who told people to go into the Capitol Building on Jan 5th and again on Jan 6th? He was recorded on video several times. His face and his ID are known.

If that is not inciting a riot, I don't know what is. Originally Posted by ICU 812
... Ray Epps... He was a government informant.
Plant into the oath keepers... And the Proud Boys.

A LOT of government workers undercover in the crowd
that day - trying to push the crowd "In to the Capitol!"

Ray Epps is/has taken a plead deal... Had to because
it protects him from further prosecution for his
crimes that day.

... The FBI and DOJ cannot LIE anymore.
Appeals coming for those prosecuted - and the government
is surely screwed because of the "very selective"
prosecution... They are trying like Jack-the-Lad
to slow things down and wait people out.

And the FBI/DOJ is surely hoping and prayin' that TRUMP
or another strong Republican DOESN'T get elected
next year and INVESTIGATE the DC prosecutions there.

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What ever happened to that guy who told people to go into the Capitol Building on Jan 5th and again on Jan 6th? He was recorded on video several times. His face and his ID are known.

If that is not inciting a riot, I don't know what is. Originally Posted by ICU 812
ray epps.

theres another video of him at another part of the capitol.


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Julie Kelly 🇺🇸
Sep 26 • 4 tweets • 2 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter
NEW RAY EPPS: Surveillance video shows Epps involved in the second breach of Capitol grounds after participating in 1st breach moments before. This incident creates opening for protesters on west terrace, which coincides with start of joint session of Congress at 1pm.


Epps touches part of a metal fence as police attempt to pull it up. Contrary to his testimony and DOJ report, Epps was not helping police. It appears that Epps stays behind 2 individuals standing on the fallen fence.

I am told mishandling a fence is an act of terror.

So the only individual who appears to be involved in orchestrating two key breach points is Ray Epps.

Epps text to nephew at 2:12p.m on Jan 6: "I also orchestrated it."

1st breach at 12:53pm:

I remember a few weeks ago when DOJ and Judge Kelly ruled that touching a fence with police close by qualified as a federal crime of terrorism and helped send you to jail for 18 years. In fact, one could be in Baltimore and still be guilty!

... Yes - and THAT is the reason for the rather soft charge
against Epps - it also shields him for further prosecution
for his "crimes" on 6 Jan.... As the videos and clips surely
continue to show that Ray Epps was just as - if not MORE
guilty than the lot of others charged there.

The FBI/DOJ surely got their teat in a wringer here - as it
shows a GREAT and POWERFUL Double Standard with their
Selective Prosecution of the Capitol protesters.

... Epps gets "a pat on his wrist" - while others who merely
wandered-about outside are hit with heavy charges.


#### Salty
Republicans, particularly of the Trump voting kind, have to be the DUMBEST most GULLIBLE fools ever if Epps was able to trick them into trying to take the Capitol. How stupid are Trump supporters is the real question.
eyecu2's Avatar
A better question is this:

If Ray Epps told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

And if Ray Epps was selling something like the Brooklyn Bridge would you buy it??

So what makes Ray Epps such a terrific salesman?

Perhaps he could be the vice-salesman to the infamous guy who's the master- "The art of the deal dude".

I heard that guy can literally shoot ppl on 5th avenue and make them look forward to being shot!!
If Ray Epps did all the Trumpys claim, it only proves how dumb Trumpys are. Let's assume he's a govt plant, which makes zero sense by the way unless Trump who was president at the time sent him, and told idiot Trumpys to CHARGE THE CAPITOL to stop the steal, how does that not help Trump? Even better, if Trumpys weren't truly DUMB GULLIBLE IDIOTS, wouldn't they have simply looked at criminal mastermind Epps and told him to fuck off.

All the complaining about Epps just reinforces that Trumpys are not even smart enough to make it to being dumb.
  • Tiny
  • 10-05-2023, 11:27 AM
Gentlemen, Why do you fall for every cockamamie conspiracy theory that Tucker Carlson throws out? He's like Rachel Maddow. He just wants to attract viewers and sell commercials, the truth be damned.

I've watched every video I can find, read the Revolver series, listened to the interviews, read the reporting, and heard what Ryan Samsel said Ray Epps told him. Ray Epps was not a government agent, unless you believe anyone who served his country in the Marines is a government agent. If he were a government agent, would he have had to sell his business and home in Arizona? Would he be hiding out without government protection in the Rockies? Would they be prosecuting him if he were a government agent? Would he have served as a regional leader of the Oath Keepers?

If not for Benedict Tucker Carlson drawing attention to him, he might have slipped through the cracks. Instead he's facing up to a year in jail. That's despite the fact that the tapes show him encouraging people to protest PEACEFULLY and to treat law enforcement officers with respect. Is that what you want? We all believe the 41 month sentence given to the QAnon Shaman was chicken shit, considering he didn't do any damage or harm Capitol police. But you want the book thrown at Epps for some fantasy cooked up by Revolver and Benedict Tucker Carlson.

