Is anyone getting just a little worried, if not really concerned, about all of this hot weather with no break?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I need a cool day. Seriously. The heat is just getting to me. Houses aren't getting cooled down. The yard looks horrible and I just hate to waste water right now. Can't really let the animals stay outside because it's just way too hot. My body is just screaming for some moderate weather or at least, some rain.

Is anyone else starting to get worried about this record heat wave? And tomorrow is supposed to be upwards of 110 degrees. It's almost scary to me. I looked at the ten day forecast on the weather channel and there doesn't seem to be a break in sight.


cptjohnstone's Avatar
just hope for a real big hurricane in the gulf

I am not looking forward to my next electric bill
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Last February's ice and snow storm was bothersome enough. My electric bill was, literally, three times higher than normal. But it was my wrong thinking that maybe as a result, we would have a more temperate summer.


I don't remember it being so hot and for so long. This is a record breaking heat for many areas of the country but when is it going to break?

Ugh! I can hardly wait for fall!!!
Her name is Emily, and the odds look iffy as to whether she'll make it into the gulf.

Find cool things to do to fill your day, Elizabeth. Kill 2 hours in a movie, go to the museum, hang out at a Cold Stone Creamery and then cruise the seafood/meat dept of Whole Foods. If that doesn't work, head for Colorado.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I need a cool day. Seriously. The heat is just getting to me. Houses aren't getting cooled down. The yard looks horrible and I just hate to waste water right now. Can't really let the animals stay outside because it's just way too hot. My body is just screaming for some moderate weather or at least, some rain.

Is anyone else starting to get worried about this record heat wave? And tomorrow is supposed to be upwards of 110 degrees. It's almost scary to me. I looked at the ten day forecast on the weather channel and there doesn't seem to be a break in sight.


Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I'm REALLY tired of this weather too. I have video calls with my business partners in San Francisco every day and I see them wearing long sleeved sweaters and suffering from colds. Temperature during the day is mid-60s. Pisses me off!

A couple of hints for my fellow sufferers who live in private homes...

1. Try to keep your air-conditioning units shaded without constricting air flow. When the sun is on them, they're fighting both the inside and outside temps.

2. Hose the A/C units down or put a small sprinkler on them with just a trickle of water flow during the hottest part of the day. Don't worry about water on the unit... remember, these things sit outside through rain and snow all year. You'll get a 10-15% boost in effectiveness if you do this.

3. If you have a large exposed brick wall that soaks in the sun at the hottest part of the day, hose it down as soon as the sun is off it. This will take the heat out of the bricks that would have otherwise radiated into your house for hours. Don't bother cooling it while the sun is on it... it will dry and heat up again within minutes of drying. This is not worth doing under normal weather conditions but can help a lot during 109F heat waves like we're facing this week.

4. Go to Costco and take your time selecting fresh produce in the cold storage room!

Good luck all...

I am REALLY looking forward to this Thursday and feeling a 50 degree difference between good ol' Dallas' 109 and Anchorages' 59 degrees. Just think, I'll need a jacket.
Bloodhound's Avatar
Please take Elisabeth with you.
lest we all not forget, last year at this time was 103-105F....ok, maybe not for 30 days, but it was that hot. The temps are climbing higher this year because we have very dry air (20-25% humidity). No matter what, it will get cooler, days are shorter, the angle of the Sun is changing in relationship to the Northern Hemisphere. The La Nina in the Pacific is having an affect and most likely will continue through Dec/Jan. Which means we should have a warmer/dryer Fall and early winter. Folks along the West Coast will tell you it's been a cool Summer....nature is a b*tch
Just turn up the ac, get a few fans turning and stay NAKED!
wolfking1212's Avatar
I heard on the radio this morning that meteorologists are saying it may be October before we get a good break from the heat.
cheatercheater's Avatar
There is so much more associated with this super hot dry spell than just heat. Have you seen the lake levels falling quickly? Have you seen the scorched crops in the fields? Prices will be affected later this summer into early fall.

One problem I have is getting enough hay to feed all my horses. No rain means no production. Used to be we could buy from Oklahoma or other Midwestern states. They are all in drought conditions this year as well. Anyone want a horse??
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I hear you. I feel for the livestock.

Plus, one of my complaints is this can really affect your personal health. About ten days ago, I caught just a simple stomach bug. It happens. What should have been three days staying indoors and just not seeing clients and drinking plenty of fluids has turned into a week ordeal.

I'm just really getting over it.

And the heat is horrible for those folks who are weak to begin with and need to do even simple errands. I'm lucky because in a way, although I always need to be working, if I don't work for a few days it's not a great thing but I'm always fine.

Getting out and HAVING to work, especially if this heat is involved, well I don't know how people are accomplishing it. Just considering people working construction in this environment is unimaginable.

My AC broke and I am not alone....when I was checking into the hotel the lady in front of me was there for the same reason and the clerk told me he had checked in at least 9 other families with broke AC's. Let me think....setting here with a broke AC waiting for the repair guy to come so I can give him all of my hobby money...yep I pretty much hate the extended hot weather.
  • Oppa
  • 08-03-2011, 06:26 AM
cruise the seafood/meat dept of Whole Foods
Or better yet, the produce section at Costco.

About ten days ago, I caught just a simple stomach bug. It happens. What should have been three days staying indoors and just not seeing clients and drinking plenty of fluids has turned into a week ordeal.
It is a good idea in this heat to constantly have a water bottle with you and hydrate much more than normal. I've been drinking close to twice the amount of water than I normally do, and I've actually felt my energy levels incrase. Dehydration can creep up on us.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was in Vegas around this time last year and of course, that place is HOT. I was always drinking water. But for me, currently, all that I'm reading about are places in west Texas are getting bone dry and well ... just SOME relief would be welcomed.

I know that complaining about the heat isn't going to make it go away but when I was on the phone with my friend from Pittsburg last night and he was complaining about it reaching into the low 90's, I had to smile at myself.


It's insufferable.