Is this site no longer for escorts to actually meet clients anymore like how do we do that here I've been on this site since 2016 but the last year has been rough because I can't use this specific site this is where I'm at on the clients and our home to ain't really popping so can someone let me know what my best options are or if they'll ever allow us to start posting on this site again
lol why? Because I speak the truth?
It’s all there read it for yourself.
Hookers are a mere after thought on the site, it was never created for you... you’re just allowed the privilege.
I have more years and knowledge than you do
Ummm . . .I am with the OP. The ability to search the Provider Showcase database was an often used tool for me.
The old AD sections were too. Seems like we have returned to thhe 1990s and earlier in terms of figuring out who is an active provider. I am an older Hobbyist and avoid FaceBook, Twitter, and all the other trendy social outlets, so the current situation is likiting my ability to git-'er-done.