Luxury No-tels

Wicket's Avatar
Mature Companion's Avatar
The holier than thou RW snobs are finally coming to the realization that adults (no matter what walk of life they come from) need a mid day sexual release and it's gonna take place somewhere, (be it home/car or hotel/motel or office) so why not peel back their judgmental mask and cash in on it. Rather than turning their nose up at folks who love sex & intimacy!

What is this world coming to? Originally Posted by Wicket
Chica Chaser's Avatar
At a time when hoteliers are trying to get more heads in beds, some are letting guests book a room for a few hours for a lower rate than an overnight stay
The free market economy will always decide in the end. Companies will do whatever they need to do to make money. Find a niche and fill it.
SlowHand49's Avatar
I am all about filling niches.
Luxury notels- my place