I was at the grocery store and they have that rack by the door with the free real estate listings books, the Greensheet, the little neighborhood newspapers and a stack of Yellow Pages.
I can't remember the last time I had a Yellow Pages or White Pages or any kind of phone book in my home or seen one. I want to say it's been at least 15 years.
Anyway, so I open it and turn to Escort and they still have escort listings.
Has anyone ever call those Escort phone # in the olden days before the internet and smart cell phones and had any luck with them where you actually gotten a pretty girl with skills and good attitude ?
In the 1990's to 2000's I used to call the phone # in the classified section of the free Houston Press newspaper publication, which is the same as the Dallas Observer.
I remember one time in 1998 I asked for a blonde girl and they sent a Mexican girl, not fat, a bit thick, and she turned out to be a wild one.
I even had her come back by several more times until one day she told me she was moving to Missouri. What the fuck is in Missouri.
Or go to Vegas in the 1980's to 2000's and they have all those sex newspapers advertising 976 phone # and escort girls and the girl that shows up doesn't even look half as close as the ones in the photos.
By the way, the Bombshells listed in in one of the Yellow Pages screenshot below is the same Bombshells breastaurant next to Silver City, both owned by Rick's.