wow..some guys just need to get a clue.......

DallasRain's Avatar
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh my that is effin hilarious!! Another one bites the dust, and in JP of all places. He is getting 10 years for that haaaaaaaaa!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ooops! The ones that complain the loudest are usually the most guilty of the very thing they protest. You see it time and time again.
How can you see that in a van? Don't you have to get close and look in? And the second woman had to go see for herself too? And I bet the other inmates opted him out...he's the last guy I want in an overcrowded jail!
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto--and he is supposdly a minister!
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for sharing, DallasRain.

As a Christian, this type of thing especially upsets me. I am not not ashamed to admit that I am a hypocrite. In fact, we have a joke at my church:

"Church is full of hypocrites. But there's always room for one more."

While I share my faith and beliefs openly with others, I never force my opinions on them. It is not anyone's place to condemn or judge the behaviors of others, that is up to God (if one is a believer.) Jesus hung out with sinners, he was a controversial rebel of sorts, and showed love and compassion to everyone.

I've shared this area of my life with members of my church. While they don't support my choice to do this type of work--okay, I take that back, a few are totally okay with it--they have never condemned me or asked me to leave the church.

People like Grant Storms give Christians a bad name and turn people off from exploring Christianity. It breaks my heart because I have been shown nothing but love and grace by my Christian community.

And...this is so unkind of me to say about him but I've gotta' say it: what a creep!
Naomi4u's Avatar

I've shared this area of my life with members of my church. While they don't support my choice to do this type of work--okay, I take that back, a few are totally okay with it--they have never condemned me or asked me to leave the church. Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
You are very brave Ms. Marie. I don't think I can ever do that.
You sure this shouldn't have gone in the masturbation thread?? LOL
London Rayne's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for sharing, DallasRain.

As a Christian, this type of thing especially upsets me. I am not not ashamed to admit that I am a hypocrite. In fact, we have a joke at my church:

"Church is full of hypocrites. But there's always room for one more."

While I share my faith and beliefs openly with others, I never force my opinions on them. It is not anyone's place to condemn or judge the behaviors of others, that is up to God (if one is a believer.) Jesus hung out with sinners, he was a controversial rebel of sorts, and showed love and compassion to everyone.

I've shared this area of my life with members of my church. While they don't support my choice to do this type of work--okay, I take that back, a few are totally okay with it--they have never condemned me or asked me to leave the church.

People like Grant Storms give Christians a bad name and turn people off from exploring Christianity. It breaks my heart because I have been shown nothing but love and grace by my Christian community.

And...this is so unkind of me to say about him but I've gotta' say it: what a creep! Originally Posted by LynetteMarie

I beg to are NOT a hypocrite! If you're not on a pulpit preaching against escorting while doing it, or acting as if you are miss perfect amongst your church friends, you are not a hypocrite. Having faith does not make you wrong.

I am also a Christian but in my case I "know" what I am doing is wrong in God's eyes, and I don't go around telling others to come and join me. I think he actually uses situations like these to bring people back down a level. If you're not in a position to be above what you're preaching against, you have no business being in that position. It also shows that ALL humans are less than perfect, and that's not where our faith should humans.
Life does, indeed, have a habit of forcing us to take courses of action that we would strongly prefer not to, based on our personal sense of ethics or morality, but for which circumstances do not provide any viable alternative. It is, as you point out, a humbling experience.
kendra kayy's Avatar
LOL! Funny things ppl do!
DallasRain's Avatar
he was on the local news tonite...he was crying and apologizing saying he wants help!{he said he was innocent of the allegations about masturbating in his car by a playground..... but he said was guilty of urinating in a jar}
Chellablaine's Avatar
Staff edit, see next post, CC
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Chella, please review the forum guidelines again

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
Chellablaine's Avatar
Oops, I meant it in a not so literal way. Its a redneck thing my ex(a redneck) used to say regarding the "b" word. sorry, I know I was hit for the violent aspect, but I didnt think the "P" word was against the rules. I dont think I mentioned anything sexually explicit other than the offender being a "p". If thats the case then the link to the ad is against the rules too. And as far as that goes, you may want to check some avatars that have minors on them, thats not cool at all on a sex board.