Socked, stunned and pleased

HedonistForever's Avatar
I was just watching the news, YES Fox news, when I heard a CNN interview with Stacey Abrams ( who is saying that she is really the only choice for VP and if she isn't, it would be RACIST ) and Abrams was asked about the allegation of sexual assault by Biden. So, kudos that CNN even asked the question but it was Abrams answer and CNN's response that was so stunning.

Joe Biden's campaign is twisting a New York Times story to defend against the Tara Reade allegations

Shocked right?

On Tuesday night, CNN's Don Lemon asked former Georgia state senator (and potential vice presidential pick) Stacey Abrams about allegations made by a former Senate staffer that Joe Biden had sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s. Here's how she responded (bolding is mine):

"I believe that women deserve to be heard and I believe they need to be listened to, but I also believe that those allegations have to be investigated by credible sources. ... The New York Times did a deep investigation and they found that the accusation was not credible. I believe Joe Biden."
That bolded section about The New York Times finding that Reade's accusation was "not credible" comes directly from talking points being distributed by Biden's campaign, talking points first reported on by BuzzFeed's Ruby Cramer. Here's the specific language from Biden's talking points:
"Biden believes that all women have the right to be heard and to have their claims thoroughly review. In this case, a thorough review by the New York Times has led to the truth: this incident did not happen."

Pretty similar, right? And, no, of course that isn't a coincidence.

Never expected to read that from a CNN piece. Is this an omen for the Biden campaign?

It's also not accurate. Because The New York Times' piece that Abrams referenced with Lemon on Tuesday night -- and which the Biden campaign talking points lean heavily on -- does not, in fact, find that Reade's accusation is either "not credible" (Abrams' words) or that "this incident did not happen" (Biden talking points).
Let's go through what the Times reporting did say.

The piece, headlined "Examining Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden," ran on April 12 -- and was subsequently updated on April 16. The Times spoke with Reade "on multiple days over hours" as well as "nearly two dozen people who worked with Mr. Biden during the early 1990s, including many who worked with Ms. Reade; and the other seven women who criticized Mr. Biden last year, to discuss their experiences with him."
So, it was a comprehensive piece of journalism. And here's what it concluded:

"No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of reporting, nor did any former Biden staff members corroborate any details of Ms. Reade's allegation. The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden."

That is a far different conclusion than simply listening to Abrams or reading the Biden campaign talking points would lead you to believe. What the Times found was not that Reade's allegations were false. They simply did not find any former Biden staffer who confirmed the report.

CNN has reached out to the Biden campaign to ask about BuzzFeed's reporting on the talking points, as well as how they portray the New York Times piece.
In fact, of Reade's allegation, the Times wrote this:

"A friend said that Ms. Reade told her the details of the allegation at the time. Another friend and a brother of Ms. Reade's said she told them over the years about a traumatic sexual incident involving Mr. Biden."

(CNN reported Tuesday that a former neighbor of Reade, Lynda LaCasse, confirmed that Reade told her about the incident in the mid-1990s.)
So, what the Times report says, in sum, is this: Reade's allegations are corroborated by her brother and a friend. Biden denies that accusation, and no one the Times interviewed who does or did work for Biden at that time says they can remember anything like it happening.

The NYT's vice president of communications, Danielle Rhoades Ha, told CNN Wednesday that "BuzzFeed reported on the existence of talking points being circulated by the Biden campaign that inaccurately suggest a New York Times investigation found that Tara Reade's allegation 'did not happen.' Our investigation made no conclusion either way. "

We have two stories from two different sides. The stories are, without a doubt, contradictory. Whether that contradiction is because one side is lying or one side is misremembering is not entirely clear -- and may never be.

THAT is what the Times report says. Biden's campaign is, to put it simply, twisting the report to suggest that Reade's allegations (and the corroboration from her brother and friend) are meaningless because, well, Biden denies it and no former staffer can corroborate it. Again, not accurate.
As I have written before, an allegation like this in the #MeToo era can't be pushed aside with a dismissive denial from an aide or talking points that misconstrue great reporting by the Times. The accusation merits a personal response from Biden. Still.

