PROVIDERS... Whats your #1 complaint about Hobbyist?

Still Looking's Avatar
Guys get you paper and pencils out and lets pay close attention.

What is the number one thing that bothers you about hobbyists. I would like to add, that providers I have seen, I would appreciate you not submitting lists in excess of 50 please

Also how about telling us the #1 thing you most appreciate or look for in a Hobbyist? (Guys I keep track of these. I suspect this list will be much shorter than their first)
  • LynnT
  • 06-05-2011, 07:15 AM
I love it when they follow directions to join me for a visit. (submit proper info for screening and introduce themselves like a gentleman) I hate having to ask.. "Can you tell me a about you?"

Also love when you come smelling fresh and clean like soap! lol
gimme_that's Avatar
Oh no....,another please scrub your balls thread!

How much commom sense info is going to be given post for post.
  • LynnT
  • 06-05-2011, 07:50 AM
Oh no....,another please scrub your balls thread!

How much commom sense info is going to be given post for post. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Im sure there will be but well all know some dont have or use any common sense. They need it spelled out for them.. lol
kellithrills's Avatar
I enjoy having to remind them I MIGHT be busy with work, RL----so maybe don't ask why I didn't drop everything to wait for last second urge I wasn't aware of!! lol The providers (here, at least) ARE good, but none of us attended class about mind reading!

And, RL does happen, understood! But, if an appt is late, either we need to cut that appt down (which hobbyists get pissed about) or, we must make the next appt late!!
Damned if we do, damned if we don't!! Someone's always gonna suffer! Jus saying....
Guys get you paper and pencils out and lets pay close attention.

What is the number one thing that bothers you about hobbyists. I would like to add, that providers I have seen, I would appreciate you not submitting lists in excess of 50 please

Also how about telling us the #1 thing you most appreciate or look for in a Hobbyist? (Guys I keep track of these. I suspect this list will be much shorter than their first) Originally Posted by Still Looking
Screening and then never hearing from them for months. Suddenly getting a note to the effect of " I haven't forgotten, don't give up on me" ..... yet a few reviews pop up of others. ANNOYING !! Makes me feel like I'm a plan C, D or E lol

Granted this really can be a "which one is easiest to schedule with and see biz"

Great communication during the time we are trying to match schedules.

I REALLY appreciate a guy that sends proper screening information the first time.... the references, how to get in touch, & how they will remember. Makes screening so much easier. I tend to pay more attention to those first and foremost.
Complaint -

1. If I don't answer the phone the first time you call, that means I'm busy and won't be answering it the following 5 times you call within 20 minutes.

2. Not giving me notice that you need a reference from me and who the lady is that'll getting in touch with me.

3. Not having a hobby phone. I've had one too many wives call me because some guys get stupid.


1. That you show up freshly showered and fresh breath.

2. You don't haggle with me about my rates.

3. You've read my website and know exactly what you want.

4. The way you treat me with respect.

5. You brought treats for my dogs. It shows that you put thought into it and scores you major points with me.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I don't have many complaints as the majority of mine have been great, maybe knock one out before you come over or make sure you have enough time for me to , so you can last longer
One I can think of is don't start calling and texting wanting to chat right before the appt cause I'm trying to get ready!
Still Looking's Avatar
You guys writting this down? I would have never thought to bring dogy treats!? GREAT info ladies!
Complaint -

1. If I don't answer the phone the first time you call, that means I'm busy and won't be answering it the following 5 times you call within 20 minutes.

2. Not giving me notice that you need a reference from me and who the lady is that'll getting in touch with me.

3. Not having a hobby phone. I've had one too many wives call me because some guys get stupid.


1. That you show up freshly showered and fresh breath.

2. You don't haggle with me about my rates.

3. You've read my website and know exactly what you want.

4. The way you treat me with respect.

5. You brought treats for my dogs. It shows that you put thought into it and scores you major points with me. Originally Posted by MsElena


Haha or in my case horse treats!

Men thinking that I have all the time in the world to chat/text
Being late to appointments (bc then it throws all my clients back)
Men stop taking your bussiness calls on my time!!
Showing up with less donations than requested
Weirdos messaging texting and calling (kinda use to it tho)
Constant call back like if I dont answer im probably busy so you dont have to call 80 times a hour .
Men also have your information ready remember you guys waant to see us so you be prepared (screening info)bc females already are .

SHOPPING SPREE (thank you traveltheworld) (tigertran) (all you other genorous gentlemen)

I love that my lunch and dinner gets brought to me w/delight & happiness
(dunno why but guys love to bring me my meals-ty to all of you)

I feel so spoiled I get what I want & lots of surprises

I love that there are hobbyist everywhere bc i travel often
You guys writting this down? I would have never thought to bring dogy treats!? GREAT info ladies! Originally Posted by Still Looking


I was surprised the first time it happened about 2 yrs ago and it really touched me that he thought of my little guys without having even met me yet. We were talking one day and he heard them barking, asked what kind of dogs they were and then two weeks later when he came into town, he had a bag of treats for them.

Its the little things like that that mean a lot to me, makes the guy stand out in mind and makes me want to please him even more.
I don't have many complaints as the majority of mine have been great, maybe knock one out before you come over or make sure you have enough time for me to , so you can last longer Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
You really don't want me to do that!!! If I do, I ain't going to have one for the session. I'm kind of like the vitamin: One-A-Day wonder here.


Men stop taking your bussiness calls on my time!! Hey, honey, it's not your time, it's mine. If I want to duct tape your mouth and pu$$y while I talk business on the phone, that's up to me, just so long as you get your donation and I don't keep you past my time!!! Originally Posted by UltimateMaxx
My main complain is a reflection of my experience. I will keep it simple. I do not like beig asked to stay OTC without being offered donation. I am not your GF.

You provide a house, car and financial security to your wife, not me. So if you want free clock free dates, go to your wife. Thats her job. Don't ask me to do her job. It's not fair to me.
Still Looking's Avatar

I was surprised the first time it happened about 2 yrs ago and it really touched me that he thought of my little guys without having even met me yet. We were talking one day and he heard them barking, asked what kind of dogs they were and then two weeks later when he came into town, he had a bag of treats for them.

Its the little things like that that mean a lot to me, makes the guy stand out in mind and makes me want to please him even more. Originally Posted by MsElena
Oh I hear ya! That's why I took note. I'm always looking for ways to improve as a person! I was a bit taken back, thinking how in the hell would this guy know she had dogs? Two attack Dobermans... ya I'm bring them STEAK! Smart guy!!! Those are most certainly the kind of things one should do especially with a limited availability provider / low volume! Appreciate the intel!