
What a mess. Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea to drop a Jewish state right in the middle of the land of extremists?
But that’s water under the bridge, now we’re stuck defending Israel and living with the dangers of the extremists hating us because of it. My opinion 9/11 doesn’t happen if Israel never happened.

So at what point do we say to Israel they need to come up with a two state solution or we are done helping and backing you?
bambino's Avatar
Two state solution? Do you want to give Hamas state status? It’s a complicated situation that nobody really understands. Especially the corrupt crooks in our government. At the end of the day, it will be settled one way or another. It won’t be peaceful under the clowns in the current administration.
chizzy's Avatar
ahh that land was the home of the jews before the birth of jesus, before islam

about the 10th century BC (before christ)

and israel has offered many times to hamas and they keep turning it down. the fact remains the islamic terror groups wont be satisfied until every jew is killed.
bambino's Avatar
“I believe that Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth if I don’t win.”