Blackman is eating this up. It's SAD to see you on the same side of this issue with him, pushing for a lengthy prison sentence for Ray Epps, as I think Blackman did in another thread.
He's a criminal genius Tiny. He’ll get what he deserves.
  • Tiny
  • 10-05-2023, 11:48 AM
He's a criminal genius Tiny. He’ll get what he deserves. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Gentlemen, Why do you fall for every cockamamie conspiracy theory that Tucker Carlson throws out? He's like Rachel Maddow. He just wants to attract viewers and sell commercials, the truth be damned.

I've watched every video I can find, read the Revolver series, listened to the interviews, read the reporting, and heard what Ryan Samsel said Ray Epps told him. Ray Epps was not a government agent, unless you believe anyone who served his country in the Marines is a government agent. If he were a government agent, would he have had to sell his business and home in Arizona? Would he be hiding out without government protection in the Rockies? Would they be prosecuting him if he were a government agent? Would he have served as a regional leader of the Oath Keepers?

If not for Benedict Tucker Carlson drawing attention to him, he might have slipped through the cracks. Instead he's facing up to a year in jail. That's despite the fact that the tapes show him encouraging people to protest PEACEFULLY and to treat law enforcement officers with respect. Is that what you want? We all believe the 41 month sentence given to the QAnon Shaman was chicken shit, considering he didn't do any damage or harm Capitol police. But you want the book thrown at Epps for some fantasy cooked up by Revolver and Benedict Tucker Carlson.

Blackman is eating this up. It's SAD to see you on the same side of this issue with him, pushing for a lengthy prison sentence for Ray Epps, as I think Blackman did in another thread. Originally Posted by Tiny
... WHAT are you talking about??

WHO wants "the book" thrown at Ray Epps??

... Ray Epps should be treated in the same manner
as the other protesters there. ... Even steven.

... Maybe YOU surely can explain to us WHY he hasn't been.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 10-06-2023, 05:48 PM
... WHAT are you talking about??

WHO wants "the book" thrown at Ray Epps??

... Ray Epps should be treated in the same manner
as the other protesters there. ... Even steven.

... Maybe YOU surely can explain to us WHY he hasn't been.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sad. I'm not mimicking you. I just can't think of a better word than "sad."

You and Blackman apparently want to lock up poor Ray Epps for a good while. What's the standard? Everyone must be sentenced to at least 41 months jail time because that's what Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman received? Well, the Shaman should have received minimal jail time, no more than 30 days in my opinion.

Now I understand why Blackman believes the way he does, because he trusts everything he sees on MSNBC. But, Salty, you don't have a good excuse.

Epps did encourage people the night before to go into the Capitol. Peacefully. He also encouraged them to respect law enforcement officers. Remember the infamous video where Epps goes up and whispers into the ear of the young man who breaks past the barricade at the Capitol? That man was Ryan Samsel. You know what he told Samsel? Well during his interview with the FBI, Samsel said, "He (Epps) came up to me and he said, 'Dude' - his entire words were, 'Relax, the cops are doing their job."

Did Epps actually go into the Capitol building? Well there's no evidence to show he did. But Epps wisely isn't saying. Law enforcement has no evidence on him besides him encouraging people to go to and into the Capitol and protest, peacefully. And the video showing where he trespassed on Capitol grounds. But still he's facing up to a year in jail.

So why would the federal government place agents in the crowd to encourage people to take over the Capitol? Why would the deep state instruct its agents to attack the deep state? That makes about as much sense as shooting yourself in the head. Seemingly it would make a lot more sense to say Epps was working for factions of the government supporting Donald Trump, who didn't want Trump to lose. But that's a hare brained idea too. Ray Epps was a businessman from Arizona who owned a wedding business. He wasn't an agent for Trump or the deep state or anyone else.

... Ray Epps... He was a government informant.
Plant into the oath keepers... And the Proud Boys. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Epps did serve as Arizona chapter president of the Oath Keepers around 2010. He however dropped out several years before January 6, saying the Oath Keepers were too radical for him. He never had anything to do with the Proud Boys. He was a strong supporter of President Trump, like you.
... NONE of that answers the question I asked.
... Please try again.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 10-06-2023, 10:52 PM
You asked 3 questions. I’m assuming the first two were rhetorical. I answered the third. He has plead guilty to disorderly conduct and is facing up to a year in jail. Please point me towards evidence that he engaged in disorderly conduct, beyond walking past a barricade that others had already knocked down. He doesn’t deserve a year, or even a month, any more than the shaman deserved a sentence of 41 months for “obstructing an official proceeding.” Undoubtedly there are a number of people like Epps who trespassed on Capitol grounds without being charged with anything.

Epps asked people to go peacefully to the Capitol and protest. So did Donald Trump. Nobody listened to Epps. A lot listened to Trump and did what he said, except for the peaceful part. Do you believe Trump should go to jail for that one statement? I don’t.