Attraction to the opposite sex: Real world versus hobby attraction.

Mature Companion's Avatar
When you partake of the hobby. Has or does your attraction to the opposite change from your attraction to the opposite sex in the Rworld?

I'll start.

My attraction to men within the hobby has somewhat changed than that of the men I'm attracted to in the RW.

In the real world I absolutely love mature tall distinguished men with nice guns on them (arms) and muscular thighs and bald heads!
Albeit, black or white men. However, persona wise still must be a down to earth kind heart-ed , free spirited soul. (in & out of the hobby).

In the hobby, I'm attracted to mature men of any height & race and prefer the non muscular, teddy bear type. (as in the hobby, I've found the buff men to be too arrogant & self absorbed for my taste.)
I adore men who are old school souls!!
jughead1171's Avatar
I think my attraction is pretty much the same but seems a bit easier to find in the hobby. I like women who have a secret sexy naughty racey side to their personality. This attraction goes back as far as I can remember. Maybe it is a "Fatal Attraction" LOL that is the reason why?
I am essentially attracted to the same kind of woman, within and outside the hobby. Within the context of hobbyist activities, I also believe in according ladies the same respect, sensitivity and kindness that I would accord a "civilian" date. The only difference, obviously, is that there is no assumption of any emotional bond between the two of us.

As for specifics, I am an academic, an incurable romantic and a gentleman to the core, so I naturally gravitate toward a very specific type of woman, one who is, most importantly, a quintessential lady and, secondarily, the proverbial "total package," i.e. someone who exemplifies refined elegance, grace, a classic sense of style, both in fashion and personal deportment, and combines genuine sincerity, kindness, intellect and sophistication with conviction, depth and passion, both with respect to life pursuits and in the bedroom. As a connoisseur of feminine pulchritude, I consider breathtaking beauty to be the piece de resistance. As an on-again, off-again bodybuilder, I am most attracted to a lean, symmetrical and athletic female physique.
Mature Companion's Avatar that is the reason why? Originally Posted by texasbrowning

Why we mesh so well? Yes, dear your a old school soul of a beautiful kind.

After reading BreastLuvr comments. I wanted to elaborate on why my attraction differs from the Real World to that in the hobby.

Beside my life long RW male friends (of whom I have great sexual benefits with, when I want them). The men in the RW, that I've dated. While I'm attracted to them. They lack something within that the mature men I've met in the hobby, possess.

It seems (in my minds eye), that the mature men who hobby (whom I've met-therefore NOT speaking on behalf of all hobbyist). Are men who have a better appreciation for women, sex & life in general and thus I tend to connect on a more personal, mental, sexual level with men in the hobby. Than I do with men in the RW. So my attraction does differ to a degree. Plus I don't want to always *date* within the hobby, the same *type* of guy I see in the RW.
I like variety, and the individual uniqueness about those I meet. (outside the hobby) I always watch & lsiten and if ones personality is arrogant, self centered, egotistical, selfish. Then no matter how physically handsome they might be. I find them unappealing and won't give them the time of day. As I'm attracted to a man who appreciates & see's the beauty in the simplest of things and who's not selfish etc.
If he has a personality that I'm attracted to, then...
some days I crave a chocolate lover with smooth chest & bald head.
Some days, I want a tall white man with curly hair & hair on his chest so I can run my fingers through it while I'm spooning with him.
But everyday, my skin wants a man with a 5' 0'clock shadow.
Damn, wicked, I just looked and saw you are in Oklahoma, I never have an excuse to travel there. You sound like the kind of gal that can make an old school guy's world rock
Mature Companion's Avatar
Not in Oklahoma. Rather San Antonio.

Damn, wicked, I just looked and saw you are in Oklahoma, I never have an excuse to travel there. You sound like the kind of gal that can make an old school guy's world rock Originally Posted by midrider
Cool, I can find my way there every once in a while. Would love to meet you sometime
In the RW, I am initially attracted to a woman based almost solely on her personality, not her looks. If she's not physically attractive, it doesn't matter b/c I'm attracted to the inner person. However, since I never have civvie sex, I can't relate these women to those in the hobby.

In the hobby, I'm attracted to a woman based almost solely on her physical beauty. Then I try and figure out if I like her personality. More often than not, this cannot be determined b/c although the lady may have pics out there, she seldom has her personality out there where it can be easily understood.

I would like to know the personalities of the ladies much more than I do. But I doubt that I'll ever know any lady by her inner personality.
Somewhat the same. I like em' all younger than me , older than me whatever but more so the older ones. Also attitude plays a BIG role; he can be handsome as they come and if his attitude sucks, I am very quickly turned off. Or if he is not as handsome and his attitude is nice, then I feel attracted.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'm with Charles. Whats between her ears is much more important to me than the size of her tits.
Pretty much the same, I've always liked mature teddy bears and bearded biologist types. The only difference is that in real life I'm so fickle. I love you, I'm bored, I'm too busy, oh, wait, I love you again. The boundaries of the hobby keep that from happening in this world.
In the real world I'm not allowed to be attracted to other women, just my wife. In the hobby world I am attracted to the complete opposite... all the women who aren't my wife!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
In the real world I'm not allowed to be attracted to other women, just my wife. In the hobby world I am attracted to the complete opposite... all the women who aren't my wife!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
My attraction to ladies in and out of the hobby are pretty much the same. In the p4p world, I get to experience variety. I love variety, the play, new experiences.