I think I've outlived my dick.

OldGrump's Avatar
I've bemoaned the inability to finish in several posts. The frustration is getting to the point that I"m seriously considering taking up another hobby.

All the medical erection enhancements (pump, pills, injections) serve only to get me slightly there but the hottest and most experienced ladies deserve better than a non-ending. I know it is frustrating for them too. They take great pride in their skills, and rightfully so. It doesn't seem fair to have them see their best efforts fail to achieve the desired results.

Not to minimize the pleasure of a good DATY session followed by cuddling and caressing, but at some point, cost becomes an issue. I know provider's time is what we are paying for, but let's be honest, if the big explosion doesn't happen, we question our personal value of the time spent.

There are other older guys here with the same problems - and even a few younger ones experience it on occasion.

Some of us requested an "Old Guys" forum to discuss these issues and for providers who specialize in dealing with the problem to share any available solutions. We do have Coed and the Men's Lounge as the two most appropriate forums. I chose to post this in Coed because many ladies have dealt with ED and may have some encouraging suggestions.

How do you handle it? Guys? Girls? Anyone?
Try going to the voodoo shop here in Dallas. They have natural herbs that help your get horny and what not. Everytime I go there, the big jar containing all the male supplements are always at the bottom - they are in high demand. I slipped some to my ex once, I thought he was going to have a heart attack. I could literally hear his heart beat while I was laying down next to him.

Anyway, if you want to resort to black magic to help your ED, there you go. Be careful though, it can backfire.

Other than that, have you considered seeing providers older in age? Men always tell me that older women have that "touch". I can deal with men who have ED, because sometimes it's hard for me to get aroused myself.

*Note to self* Never have sex on an alcohol binge. The first hours of being drunk is fine for passionate, wild, rough sex, but it all goes downhill onces the liver starts to kick in.
ManSlut's Avatar
You may have been referring to this in the 'injections' part of your statement, but OG, have you had your Testosterone Levels checked? I'm middle-aged and started having the same problem, maybe not quite as bad, recently and found out my T levels were way, way low.

Now I feel like pmftony on an off day (no one, and I mean this jokingly tony, is in his league, but I'm not giving up)

Hang in there OG, there is probably a medical reason. Be glad I didn't say, "It only get's worse !"
ManSlut's Avatar
*Note to Self - bsb is into voodoo. Do not drink anything at her incall.


OG, if I could give you any advice I would. Although I'm not to the ED level yet, I can tell I'm not in my 20's, 30's, or 40's any more! Two pops used to be easy. Now it takes a very special lady to get me to two - so although I haven't gotten to the true ED yet, I see the eventual handwriting on the wall. If you can find something that works, please let us know. I hope that you do indeed find a way to improve on the situation.

And BTW, THANK YOU for being honest enough to post this. It takes a real man to publicly admit this. You have gained a LOT of respect in my book for being brave enough to put this out there.

PS: Manslut, regarding the "Now I feel like pfmtony" comment: LMFAO !!!!!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Damn OG, you are not making me feel any better about getting older. I have experienced it a few times, but only after drinking too much or being with a lady that doesn't turn me on. And it is very frustrating. It made me just want to cock punch myself. I have learned to pick the right lady and don't get too buzzed and I'm ok, for now. But at 50, 60, who knows whats in store for me. I don't have a clue how I will handle it. Maybe it will push me more to the cuddling and getting all lovey dovey side of it that I don't want right now that I hear other guys talk about. Maybe I will think about settling down too. It will be interesting to see what others say and see how they handle it. I know some guys won't talk about it. But I'm glad you brought it up.
*Note to Self - bsb is into voodoo. Do not drink anything at her incall.


Originally Posted by ManSlut

Stay away from the red wine. You will be possessed by "spirits"

But on a real note, I have bottled water and bottled moscato at my Incall. I've never really felt comfortable about people openly pouring my drinks at their homes, and I figured most guys would think the same and want the same courtesy.
OldGrump's Avatar
ManSlut, thanks for the reminder on testosterone levels. I'll ask my doctor to check. It is normal for T levels to diminish with age.

BSB, I have seen providers from 29 to 65. The closest I get is with my SO (she's not a provider) and that is most likely due to the intense emotional attachment between us.
Old age does not = lack of good sex life. Like many guys, I think you,are going about this backwards. ED is a symtom of other problems. Start with your doctor. If he cannot find the root cause, go to.a urologist. It took time and several doctors but I am aware of several issues that greatly contribute to me ed problems. Once you know the cause your treatment can be far more effective.
ManSlut's Avatar
Also OG, I don't know how you've been feeling when you wake up, but if you have been feeling tired when you wake up and you snore during your sleep then you may suffer from Sleep Apnea and this can effect the Equipment...Stay in touch OG, I'd like to know how it works out for you.
I'm no doctor but I've heard ED symptoms can come from medications. If you are on any medication consult with a doctor to see if they can lower the dosage. Are perhaps see where the problem is coming from.

OldGrump's Avatar
My philosophy is to use it while you got it. Then you'll have good memories to think about as you go to sleep and (hopefully) dream about.

I know my problem is due to diabetic neuropathy combined with medications. I do see a urologist along with several other specialists for different ailments. I pick each of their brains on the issue regularly.

The urologist wants to put in an implant. I'd go for it but there is one caveat and that is it shortens you (and I don't have that much to spare). Also, it got shorter with age. I would hate to take the title from Pyramid. My 1 1/4" (post implant) would beat his 1.3" even though he embraces the metric system.
OldGrump's Avatar
Brandy (nice avatar. see my thread on thighs in the Sandbox), I am checking to see if my BP meds can be lowered. They are working a bit too well.

ManSlut, I appreciate the suggestion on sleep apnea. It's worth checking.

ED is not mandatory with old age. As OBSG pointed out, it is usually due to other causes.
ED is not mandatory with old age. As OBSG pointed out, it is usually due to other causes. Originally Posted by OldGrump
Afterall, according the bible, "Methuselah lived to be 187 years old and had Lamech".

God kicked ED's ass.

TinMan's Avatar
My libido has slowed waaaay down in the past few years, and guess what? I'm fine with it! You suggested tongue-in-cheek that you may need to take up another hobby, but that is exactly what I've done. It's nice to be able to talk with friends, family and coworkers about my interests for a change.

I still check in here most days, and occasionally get a wild hair to check out a new chick, but by and large I'm happy that my dick isn't making all my decisions for me.