Trump Kicks Ass? Sucks?

  • Tiny
  • 07-26-2018, 03:30 PM
Show your enthusiasm or lack thereof for our President.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Show your enthusiasm or lack thereof for our President. Because I have no life Originally Posted by Tiny

  • Tiny
  • 07-26-2018, 04:00 PM
TDS Originally Posted by Hotrod511
It's 1:00 AM in St. Petersburg, isn't that past your bedtime?
only the BEST President EVER!
Tiny's Pole --- <-Get out your microscope, fuckers!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s going down like a lead baby blimp.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He’s going down like a lead baby blimp. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you've been saying that for how long now? been waiting for the pee tape to bring down the Lord Emperor for how long? well keep waiting because there is no pee tape and Trump will never be impeached.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I think there was better choices , ( no Bill, or Bennie) But with that said at lease he's doing SOMETHING for us , unlike obumper who did all for other powers
Hotrod511's Avatar
It's 1:00 AM in St. Petersburg, isn't that past your bedtime? Originally Posted by Tiny
GDP 4.1 %
  • Tiny
  • 07-27-2018, 07:31 AM
Lowering corporate tax rates and deregulating had something to do with that 4.1% growth rate. In the long term trade wars and the federal government budget deficit will hurt the economy. Trump’s policies are a mixed bag. The same is true of your president’s policies Hotrod. He wasted a ton of money on the Sochi Olympics
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Lowering corporate tax rates and deregulating had something to do with that 4.1% growth rate. In the long term trade wars and the federal government budget deficit will hurt the economy. Trump’s policies are a mixed bag. The same is true of your president’s policies Hotrod. He wasted a ton of money on the Sochi Olympics Originally Posted by Tiny
once again you presume an all-out trade is the objective. it isn't. but continue to cry "the sky is falling" while in the real world my quarterly dividends added almost 5k to my investment portfolio. with growth also because not all of my investments pay dividends.

my broker doesn't seem to agree with you on this so-called trade war you continue to claim is the objective. when Trump began putting tariffs on Chinese Aluminum, which they were using NAFTA to get around directly shipping into the US market by staging shipments in Mexican warehouses then dumping it via NAFTA into the US, i bought about 8k in ALCOA. it shot up 20% not long after the tariffs hit. we took the gains, sold off and waited about a month then got back in and i still have a large stake in ALCOA now. if it begins to under-perform i'll sell and put the money into something else.

i just sold about 7k in Ford, all of it, and put the money in Valero Energy. overall today i'm down about 700 dollars. what would your advice be? SELL SELL SELL!?!

bahahaaaa. NOT.
  • Tiny
  • 07-27-2018, 01:24 PM
when Trump began putting tariffs on Chinese Aluminum, which they were using NAFTA to get around directly shipping into the US market by staging shipments in Mexican warehouses then dumping it via NAFTA into the US, i bought about 8k in ALCOA. it shot up 20% not long after the tariffs hit. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Congratulations, that was a shrewd move. Honestly, I'm not being sarcastic. My second largest position is now my fourth or fifth largest position. The company owns a factory in China that manufactures goods that will never be manufactured in the USA, regardless of what kind of tariffs are placed on Chinese goods. I lost a lot more than 8k in terms of the value of the position as a result of the proposed tariffs. Trump helped you and he fucked me.

i just sold about 7k in Ford, all of it, and put the money in Valero Energy. overall today i'm down about 700 dollars. what would your advice be? SELL SELL SELL!?! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It would take a few weeks to come up to speed on the two companies. But based on a 30 second glance, yes, I'd sell Valero and buy back Ford. Ford is cheaper. It sells for 7X earnings and a 7% dividend yield. Valero sells for 18X earnings and pays a 2.6% dividend. I might actually take a look at Ford. HOWEVER, you may have made a shrewd move, like Alcoa. The tariffs help Alcoa. They screw Ford, who is expecting their costs will be $600 million per year higher as a result. The law of unintended consequences. Trump's tariffs will cause net job losses according to economists.