According to Fox News, about a dozen women's organizations have been asked to comment but have not done so. I can imagine the staff's siting there looking at each other and saying "what the fuck do we do now after being on record that all women should be believed and a thorough investigation must happen"?

In the Kavanaugh case, it was demanded that the FBI do a thorough investigation not just journalist. There is already more corroborating evidence against Biden than there was against Kavanaugh and yet, crickets from women. It doesn't look like even the Left is going to let this story go, the right sure as hell won't. If the FBI should be required to look into an allegation against a nominee for the Supreme Court, shouldn't that also look into the nominee for President? Assuming Biden becomes the nominee. I have no doubt that there are many in the Democrat party who will see this as an excuse to consider nominating someone else.

I read your title and I thought maybe the thread belonged in the realm

stacy abrams and all the dims take the cake

their concern about women is limited solely to its use as a political smokescreen and a political cudgel

abrams concerning kavanaugh: "every woman should be believed"

abrams concerning biden: "I believe joe biden""
matchingmole's Avatar
They do take the cake...and in a few months they will take the Senate and White House also
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Abraham’s is a great pick, she wouldn’t even reel in her home state. This woman doesn’t even have the sense or discipline to not be a fat slob, or go to dentist and take care of that mail slot in her teeth. She could blow John Holmes without opening her mouth.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I read your title and I thought maybe the thread belonged in the realm

stacy abrams and all the dims take the cake

their concern about women is limited solely to its use as a political smokescreen and a political cudgel

abrams concerning kavanaugh: "every woman should be believed"

abrams concerning biden: "I believe joe biden"" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

It is the lying about what the New York Times report said that is the biggest problem for Abrams other than the obvious problems she has.

She either accepted the Democrat talking points of the Biden campaign making her a non serious woman who believes that all women should be believed without any serious thought or she just doesn't care what the truth is, "she's for Joe".

Now in all fairness, I want to make clear, I did the same thing in dismissing allegations against Trump because as Miami's Liberal columnist Leonard Pitts said, "I don't care if the allegations are true against Biden, the election is to important to let Trump win". I said the same thing about letting Hillary win, I couldn't do it.

So I do understand the reason to not care what Biden did, all I want is to hear the women of America say it out loud instead of continuing to lie that they have principles that won't allow them to vote for a sexual predator.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Quite a while ago someone on this forum, someone I believe is a Trump supporter, made one of the most accurate statements ever made on this forum since I've been active on it. Went something like this:

Voters have short memories. On election day the voter will look at the candidates views and actions on major issues -- the economy, health care, immigration, foreign policy, etc. -- and make their decision as for whom to vote based on those issues.

In 2016 at least 24 women accused Trump of inappropriate sexual misbehavior over a 30 year period. Probable impact on the election -- zero. At the time I supported Trump on this issue since not one woman had corroborating evidence. I remember one woman told her family about the alleged incident. Maybe some of the other 23 did the same.

Now a woman, 27 years after the incident, is accusing Biden of inappropriate sexual behavior. No corroborating evidence. Others have come forward saying the woman, Tara Reade, told them about it. Little different from the charges against Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2020, 02:31 PM
HF - well done- Good Sir!!

highlights the hypocrisy of the DPST 's - and of the Georgia woman who think she is the Governor of Georgia.

Goes to show how the possibility of a VP nominee slot will grease the wheels of hypocritical women to support their own interests Uber Alles!!

In Abrams case - give her a full plate at a bottomless buffet - and she is taken care of.
  • oeb11
  • 04-29-2020, 02:35 PM
Quite a while ago someone on this forum, someone I believe is a Trump supporter, made one of the most accurate statements ever made on this forum since I've been active on it. Went something like this:

Voters have short memories. On election day the voter will look at the candidates views and actions on major issues -- the economy, health care, immigration, foreign policy, etc. -- and make their decision as for whom to vote based on those issues.

In 2016 at least 24 women accused Trump of inappropriate sexual misbehavior over a 30 year period. Probable impact on the election -- zero. At the time I supported Trump on this issue since not one woman had corroborating evidence. I remember one woman told her family about the alleged incident. Maybe some of the other 23 did the same.

