Cruz and Sanders Win Big In Wisconsin.

Of course, it means nothing in the Democrat Primary. The powers that be will will probably figure some convoluted way to give Hillary the majority of the Delegates.

The Cruz win is substantial, in that it will deny Trump his majority heading into the a Convention, so that the "Establishment" can give the nomination to Kasich or Ryan.

Keep in mind, they hate Cruz almost as much as they do Trump.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Sanders people aren't going like how the Democrats treat him at the convention any more than the Trump people will appreciate how they're treated at their convention. Maybe we can destroy BOTH major parties in a single election! This could be a good year for third parties!

Of course, it means nothing in the Democrat Primary. The powers that be will will probably figure some convoluted way to give Hillary the majority of the Delegates.

The Cruz win is substantial, in that it will deny Trump his majority heading into the a Convention, so that the "Establishment" can give the nomination to Kasich or Ryan.

Keep in mind, they hate Cruz almost as much as they do Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well if that's the way it has to go, I hope Kasich gets the nomination, at least he put the work in and campaigned. Ryan hasn't done shit and isn't worth a shit anyway. Since neither one can beat Clinton, I suspect not a dam thing will change in this country.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jim, they're giving us an unprecedented opportunity to demolish the two-party Establishment system! If we can take the disaffected voters and unite against them, we could have some genuine change! We might not get another chance!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Republicans are in such a state of chaos right now, you could beat them with a candy apple. Kasich? He's been roundly rejected everywhere but Ohio. Ryan? He's way too moderate for the great uneducated masses.

Riots in the streets? Sadly, yea.

Cruz is much scarier than Trump.

And his wife isn't as hot. (Lmao)
  • DSK
  • 04-06-2016, 08:01 AM
Well if that's the way it has to go, I hope Kasich gets the nomination, at least he put the work in and campaigned. Ryan hasn't done shit and isn't worth a shit anyway. Since neither one can beat Clinton, I suspect not a dam thing will change in this country.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well, supposedly Kasich has better numbers than Hillary - so maybe he will win. Hillary is very beatable, and I think Cruz would have a difficult time in a national election. The majorities in the House and Senate are more important than the Presidency.

Mr. Trump, who would have been a great President, looks to be unelectable. That just shows how fucked up this once great country is right now.
Jim, they're giving us an unprecedented opportunity to demolish the two-party Establishment system! If we can take the disaffected voters and unite against them, we could have some genuine change! We might not get another chance! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Until we move away from the First Past the Post voting system, a two party system is inevitable.

Also, the problem with "disaffected voters" is that they are all disaffected for different reasons. You would want them united under a certain flag, but others would want to unit under totally difference flags. This would just raise the same problem again:vote for your third party and let the "greater of two evils" win. . .or for the less of two evils in an attempt to block the person you really don't want.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You think an openly socialist candidate will not be welcomed at the convention against the tainted goods of Hillary? I am sure there are those that really want Hillary but it seems the bloom is rapidly fading from that rose.

As to the destruction of two parties opening the way for a major third party, I just do not see it. The better solution would be for the libertarians to take over the Republican party while it is being weakened by the establishment.

The biggest problem with hardcore Libertarians is they actually believe they can affect change in a single election and that is delusional. Until Libertarians understand that trhey have to do muych as the communists an socialist have done and take over the party fom the roots at the local level of party precincts and then affect change until the assimilation is complete.

We all know that the establishment Republicans and all democrats want bigger more powerful central government. Convincing even a fraction of them that smaller less intrusive government would be better for all of us as a whole, will be difficult at best. We need to move back to the roots of our Constitution and with it carry the goals of the libertarian way of government.
southtown4488's Avatar
Sanders and Cruz win big in Wisconsin, and neither will get the delegate number required to win the nomination (at least on first ballot in Cruz' case)
cowboy8055's Avatar
Jim, they're giving us an unprecedented opportunity to demolish the two-party Establishment system! If we can take the disaffected voters and unite against them, we could have some genuine change! We might not get another chance! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sounds good but unlikely. More likely we'll morph into a system where one party dominates. This country is becoming more and more entitlement minded. That doesn't bode well for the Reps. Bodes very well for the Dems who are good at promising lots of stuff on the tax payer dime.
bambino's Avatar
Sanders and Cruz win big in Wisconsin, and neither will get the delegate number required to win the nomination (at least on first ballot in Cruz' case) Originally Posted by southtown4488
He has a better chance than Sanders does Assclown.
cowboy8055's Avatar
The Republicans are in such a state of chaos right now, you could beat them with a candy apple. Kasich? He's been roundly rejected everywhere but Ohio. Ryan? He's way too moderate for the great uneducated masses. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Kasich is an odd situation. He's doing horrible in the primaries but he's the only one that beats Hillary. Though I doubt those poles account for low voter turn out should trump people stay home. The Reps only have themselves to blame for this mess.

The Dems have issues as well. The whole Bernie phenomenon shows there's a lot of unhappy Dems that will have to be dealt with. A lot of Dems not happy about being force fed Hillary.
Kasich is an odd situation. He's doing horrible in the primaries but he's the only one that beats Hillary. Though I doubt those poles account for low voter turn out should trump people stay home. The Reps only have themselves to blame for this mess.

The Dems have issues as well. The whole Bernie phenomenon shows there's a lot of unhappy Dems that will have to be dealt with. A lot of Dems not happy about being force fed Hillary. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Everybody talking about the Republcans staying home when the "Establishment" ignores the primaries and gives us another middle of the road moderate so it will be business as usual.

What about the millions of students, gimme gimmes, and the free,free,free crowd feeling totally screwed when the Democrats decide that regardless of how the Primaries come out, ole Bernie ain't gonna be no nominee.