Your broker probably doesn't know jack shit about tariffs. It's in his best interest if you believe they won't hurt the economy, so don't take your money out of your account and invest it in something like gold bars. I'm exaggerating, supposedly a trade war might lower economic growth around 20% a year (maybe from 2.5% to 2%/year), not the end of the world, but still very significant, especially over many years. It makes a large difference in the standard of living of our children and grandchildren. And there's some small possibility of a Smoot Hawley Great Depression meltdown if trade wars get really out of hand.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Congratulations, that was a shrewd move. Honestly, I'm not being sarcastic. My second largest position is now my fourth or fifth largest position. The company owns a factory in China that manufactures goods that will never be manufactured in the USA, regardless of what kind of tariffs are placed on Chinese goods. I lost a lot more than 8k in terms of the value of the position as a result of the proposed tariffs. Trump helped you and he fucked me.

It would take a few weeks to come up to speed on the two companies. But based on a 30 second glance, yes, I'd sell Valero and buy back Ford. Ford is cheaper. It sells for 7X earnings and a 7% dividend yield. Valero sells for 18X earnings and pays a 2.6% dividend. I might actually take a look at Ford. HOWEVER, you may have made a shrewd move, like Alcoa. The tariffs help Alcoa. They screw Ford, who is expecting their costs will be $600 million per year higher as a result. The law of unintended consequences. Trump's tariffs will cause net job losses according to economists.

All economists? is that like the 97% of scientists believe "Climate Change" is real?

Your broker probably doesn't know jack shit about tariffs. It's in his best interest if you believe they won't hurt the economy, so don't take your money out of your account and invest it in something like gold bars. I'm exaggerating, supposedly a trade war might lower economic growth around 20% a year (maybe from 2.5% to 2%/year), not the end of the world, but still very significant, especially over many years. It makes a large difference in the standard of living of our children and grandchildren. And there's some possibility of a Smoot Hawley Great Depression meltdown if trade wars get really out of hand. Originally Posted by Tiny

"Your broker probably doesn't know jack shit about tariffs" well he knew enough to take advantage of ALCOA. or was that blind luck in your esteemed opinion?

of course you like to preface a lot of your comments with "probably". meaning you don't know this guy's background yet you suppose he doesn't know shit.

a trade war won't happen. again you presume that is the goal. it's not. fair trade is the goal. i don't think the EU as a block would fare very well if a trade war did result. they would, however fare far better than China. the EU has its own problems and getting them to act as a block isn't realistic. like Germany with their "FU EU" gas deal with Mother Russia, the individual nations will do what is in their best interest over the good of the EU. we are already seeing this.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Originally Posted by Tiny
Congratulations, that was a shrewd move. Honestly, I'm not being sarcastic. My second largest position is now my fourth or fifth largest position. The company owns a factory in China that manufactures goods that will never be manufactured in the USA, regardless of what kind of tariffs are placed on Chinese goods. I lost a lot more than 8k in terms of the value of the position as a result of the proposed tariffs. Trump helped you and he fucked me.

too bad you got fucked Tiny maybe you should have pick a position that was in the good old USA you see that is what Trump is all about America first

then there would be no need for this

isn't China a Communist country, to bad comrade

How do civil wars happen?

Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.

The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There’s a pattern here.

What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win. It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections.

That’s a civil war.

There’s no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government.

This isn’t dissent. It’s not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they’re the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don’t win, what you want is a dictatorship.

Your very own dictatorship.

The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.

Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country. The Democrat’s system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country.

If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited. He’s a dictator.

But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has ‘discretion’ to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the ‘discretion’ to reverse him. That’s how the game is played That’s how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn’t yet won that particular fight.

When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren’t even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries.

The Constitution has something to say about that.

Whether it’s Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.

Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can’t serve in if you’re not a member. If you haven’t been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren’t in the club. And Trump isn’t in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren’t in the club with him.

Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.

That’s not a free country.

It’s not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an ‘insurance policy’ against Trump winning the election. It’s not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of - and spying on - the opposition. It’s not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It’s not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn’t supposed to win did.

Have no doubt, we’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government.

- Daniel Greenfield