Now a woman, 27 years after the incident, is accusing Biden of inappropriate sexual behavior. No corroborating evidence. Others have come forward saying the woman, Tara Reade, told them about it. Little different from the charges against Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Take a look back at how Kavanaugh was treated - SR
Not different - Bullshit.

The LSM, the DPST party, and the DNC are doing everthing they can to swee the allegation under the rug - v the "Outrage" of the DPST party at the Kavanaugh allegations - which because they were made by a woman - had to be taken at face value as true.

All that has changed 180 degrees when the allegation is against the putative DPST nominee.

I have lost respect for you as an individual who would debate on issues.

You have made it clear You endorse the DPST Hypocrisy to its fullest.

I am disgusted.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Take a look back at how Kavanaugh was treated - SR
Not different - Bullshit.

The LSM, the DPST party, and the DNC are doing everthing they can to swee the allegation under the rug - v the "Outrage" of the DPST party at the Kavanaugh allegations - which because they were made by a woman - had to be taken at face value as true.

All that has changed 180 degrees when the allegation is against the putative DPST nominee.

I have lost respect for you as an individual who would debate on issues.

You have made it clear You endorse the DPST Hypocrisy to its fullest.

I am disgusted. Originally Posted by oeb11
Sorry you feel that way. I believe I am treating Trump and Biden exactly the same. Innocent until proven guilty. I think you forget how Trump supporters treated the sexual allegations made against him back in 2016.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Quite a while ago someone on this forum, someone I believe is a Trump supporter, made one of the most accurate statements ever made on this forum since I've been active on it. Went something like this:

Voters have short memories. On election day the voter will look at the candidates views and actions on major issues -- the economy, health care, immigration, foreign policy, etc. -- and make their decision as for whom to vote based on those issues.

In 2016 at least 24 women accused Trump of inappropriate sexual misbehavior over a 30 year period. Probable impact on the election -- zero. At the time I supported Trump on this issue since not one woman had corroborating evidence. I remember one woman told her family about the alleged incident. Maybe some of the other 23 did the same.

Good, glad to hear it

Now a woman, 27 years after the incident, is accusing Biden of inappropriate sexual behavior. No corroborating evidence. Others have come forward saying the woman, Tara Reade, told them about it. Little different from the charges against Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

True but you seem to be missing the point. The point is hypocrisy. Do you see or do you not see the difference between how the Democrats savaged Trump and Kavanaugh and how they now want to given Biden a pass? It is one thing to overlook the allegations and vote party when there was no final verdict after due process. I understand that. I did that, but I'm not a hypocrite because I never said all women must be believed and then only applied it to the party I favored. That is what is happening now.

To say that all women must be believed and then fail to apply that when it comes for your guy, that makes one a hypocrite.To call for an investigation of Trump and Kavanaugh but not Biden is blatant hypocrisy that can not be defended or do you not agree?

Remember the actress Ayllsa Milano who sat in the gallery during the Kavanaugh hearing? She believed Ford even though there was no corroborating evidence. On the Biden complaint, she first said she believed Biden when he said he didn't do it. Now she is back tracking a bit with this statement.

“I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder. I hear and see you, Tara. #MeToo,” Milano tweeted Tuesday.

"I hear you and see you Tara". Notice what she left out? "I believe you". Isn't that what all of the METOO ladies agreed to? To believe any and all women who come forth? Now I never said that so I can't be accused of being a hypocrite.

So let me ask you, "do you see the hypocrisy", the dilemma the Democrats have put themselves in?

I think most Democrats will indeed ignore this and concentrate on issues just like I did but I'll bet the Bernie Sanders people won't be so forgiving. You know the actress that supported Bernie? Susan Sarandon.

The tweet follows that of another Hollywood star, Susan Sarandon, who also signaled her support for Reade.
Sarandon, who supported Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders's now-ended White House bid, tweeted out a story on Saturday from the Intercept regarding the credibility of Tara Reade's accusation that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. The headline of the piece read, “New evidence supporting credibility Of Tara Reade’s allegation against Joe Biden emerges.

