What happened to AlongCameHoney(Kira Sweets)?


I don't get on much, and I am on ourhome2 more if I do research or interact. I can't seem to find a general discussion on that site. I am not sure if this is where I post this question or not.

Last Friday, I was finally planning to contact Kira Sweets after a long time of thinking about it, and seeing her many amazing reviews that had me infatuated. It would have been my first time meeting her. I called Friday and it went straight to voicemail. Text did not work. No response. The automated woman on the voicemail sounded like it could have been a hotel or some random place. Basically, it seemed different than a usual voicemail. So my next option was to contact Maxxi Roxx, and I met her and had an amazing night. Best body ever. Beautiful and intelligent woman. Great conversations.

I am still curious. Kira Sweet's most recent activity on ourhome2 is December 08, 2020. She actually responded to a message I sent months before December 08, and she is cool. I did more research and noticed her twitter account was suspended, or "temporarily unavailable." Her most recent post there is December 04, 2020. I don't have a twitter, so I don't know how it works. I would think they only suspended the account because of something political or violent, because I have seen plenty of girls' twitter accounts with nudity that are not suspended.

So what happened to Kira Sweets? Does anyone know? Is she on hiatus? I hope nothing bad happened. Some people say I tend to overthink things, but I am always curious.

Nevermind. Someone answered my question for me in private message. I know what happened.
Hi do u mind sharing what happened? I also saw her few times pre pandemic..trying to get back in touch

noticed her twitter account was suspended, or "temporarily unavailable."

dormGE Originally Posted by dormGE

Seems like everyones twit ter account X was suspended
TinMan's Avatar
This thread is almost three years old. He may have had a change of heart since then, but it doesn’t sound like a story he wanted to share at the time.
Helicool's Avatar
Her Tryst profile under Kira Sweets shows her active yesterday and shops at Legacy as a location