I see cracks forming. The only way out of this for the women of the Democrat party, is to say "it doesn't matter, we must defeat Trump". They won't say it out loud of course. Let's see if they get away with it.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey Mister Full of Himself !
You flatter yourself to think anyone would want or care about your Respect.
Are you really so deluded to think there is debate on issues on this board?
With Chump supporters ?
Chumpsters are actually on here blaming everyone they can for their dumbshit Pres.
Chumpsters need the help - I'm not the one defending him.

It's your boy Chump (I know you like that) that was musing on TV at the podium about disinfectants and light.
Not mine !!
Did you adopt an indignant and smug stance when you let us know you are disgusted ?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
True but you seem to be missing the point. The point is hypocrisy. Do you see or do you not see the difference between how the Democrats savaged Trump and Kavanaugh and how they now want to given Biden a pass? It is one thing to overlook the allegations and vote party when there was no final verdict after due process. I understand that. I did that, but I'm not a hypocrite because I never said all women must be believed and then only applied it to the party I favored. That is what is happening now.

To say that all women must be believed and then fail to apply that when it comes for your guy, that makes one a hypocrite. To call for an investigation of Trump and Kavanaugh but not Biden is blatant hypocrisy that can not be defended or do you not agree?

Remember the actress Ayllsa Milano who sat in the gallery during the Kavanaugh hearing? She believed Ford even though there was no corroborating evidence. On the Biden complaint, she first said she believed Biden when he said he didn't do it. Now she is back tracking a bit with this statement.

"I hear you and see you Tara". Notice what she left out? "I believe you". Isn't that what all of the METOO ladies agreed to? To believe any and all women who come forth? Now I never said that so I can't be accused of being a hypocrite.

So let me ask you, "do you see the hypocrisy", the dilemma the Democrats have put themselves in?

I think most Democrats will indeed ignore this and concentrate on issues just like I did but I'll bet the Bernie Sanders people won't be so forgiving. You know the actress that supported Bernie? Susan Sarandon.

I see cracks forming. The only way out of this for the women of the Democrat party, is to say "it doesn't matter, we must defeat Trump". They won't say it out loud of course. Let's see if they get away with it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

I have said it before -- every allegation of sexual misconduct whether in the public or private sector must be investigated with equality. That is no way hypocritical.

The allegations against Trump, Kavanaugh, and Biden all come down to "he-said, she-said" and I don't see how at the current time Biden will be found any more guilty than Trump or Kavanaugh.

The allegations against Biden are being covered by all the news media -- BBC, Washington Post, NY Times, Forbes, NY Post, CNN, VOX, The Hill, Elle, CBS News, NBC News, Business Insider, USA Today, Vanuty Fair, PBS, The Guardian, The Nation, National Review, Politico, Jacobin, Boston Herald, The Economist -- in either the last few days or since mid-April. Some favorable for Biden and some unfavorable.

I do disagree with your statement "The only way out of this for the women of the Democrat party, is to say "it doesn't matter, we must defeat Trump"."

I think they should say exactly what I said in my first paragraph in this post.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey a Chumpster for the MeToo movement. How refreshing.
I'm with you on this HF.
I think this woman thing will be the deciding factor in the election.

I don't think voters will care much about
1.Probably over 30 million people losing their jobs,their medical insurance,their homes.
2.No telling how many businesses lost that won't come back.
3.So many people affected by the virus who got seriously ill or died or had loved ones to die.
4.All the workers who will have suffered on the front lines.
5.Or the backlash to come when it becomes evident of the Screwing working people are getting from this Bailout with most of it benefiting big companies and Corporations and our children and grandchildren will be burdened with horrendous debt.
6.That they couldn't get unemployment benefits (that were talked about and sold to us).
7.The banks aren't cutting any slack on mortgages.Landlords neither on rents.

These people are Millions of voters,but I don't think any of them will care about these issues,they will primarily be focused on women's rights.

And I can understand you being mortified by the Hypocrisy on this Biden woman thing cause it certainly is paramount to what else is going on.

Really I'm just being Very Sarcastic !!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden is innocent of these clearly politically motivated allegations!

his defense is airtight!!!

innocent by senility. the turd simply can't remember doing it.

They do take the cake...and in a few months they will take the Senate and White House also Originally Posted by matchingmole
Stacy Abrams will eat the cake before they can take it.